(Ryan DeLarme) It’s been another fun week under the Biden administration, we’ve seen the White House cut the alleged president’s live feed to prevent him going off-script twice in one week, the release of COVID positive migrants into the U.S. interior despite COVID fear-mongering, John Soloman claiming that a Comey Era FBI exec is now a cooperating witness in the Durham probe, and a failed attempt by ABC to drum up controversy with a “March 4th” capitol event that turned out to be a huge dud.
by Ryan Delarme, March 9th, 2021
First off, if you haven’t seen the awkwardness of Biden’s own live streams being cut short to keep him from floundering then you should check out the videos below. These videos could be seen as further proof that Biden is likely not in charge, merely a figurehead. They also display our president’s inability to speak from the heart, everything he says either gibberish or poor attempts at pandering to the left’s cult of personality. Maybe this is why they don’t want him to answer any questions or give a State of the Union Address.
The first instance occurred on Wednesday:
BIDEN: "I'm happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do…"
*White House feed cut* pic.twitter.com/y5BHhgXWOB
— The First (@TheFirstonTV) March 3, 2021
And again on Friday:
Despite this blunder, the Democrats had a big win this week as they’ve succeeded in pushing Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion bill through a divided senate on a strict party-line vote. The all-night session saw Democrats battling among themselves over jobless aid and the Republican minority failing to push through some three dozen amendments. Of course, the most marketed aspect is that they just really want “Americans to get relief checks” which is true so long as they can siphon off their fill, create a precedent for the baseline spending claiming anything less will be framed as a drastic and immoral “spending cut”, not to mention the whole thing reads like a Progressive wish list.
With the pandemic likely to recede, the best stimulus will be a return to normalcy, accompanied by a handful of narrow, targeted bills designed to assist those who were the most adversely affected by the government-induced shutdowns.
In other pandemic-related news, we have Biden referring to the Texas and Mississippi Governor’s decision to relax their COVID restrictions as “Neanderthal thinking” while releasing crowds of COVID positive migrants into the US interior.
Before we continue I’d like to remind everyone of the CDC survival rates.
New COVID-19 survival rates per CDC:
0-19: 99.997%
20-49: 99.98%
50-69: 99.5%
70 & over: 94.6%AMAZING NEWS!
— Dr. David Samadi (@drdavidsamadi) September 24, 2020
Would Biden have received any votes if he campaigned on welcoming and releasing COVID-positive migrants into the U.S. without quarantining them first? I wonder…
A Noticias Telemundo Investiga report picked up by NBC News tells the stunning tale of the COVID obsessed Biden administration turning loose COVID positive migrants on the nation (excerpt):
BROWNSVILLE, Texas — Miriam Izaguirre, a 35-year-old asylum-seeker from Honduras, crossed the Rio Grande at dawn Monday with her young son and turned herself in to the authorities.
A few hours later she was released, and the first thing she did was take a rapid test for Covid-19 at the Brownsville bus station. They told her her test came out positive.
“Right now we were tested for Covid and they separated about eight of us because we were positive,” she told Noticias Telemundo Investiga. “We are waiting right now.” She was waiting to catch a bus to Houston.
Other migrant families who also said they had tested positive were waiting to go to other destinations: North Carolina, Maryland and New Jersey.
The city of Brownsville administers these rapid tests at the bus station, after migrant families are released by the Border Patrol. A spokesperson for Brownsville confirmed that, since they began doing these tests Jan. 25, 108 migrants have tested positive for Covid-19, which is 6.3 percent of those who took the test.
…Several of the asylum-seekers who tested positive told Noticias Telemundo Investiga they were planning to leave Brownsville for their destinations; one of them bought a bus ticket for the journey.
Eva Orellana, 29, who is from Honduras and who tested positive, said she was going to take the bus to North Carolina with her 3-year-old daughter. “On the way, we were wearing a mask all the time, gel, washing our hands,” she said. “Really, I don’t feel anything.”
…The last few weeks has seen an increase in the number of families who have been allowed to enter the U.S. and continue their quest for asylum, as Noticias Telemundo Investiga has verified.
The Truth About the Border
The Border has been a hot topic amongst ill-informed folks who live nowhere near said border and have little understanding of the situation. Certain aspects provided without proper context were used in the last election cycle to lend fuel to the “Trump’s a racist” smear campaign. Many people still believe that he is indeed a racist despite having the highest minority numbers of any GOP candidate in the last 60 years.
The big talking point was the “kids in cages” angle, which many on the left ate up without question. It was such a popular topic that AOC took advantage of the situation with a dramatic photo op where she cried over an empty parking lot. Biden decided to use the situation against Trump in the debates, to which Trump replied “Who built the cages, Joe?”.
The smear began with alleged “leaked” photographs of the alleged “kids in cages”. Establishment politicians, the press, and eager Twitter personalities jumped on these accusations, spreading them far and wide despite a few neglected details, namely the fact that pictures being touted as proof of Trump’s racism were actually taken in 2014 during the Obama/Biden administration.
Check the dates on these tweets (also note that they haven’t been deleted and maintain their blue checkmark):
Take a look at these photos. #WhereAreOurChildren https://t.co/OZRG6YIXJB
— Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) May 27, 2018
Showing immigrant children being held in what's basically a kennel. https://t.co/1RuYWy6UaI
— T. Christian Miller (@txtianmiller) May 27, 2018
The story these activists linked to was a 2018 article at Arizona Central, which contained photos from 2014 – under the Obama administration.
This is just one example of how things are presented out of context and misrepresented with the intention of invoking an emotional reaction.
Today, the Biden administration is holding hundreds of unaccompanied minors in border detention facilities after a major surge in migrants. On Friday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed that the Biden administration is accepting the unaccompanied minors at migrant detention facilities, despite Biden’s insistence that these kids all came with their parents, and were subsequently torn from them.
CNN's Jeremy Diamond frets to Jen Psaki at the White House press briefing that Biden's
"rhetoric and some of this policies may have, as well intentioned as they may have been, inadvertently contributed to the rise in migrants that we're seeing at the border" pic.twitter.com/mq60zoDxj5— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) March 5, 2021
On Thursday, Axios obtained documents that reveal the child migrant crisis is escalating under Biden.
“Fresh internal documents from the Department of Health and Human Services show how quickly the number of child migrants crossing the border is overwhelming the administration’s stretched resources,”
“In the week ending March 1, the Border Patrol referred to HHS custody an average of 321 children per day, according to documents obtained by Axios. That’s up from a weekly average of 203 in late January and early February — and just 47 per day during the first week of January,”
In February, Axios had also reported that the children were being held for days.
“The current backup is yet another sign of a brewing crisis for President Biden — and a worsening dilemma for these vulnerable children,” Axios said. “Biden is finding it’s easier to talk about preventing warehousing kids at the southern border than solving the problem.”
“Of the more than 700 kids waiting to be transferred to shelters overseen by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, more than 200 had been held in these Border Patrol stations for more than 48 hours,” the report said.
“Nine had been detained for longer than the agreed-upon limit of 72 hours, according to the internal document, which timestamped the data current as of 8:15 a.m. on Feb. 21.”
At a February 24th press conference, Jen Psaki confirmed children had been held four or five days and even longer.
The Washington Examiner’s Tiana Lower highlights that Biden’s reversal of Trump diplomacy is exacerbating the child detention crisis.
“Trump’s supporters had hoped that recent surges in border crossings would be stopped with the building of a wall,” Lowe wrote. “In fact, Trump’s more effective tool was diplomacy. By negotiating safe-third-country agreements and getting Mexico to crack down on caravans, Trump reduced the number of border encounters reported by Border Patrol — they plummeted to their lowest point since the beginning of Trump’s presidency in mid-2020. Reported encounters from May 2019 to April of the following year fell by 88%.”
Furthermore, the Biden policy runs directly contrary to the administration’s purported concern about spreading COVID.
“So, amid a global pandemic, Immigration and Customs Enforcement says that we’re set to see a deluge of migrants the size of which we haven’t experienced in “over 20 years.” Lowe continued, citing Dana Loesch elsewhere. “And, whereas a negative COVID-19 test is required for entry to the U.S. via air travel, Border Patrol has been releasing migrants into the country without any tests at all.”
“Customs and Border Protection predicts at least 117,000 unaccompanied minors will cross into the U.S. this year,” Townhall editor Katie Pavlich reported.
That’s going to be a lot of “kids in cages.”
The Battle of Maricopa County
Maricopa County in Arizona was one of the most controversial and contested counties from the 2020 presidential elections. An entire investigative drama could be produced from the events in this one county alone, we will do our best to provide a rundown on all that has occurred.
The first hint that something fishy was going on came out amidst the election polling after Arizona AG Mark Brnovich received hundreds of complaints from voters about sharpie markers being used at polling stations, creating faulty ballots.
We have received hundreds of voter complaints regarding Sharpies at polling locations. Accordingly, we sent this letter to Maricopa County election officials. Let's get some answers. Read our letter here: https://t.co/c6FSFZiNj7 pic.twitter.com/HnZ16UTTrs
— Mark Brnovich (@GeneralBrnovich) November 4, 2020
Many have speculated that a high percentage of Republican voters in the area prompted the use of sharpies as a way to “over-vote” rendering the ballots useless and canceling the votes.
“We have received hundreds of voter complaints regarding Sharpies at polling locations,” said Brnovich. “Accordingly, we sent this letter to Maricopa County election officials. Let’s get some answers.”
In the letter, Arizona Deputy Solicitor General Michael Catlett said the election board must answer his questions by Nov. 5. He wants to know which voting centers provided the sharpies and where they are located. More importantly, he wants to know how many ballots at those centers were rejected because of over-votes – mainly the ink from the sharpie leaked onto the backside of the ballot.
“Were the ballot tabulation machines utilized at voting centers on Election Day programmed to reject over-voted ballots,” he asked. He also asked the Maricopa County Election board what the process is for canceling a voter’s ballot? If a ballot is reflected as “canceled” on the Secretary of State’s website, what does that mean for the voter?”
Read the full letter here.
Related Arizona Ag Opens Probe into Voter Sharpie Complaints in Maricopa County
About a month goes by and we see many other counties across the nation starting to show signs of election fraud despite the press’ insistence that there wasn’t any. Arizona federal officials raided the home of 56-year-old IT expert, Elliot Kerwin in Maricopa County, AZ on December 4th. During their raid, agents confiscate eight hard drives, three computers, and a bag of USB sticks.
According to The Gateway Pundit- The agents were looking for evidence of a cyberattack on an unnamed organization and stolen voter data.
Forbes reported:
On the morning of November 5, as the 2020 election hung in the balance, Arizona federal agents raided a two-story house in Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, a county that had become a key battleground in the presidential race. The agents were looking for evidence of a cyberattack on an unnamed organization and stolen voter data. They left with eight hard drives, three computers and a bag of USB sticks. The resident of the property, a 56-year-old IT expert named Elliot Kerwin, was served the warrant. He is not yet facing charges and was unreachable for comment at the time of publication. There is no indication that anything other than voters’ information, which can be acquired for a few hundred dollars in Arizona counties, was taken from the affected office.
The warrant, discovered by Forbes this week, reveals investigators have been looking into a computer intrusion at an unnamed “victim office,” which occurred from October 21 to November 4. At the Kerwin residence, they were looking for any evidence within the seized computers that showed they’d been used to access the IT network at the office, as well as “protected voters’ information” and any indication that it had been disseminated to other people.
Of the 15 county recorder’s offices contacted by Forbes about the investigation, only one, Maricopa County, confirmed voter data had been stolen, noting that a federal investigation was under way. The Maricopa County Recorder’s office, which is just 30 minutes’ drive south from Kerwin’s home, did not confirm whether or not the investigation was the same as that referred to in the search warrant.
From AZ Central
According to the warrant, investigators were looking for records, information, and communications related to the offices:
- Login credentials and accounts.
- Voter registration records and information, including protected voters’ information.
- The transfer, sharing or dissemination of voter registration records and information, including protected voters’ information.
- Unauthorized access to the office’s website and computer systems.
- Attempts or threats to damage computer systems.
In addition, it was revealed that the county used the controversial DOMINION machines to tally the votes, which is what caused the Republican Electors to start taking further action. We did a deep dive on the DOMINION servers that is essential reading if you hope to understand what went foul with this last election.
Related Scytl Raided, Dominion Connected to Pelosi Staffer and Clinton Foundation
At this point, Arizona’s Republican Electors had finally reached the breaking point and filed a motion to intervene in the case against Maricopa County.
Arizona’s GOP Chair talked more about it in this video:
In today's update, Chairwoman @kelliwardaz announces that Arizona's Trump electors will intervene in the legislative subpoena case. pic.twitter.com/997Wg9dUSa
— Republican Party of Arizona (@AZGOP) December 21, 2020
Another month goes by and we see All 16 Republicans in the Arizona Senate co-sponsor a resolution calling for the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to be held in contempt and arrested for refusing to comply with wide-ranging subpoenas for election equipment and materials. This is what takes us to the hopeful situation we see potentially playing out there currently.
Arizona Senate called for a hearing specifically addressing the Maricopa County elections. At the end of that hearing, the Senate issued subpoenas for the ballot images and machines that processed the ballots. Subsequent subpoenas called for the actual ballots as well.
It appears it is the intention of the Senate to have every mail-in ballot from Maricopa County examined. What the team will look at will be defined by the audit team, and the manner in which the ballots will be analyzed is up to them.
But ballots will not be the only factor examined. Questions about electronic access, reallocation, and reassignment persist. Such questions can only be put to rest with an examination of the software that operates the tabulation system to prove or refute such a movement of votes from one candidate to another as was done in Antrim County, Michigan.
Rep. Mark Finchem (R-AZD11), who is not in the Arizona Senate, but is in the Arizona House, shared with us:
The priorities in this political battle are clear; free and fair elections depend on transparency, and the restoration of public confidence in the electoral process depends on a forensic audit, and the people engaged in it, that is beyond reproach.
General Mike Flynn shared with us what most Americans want:
If Maricopa County wants to regain the confidence of the people in Arizona, and help the rest of the country regain their trust in the voting system, they will ensure the best audit possible takes place in the state. If Maricopa County does the right thing, they will do a full forensic audit of all 2.1 million ballots, voting machines & servers. If they don’t they are doing a disservice to the citizens of Maricopa, Arizona, and this country, and frankly, the entire world is watching Maricopa County.
The audit of the 2020 election results in Maricopa County is potentially the greatest audit to be performed in US history. Let’s hope the Arizona Senate chooses the best auditors who in turn perform the most comprehensive and transparent audit possible. Americans want the truth.
Even as we type up this report, more evidence of foul play in Maricopa is coming out…
The Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) on Wednesday loaded its 2020 Election ballots on a truck for delivery to the Arizona Senate. After months of attempting to obtain access to the ballots, the Senate won a court case where the judge ordered the ballots to be produced to the Senate. So immediately before being told when and where to deliver the ballots, the MCBOS loaded the ballots onto a truck even though the Senate had not yet asked for the ballots. It is not believed that this move of the ballots was performed under the proper chain of custody.
The newspapers somehow got ahold of this story and claimed the Senate was not ready for the truckload after months of asking for the ballots. They have consistently declared Joe Biden won the election and that there is no evidence of fraud. AZCentral reported:
For two months, the Arizona Senate has been demanding that Maricopa County turn over the 2.1 million ballots cast in the November election.
Now, the Senate doesn’t know what to do with them.
If this is how the Republicans’ “full forensic audit” begins, get ready for a train wreck, Arizona.
But this wasn’t close to the truth. The below video explains the entire mess nicely:
So, to recap:
The ballots were moved without direction from the Senate, This was likely illegal. They were loaded on a truck without having a location to ship to. There is no evidence the ballots were moved under the proper chain of custody which is also illegal. The media was called to make up a story about how the Senate wasn’t ready for the ballots. The ballots were then stored in an open warehouse where it looked like anyone could get into. Individuals in the county found shredded ballots at this location today (Saturday, March 6th).
And now two barns on the farm of one of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors caught on fire.
Again, AZCentral reports:
Two barns were destroyed and an estimated165,000 hens died Saturday in a fire at the Hickman’s Family Farms location in Arlington, about an hour west of Phoenix, according to officials.
Firefighters responded to a report of the fire at the farm around 1 p.m. and were able to contain the second-alarm fire by about 4 p.m., said Sarah Mendoza, a spokesperson for Buckeye Valley Fire District.
An unidentified man was hospitalized in stable condition for smoke inhalation, Mendoza said. No firefighters were injured.
Pray that justice is served in Arizona.
Further reading:
Related BREAKING: Arizona Senate GOP All Back Arresting Maricopa County Board Of Trustees For Contempt
Where’s the Hope?
We have a couple of hopeful morsels this week, most notably being the States battling Big-Tech over censorship (Something we’ve seen other nations doing) and the announcement by award-winning journalist John Soloman that a senior executive at the FBI who was formerly part of the Comey/McCabe inner circle has begun to cooperate with Special Counsel John Durham, who’s name all of our readers had better recognize.
Fighting Back Against Censorship
Several States and individuals have begun to take a stand against the increasingly tyrannical suppression of information that the political establishment, big-tech, and the plutocracy deem “dangerous”. The question is whether or not the information is dangerous to the general population or dangerous to the deep-state death grip on western civilization.
When the suppression of information on social media first began it was subtle compared to where we are now. First, it came in waves, slowly ramping up to what essentially became the modern book-burning we see today. The Press and the political machine it protects seem to be presently engaged in an information war against forces who would not like to see America fall despite the international financial elite’s determination to make it so, using China and the “Great Reset” as tools for creating this outcome.
The information tzar’s crosshairs are on any outlets or voices contributing to the growing dissent towards the political establishment. Whether it be popular news outlets like the Epoch Times or OANN, YouTubers, independent outlets, even your friends and family who might not even be conservative but have their own qualms with the current incarnation of the democratic party, all have been consigned to the digital pit.
In the Trump Era, many of these outlets carried on despite the censorship, believing that at some unknown point all would be made right. Fast-forward to today, Trump, who was formerly deep-state enemy #1, is out of the office and presumed out of control (despite soaring popularity post-presidency among the GOP and general population) and now We The People are at the top of the list.
Now we are beginning to see the retaliation in the form of several states and individuals standing up against the drastic rise of censorship. The country was built on a state level, that is where the power comes from, and that power is being used to fight back.
Texas Governor Greg Abbot announced on Friday that he will be joining Texas State Senator Bryan Hughes to bring forward a bill preventing Social Media platforms from censoring speech.
I joined @SenBryanHughes to announce a bill that would prevent social media companies like Twitter & Facebook from censoring conservative speech & beliefs.
Silencing conservative views is un-American, it's un-Texan and it's about to be illegal in Texas.https://t.co/JsPam2XyqD
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) March 6, 2021
If successful, the big Social Media giants will be vulnerable to lawsuits that could potentially gut these companies financially. It shows the true power of the States, and though we do need the federal government to rescind section 230 of the internet legislation Communications and Decency Act (CDA), something we probably won’t see during a Biden administration, the legislation is certainly a step in the right direction to preserve free speech. If Texas, Florida, and Mississippi continue this fight against big-tech, other states might join in.
It already appears that Abbot is following suit with Florida Governor Rick Desantis, who recently unveiled his own legislation, so the idea that more States could continue the trend is not so far-fetched.
In an even more zoomed-in perspective, we see single individuals contributing to the fight in their own way. Co-Founder of Wikipedia Larry Sanger has proposed a way to decentralize social media, essentially defanging their ability to censor and even potentially halt their ability to harvest the data of unwitting Americans. Sanger, who parted ways with Wikipedia almost 2 decades ago over “the project’s direction”, has claimed that the site’s neutrality is “long gone”.
as per The Washington Times:
Wikipedia, which says “anyone can edit” its entries, is one of the most-used websites in the world. Google prioritizes its placement in search results.
But Mr. Sanger tweeted that leftist activists gradually move in “to take control of any influential institution not explicitly conservative … and they just work harder, and in more subtle ways, on the ones that are explicitly conservative.”
“And then when the rest of the media and tech became insanely far left, Wikipedia naturally went along with the trend,” he tweeted.
The Fox analysis cited the two main pages for “Socialism” and “Communism” that span 28,000 words but lack any discussion of the genocides committed by socialist and communist regimes, in which tens of millions of people were murdered and starved.
“The omission of large-scale mass murder, slave labor, and man-made famines is negligent and deeply misleading,” economics professor Bryan Caplan, who has studied the history of communism, told Fox News.
In a blog post, Mr. Sanger said examples of bias on Wikipedia “have become embarrassingly easy to find,” pointing to the entries for former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump.
“The Barack Obama article completely fails to mention many well-known scandals: Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the AP phone records scandal, and Fast and Furious, to say nothing of Solyndra or the Hillary Clinton email server scandal — or, of course, the developing ‘Obamagate’ story in which Obama was personally involved in surveilling Donald Trump,” Mr. Sanger posted in May 2020. “A fair article about a major political figure certainly must include the bad with the good.”
He said the entry about Mr. Trump shows that Wikipedia’s neutrality “is a joke.”
“Just for example, there are 5,224 none-too-flattering words in the ‘Presidency’ section,” he wrote. “By contrast, the following ‘Public Profile’ (which the Obama article entirely lacks), ‘Investigations,’ and ‘Impeachment’ sections are unrelentingly negative, and together add up to some 4,545 words — in other words, the controversy sections are almost as long as the sections about his presidency.”
The most targeted weak spot for outlets is the revenue. The trend of deplatforming dramatically affects an outlet’s ability to market themselves which naturally alters the companies bottom line. In addition, ad platforms will now drop entire businesses if enough pressure is put on them by corporations to do so, even entire online stores can be erased overnight.
We will continue to report on the fight against censorship despite the attacks against us and our ability to do so.
Comey Era FBI Exec Begins to Cooperate with John Durham
This is a real hopeful development.
Text messages have long since proven that Obama’s senior FBI officials involved in the Russia Collusion Hoax perpetrated against President Donald Trump had very ‘cozy’ relationships with the news media. According to reports, the texts also prove that their false and misleading press leaks often backfired, resulting in many scandals. Now, according to award-winning journalist John Soloman, we may be getting very close to indictments within a matter of “6-8 weeks” if things fall into place.
I know what you might be thinking, “We’ve heard this song and dance before”, and true as that may be, apathy gets us nowhere. Anyone who has read these texts and emails should be able to spot the big crimes. Knowingly pushing false information, treason, sedition, etc. These false allegations were intentionally left in the public sphere to damage the then-sitting president even after these texts came out, justice is long past due.
Solomon appeared on Maria Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning Futures show on Fox News. There, he noted that:
“…text messages make clear that the senior executives in the Comey/McCabe FBI–those who had political ambitions in political bias, were on a first-name basis with reporters. They had–according to their own text messages, a leak strategy…They were creating a false Russia narrative–a narrative that they knew was blatantly false. They knew they didn’t have any connection between Trump and Russia. They knew that Carter Page hadn’t met with the people that Christopher Steele said.”
“They knew the steel dossier was garbage, and yet they continued to let those stories sit in the public realm and create a false perception for two and a half years really hampering the early presidency of Donald Trump.”
Bartiromo and Solomon go through the text messages from anti-Trump FBI lawyer Lisa Page and an unnamed FBI agent. In the messages, Page says of a recent unnamed news report:

“I’m glad it was so superficial. If they decide to start digging deep, we are screwed.”
They are talking about the corporate media of course. Such texts in context prove that the FBI knew its case against Donald Trump was nonsense and were glad that reporters were not bothering to do their jobs by digging any deeper than the information that was ‘leaked’ to them by the FBI.
The only thing saving them was the incompetence and laziness and willingness of the media to not dig deeper into the unraveling story. This is why, it is alleged, Lisa Page suggested via text messages that the FBI should leak additional false narratives to the news media to convince people that they weren’t trying to sway elections was necessary (even though they were):

“What [Page] says is exactly what the FBI did; they did influence the election. They did influence the first three years of the Trump presidency by sustaining an investigation in the absence of any evidence of wrongdoing and in the significant face of evidence that showed innocence.”
What’s more, you don’t have to take John Solomon’s word for it, though he is a well-respected reporter.
“Former intelligence chief for the FBI, Kevin Brock,” who is “really respected across the political aisle on all sides…said “the only explanation he can give about why the FBI continued to sustain this investigation…was political bias. That’s from one of the G Men himself–one of the most respected FBI executives of an earlier generation. We should all be worried by that”
They then go on to discuss the ongoing John Durham Criminal Investigation, where the speculation we’ve been publically reporting on comes more into play. Recall one of the last Q posts:
And a couple of older posts to put things into perspective:
Take from these what you will, and let’s continue with Solomon, who seems to drop a bombshell that may break the case wide open:
“There has been a break in the case…it’s a very active criminal case–a lot of witnesses, a lot of negotiation with lawyers. The big news is that a former member of the Comey/McCabe inner circle–one of the senior FBI executives (I don’t know which one yet)…has begun cooperating, and that’s opened up a tremendous amount of internal knowledge being able to describe the nuances of evidence. A huge breakthrough for John Durham.”
Finally, they discuss reports that former Trump DNI, John Ratcliffe, met with investigators such as John Durham and Bill Barr a long time ago. Everyone agreed that there was no collusion between Trump and Russia. This conclusion was shared by many other people that Solomon has interviewed:
“That’s absolutely true. In fact, many of the experts I’ve had a look at it have come to that conclusion after they read all the documents.”
So, if it is clear that an investigation was opened and sustained against Trump based on false evidence, one major question remains: will anyone be prosecuted for these crimes?
“If you open a false investigation and you sustain it with false evidence, does that amount to a crime? That’s the question that John Durham is trying to answer.”
“Will there be jail time? Are we going to see indictments? I mean, it’s been five years since this storyline.” asks Bartiromo.
John Solomon replies: “Some of the witnesses that I’ve talked to and their defense lawyers feel like John Durham…feel like John Durham is getting ready to pull the trigger on some criminal charges,” but “he has to get permission from the Biden Justice Department. We’ll have to see if that happens, but all the signs are that they’re moving towards criminal charges…based on what I’m hearing, I believe that’s a strong possibility. And, probably in the six next six to eight weeks.”
This is dependent on Bidens DOJ and a man who despite the props from Q, we know very little about. We will have to see how this plays out. You can view the interview below:
The Hope we crave is all around us if we only dare to embrace the truth with a whole heart and discerning mind.
Read more Where’s The Hope Newsletters
– Ryan and Justin
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About The Authors
Ryan DeLarme is a creative writer, Journalist, Poet, and self-described “fool”, Founder of the Underground Newswire, and managing editor @ Stillness in the Storm
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (Where’s the Hope Newsletter #17: More Kids in Cages, States Fight Against Censorship, John Durham on the Horizon?) first appeared @ StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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