(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Lucifer is arguably one of the most hated and reviled characters in history. Lucifer is cited as the reason Eve ate the apple. Lucifer is worshiped by the dark occult, and is the antagonist of major religions. But as those who have walked far on their path toward truth and knowledge realize, there’s always more to the story.
Lucifer etymologically breaks down into two words: light bearer. Light, symbolically is associated with knowledge, wisdom, and truth. Bearer simply refers to one who holds or carries. Thus, the literal meaning of the term Lucifer is one who holds true knowledge, and shares it with others. It also means one who holds knowledge, as a kind of steward.
Given this meaning, anyone who holds or transmits true knowledge, is embodying the Lucifer archetype. But what the definition doesn’t speak to is what kind of knowledge.
Generally, knowledge is amoral—it isn’t good or bad. It’s how knowledge is used in life that determines if something is good or bad, right or wrong.
The dark Luciferian cults of this world, populated by elite power players and immoral individuals, seek knowledge and use it against the people, to maintain their power. This knowledge encompasses a wide range of topics, particularly, true psychology, law, and science.
Related What We Need to Know about the Dark Occultists and Satanists Running Our Institutions — Mark Passio
The term occult refers to things that are hidden. Dark Luciferian’s are also called dark occultists because they hide information from the general population so they can use it against them. They worship a dark version of Lucifer, the archetype, not the mythical figure, organizing their dark religion around a concept of darkness symbolized by a black sun wreathed in flame, not unlike the Eye of Sauron from the Lord of the Rings films.
As the following well researched and articulated article describes, pouring through the contemporary and historical usages of the Lucifer concept is quite the adventure. As you’ll discover, it’s not so easy to blindly paint the idea of Lucifer as totally bad. That being said, the article and my introduction here is not an attempt to convert people into worshiping Lucifer
Consider that the pure version of the archetype is that of a light-bearer, one who holds and shares true knowledge. There are some who act within the definition of Lucifer, but who aren’t evil or bad. Thus, this exploration of the Lucifer archetype serves as a good exercise for contending with personal prejudice.
Generally speaking, when we encounter things in life that we find reprehensible or bad, we avoid them. We avoid learning about them because we rest our conclusions on whatever we do know, usually marked by intense negative emotions. But from a truth seeking and ethical perspective, we should look deeper than surface level assessments. Sometimes your first impression of something is wrong, and if you didn’t look beyond it, you’d have missed something big.
As such, while I agree that the dark Lucifer concept is arguably bad and has been used to do negative things in this world, learning about it and the grander concept helps provide me greater knowledge. And with knowledge comes power, specifically, the power to be more moral because I’ve integrated my shadow.
So while it might seem strange to review these concepts, know that in the act of learning about these things, you provide yourself the knowledge you need to make moral choices.
In this sense, moral action doesn’t take place in ignorance. A true moral choice comes from understanding why something is bad or wrong, and choosing to do otherwise despite any temptations.
In other words, one cannot be truly moral if they do not spend time understanding the shadow as well as the light.
– Justin
(Richard Enos) Of all subjects to venture into, writing about Lucifer could be among the most contentious of them all. Many readers will likely come into the discussion with pre-conceived notions and emotional triggers that are difficult to lay aside, even just for the amount of time it takes to read this article. But put them aside we must, if we are to have a fruitful conversation.
by Richard Enos, June 15th, 2018
I am not out to convince anybody about an opinion. I am out to elaborate upon an understanding of who and what Lucifer is that I find best explains the entire body of information that is out there about him. Further, this explanation resonates the most with the paradigm I currently hold about spirituality and my understanding about why we are here on the planet at this time.
Some of my information comes from a forum thread between a self-proclaimed “generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family,” and forum members who pose questions to the person going under the moniker ‘Hidden-Hand.’ I found this information particularly, ahem, illuminating.
A general understanding that I work with about our life here on the planet is that we have incarnated into this ‘3rd density’ reality to evolve, individually and collectively, to the 4th and higher densities. David Wilcock and others speak about our ascension into the 4th density as an event that was slated around the end of the Mayan calendar in December 2012, and remains imminent, as he speaks about in his book The Ascension Mysteries.
This ascension of our individual and group souls, unfolding in accordance with astrological cycles that our solar system is tied into, is the quintessential spiritual ‘movement’ of all sentient beings in our universe, whether they are focusing on their own advances up through the densities, ending in a return to oneness with the supreme creator, or holding themselves back by choice to help other beings rise out of those lower densities. This is the ‘game’ that has been set up, to give life its vitality, direction, and purpose.
A very simple way to explain how ‘Creation’ works within this context will help in our understanding of who Lucifer is. Basically, the one ‘Supreme Creator’ did not create all there is as such. The one ‘Supreme Creator’ created many ‘sub-creators.’ A sub-creator (also known as a ‘logos’) could then create ‘sub-sub-creators.’ In other words, there is something of a hierarchy or ‘chain’ of creation that goes from the unmanifest ‘Supreme Creator’ all the way down to us as individual souls, who are also ‘creators’ in our own right. Simply stated, there are creator-beings who are creators of planets, suns, galaxies, and even universes.
When asked who directly created us, Hidden-Hand replies thusly:
Your Creator, the one you have called ‘Yahweh’, is not “God” inasmuch as your bible refers to him as being “the One True God”. He is ‘a’ Creator (or Sub-Sub-Logos) rather than the One Infinite Creator. He is not even a Galactic level Logos, but rather, is the Planetary Logos for this one planet.
Stay with me now. If we can entertain the possibility that creation is multi-leveled, and that at the ‘planetary’ level the ‘creator’ of a planet has free will to create as they choose, then the stories we hear from the book of Genesis take on far more meaning. Apparently, Yahweh decided to create a nice planet that was somewhat of a paradise, because essentially evil didn’t exist there and the human beings lived in a state of reverence and obedience towards Yahweh, who was providing humans all they needed.
Nonetheless, in the absence of conflict, challenge, or stress, neither the humans nor Yahweh himself were evolving towards reunion with ‘Supreme Creator,’ which as we previously mentioned is the ‘game’ that we all signed up for. Humans did not have any ‘free will’ because in the absence of evil in their world things were ‘all good’ and they had nothing to choose from.
Enter Lucifer.
According to Hidden-Hand, Lucifer (the ‘light-bearer’) is an advanced 6th-density being (or ‘group soul’) that agreed to descend into 3rd density on planet Earth to provide the ‘context’ by which human beings could experience free choice. That context was made possible by the introduction of ‘evil.’ In the face of ‘evil’ humans would for the first time be able to choose ‘good’ over something else.
Hidden-Hand describes how polarity and the presence of evil first came into mankind’s experience:
Yahweh agreed that we would introduce the concept of Free Will to Earth’s inhabitants, by offering them an initial choice, as to whether they ‘wanted’ it or not. Hence, “The Tree of the Knowledge of ‘Good and Evil’” (or more accurately, the Knowledge of Polarity, of Positive or Negative).
Yahweh takes his inhabitants to a new ‘garden’ and tells them you can do anything you like, except this one thing, thus creating the desire to do the one thing there are told they cannot. Hence, a “Choice”. We provide the Catalyst by telling them the benefits of attaining Knowledge, they eat from the tree, and the rest is history.
Hence Lucifer ‘tempts’ humanity into polarity, as polarity is the one context through which knowledge can be acquired. In essence, Lucifer has agreed to play a very challenging role on our planet in order to be a catalyst for our evolution into the higher densities.
Not An Endorsement Of Luciferianism
If you are still with me, you undoubtedly agree that conversations like this require a high level of discernment between what is being said and what is not being said. While Lucifer has so far been characterized as a highly evolved bringer of light and knowledge, for example, there has been no support given to the principles or the practice of Luciferianism or the ‘Luciferian Doctrine.’ I hope you will rejoin me when we deal with those concepts in Part 2.
About The Author
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
Riox Frosher says
This article makes the point that I have been contemplating for quite some time. That Lucifer was merely the “angel” that was chosen or chose on his own to descend into the denser realm of 3D to initiate duality. Much like we have created our own ego, it is merely there for our own personal duality. Lucifer is for the COLLECTIVE duality. How he has been seen has been the choice of individuals and it has been guided by interpretation of the scriptures to see him as negative. He/She has always been and always will be from the same Source as ourselves. He chose a challenging role much like we do…
ioan says
Pure bs otherwise a great site(wen u talk about God,u have to have Faith,theres nothing like Him,n no others ,,gods,,,u lost ur minds!)
Duane Quinn says
I have always had obtuse thoughts that this article conveys since I was a kid…..Anyone who is offended by this is one of those deranged bible drones…..
NHNEC says
Yahweh: Judaism’s Kabbalah are based on the teachings given by the Yahweh Collective located on Saturn and they are a part of the NAA groups consortium of Archons.
History of the Yahweh Matrix: https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Yahweh#History_of_the_Yahweh_Matrix