(Luke Miller) Does normal exist? And if so what is normal? World renowned
physician Gabor Matén simply answers this complex question in the video
below, sharing his insight and wisdom on this extremely important topic.
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Source – Truth Theory
by Luke Miller, May 30st, 2017
One of the beautiful points made by Dr. Maté is that “normal” is merely a concept- an artificial construct that has been put forward by society, and that mental distress are a consequence of the materialistic, consumption-driven culture.
About The Author
I am Luke Miller a poet, writer and deep thinker! Everything I do is centred around the rebalance of the power structure to one that is harmonious, loving and benefits humanity in its entirety. We are entering a new age of love and I am here to encourage others to be a part of it! (Rev)olution R(evol)ution R(evolution) Revolut(ion) R(evolve)ut(ion)
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