(Will Justice) Rumors from several sources suggest a major preparation is underway, and it might have something to do with the contested US Election. What if Trump wins and the deep state goes balistic?
Related OPERATION Mass Arrest the Deep State is Moving At Pace
by Will Justice, December 13th, 2020
The mainstream media is doing their usual demoralizing when it comes to Trump’s efforts to expose the fraud. The SCOTUS loss is an important step in what’s to come.
Trump Won. Biden Cheated
We need to get this said right upfront. Trump won the 2020 election, in that more people made their will to elect him known.
What happened around the reelection was cheating, fraud, negligence, and failure after failure of justice. But this was expected by Trump and the team that supports him.
In an unprecedented situation, unprecedented things should be expected—if justice is to be restored. The avenues used to date by those fighting for Trump, of lawsuits, SCOTUS, and hearings are precedented—using the system’s existing remedies—which have not been successful and should tell you a lot about the status quo. But this fraud is unprecedented, and as such, if Trump really expects to win, which he does, something unprecedented has to be done, and it will.
Trump knew that elections were rigged, and stated as much back in 2016. His administration was assaulted by deep state cheaters from day one. Do you remember how Obama mobilized the intelligence agencies to spy on the Trump transition team? Do you remember how this illegal and treasonous act was later covered up by the entrapment of General Flynn, who “knew where the bodies were buried”? Do you really think the man who managed to stay in office despite fake news media assaults, the bogus Russia Collusion hoax, and the establishment government working tirelessly to impeach him didn’t see this coming?
As we shared in OPERATION Mass Arrest the Deep State is Moving At Pace, the battle for the soul of the nation is not a quick one. The system is corrupt, it has been for along time. The objective was not only to give Trump a second term in office, but it was also to clean up the existing government, expose the fraud, expose the fact the justice system has been gutted and rendered almost useless, and create a pathway to restore the rule of law and Make America Great Again—and by extension—the world.
The critical piece is that we the people, who have the real power but have let corrupt actors, lying media, and criminal elements destroy the gift of freedom of the greatest country on earth. The goal, as an anonymous military insider implied, was to let the fraud of the system all come to light during the 2020 election, so we the people could be shown how deep the swamp really goes.
The plan was to let the deep state think they could steal yet another election, where they would deploy all assets, including media manipulation, mail-in ballots, and rigged voting machines to their advantage. Meanwhile, Trump would conduct one of the most successful campaigns’s in history, all while restoring an economy destroyed by a bogus COVID-19 lockdown protocol, and fight the globalist’s Great Reset with the America first policy. In this effort, Trump was hugely successful.
Record numbers of voters came out to make their will known to re-elect Donald J. Trump. The deep state was all but beaten, despite one of the largest voter fraud campaigns in history—by Joe Biden’s own admission.
The deep state had to stop counting at the 11th hour, and use obvious cheating methods to secure a fake win for Biden. By November 4th, the day after the 2020 election, anyone with sense could easily see a huge fraud had taken place, the media covered up election irregularities. By all accounts Trump’s win at 10:00 pm somehow evaporated as tens of thousands of illegal ballots were counted, and recounted, to produce a statistically impossible result for Biden.
We Caught Them in the Act
What many didn’t realize was this was the plan all along, to let the desperate deep state cheat and catch them in the act.
What happened next we truly inspiring.
Patriot after patriot came forward to testify, under oath and penalty of perjury, that there were massive issues with the election. Hearing after hearing over the next few weeks revealed overwhelming evidence of fraud. Instead of election officials stopping everything to investigate, with the support of congressmen and senators in state and national jurisdictions, there was an almost universal rejection of the evidence of fraud. Courts throughout the case on technicalities as obviously questionable elections were certified by corrupt actors—as if the whole thing was coordinated somehow. Only a handful of patriots in official positions stepped forward.
It would be unlikely for the Trump team to anticipate what was going on. The political apparatus has been corrupt for years.
This open injustice and inaction on the part of officialdom is actually a good thing for the plan. It needed to happen so the establishment, as corrupt as it is, could be given one last chance to do the right thing. Their failure to act is itself a signal flare to the over 74 million (and likely more) voters who have skin in the game. The American spirit that has been asleep for so long was about to wake up.
Exhausting Administrative Remedy
This same thought process was reflected in the comments of the user beholderchair on thedonald.win.
There was a technical reason the Texas claim wasn’t accepted, but here’s the thing:
Ever hear of ‘exhausting your administrative remedy’?
Explanation because the thread blew up and it’s clear this wasn’t clear to everyone. I was trying to get your noggins to jog:
It’s simple: he has to run this through the existing Courts to see if they are going to correct the issue or not. He has to give them a chance. Not unlike if we had a disagreement and I tried to resolve it before running before a Judge to get the Court to intervene. Usually this phrase refers to pre-Court process attempted, but then again, usually I’m not the President in charge of SOCOM.
This is what everyone seems to be missing: if the government is endemically corrupt, at worst, or ineffectual, at best, than the only option is something unprecedented.
But before that unprecedented option can be implemented, the people have to be shown the fraud. We’ve been told by various insiders, whistleblowers and honest media for years. But we the people haven’t had the will or the means to correct it, until now.
The evidence we’ve seen thus far is only that which has been collected by normal means. The greater evidence of fraud, that was likely collected by the military and NSA loyal to Trump, has yet to be revealed.
Keep in mind, retired General McInerney and General Flynn have both confirmed that there was a raid on a server farm in Frankfurt Germany. Some dismissed this as a conspiracy theory. Others have said that even if this is true, it’s so beyond the scope of what people can believe that it doesn’t matter—but that’s a ridiculous claim. The founders had to contend with the same unprecedented situation, and they choose unprecedented solutions, which we’re reaping the benefits of.
Given all the available evidence, we know for certain that Dominion and Smartmatic was unquestionably used to manipulate elections in other countries, like Venezuela. If it wasn’t used to do the same here in the US, you’d think the company would be happy to supply their source code to authorities. Instead, they’ve refused.
Whether or not the Dominion evidence is the smoking gun that has yet to be brought forward isn’t clear. But what we do know is that the intelligence and military apparatus has the surveillance capability to track election fraud, and that data is likely lying in weight. But before that can come forward, as we said, the existing systems of justice have to be given a chance to do the right thing.
Paths to Victory
There are several paths for Trump to go.
1. Electors in each state vote to go against the bogus votes to elect Trump.
2. SCOTUS acts on one of the other cases that are pending on the docket.
3. Lawsuits in various states and jurisdictions remove illegal votes.
4. Criminal investigations reveal overwhelming evidence of wide scale fraud, so much so that it can’t be ignored or dismissed.
5. ODNI Executive Order from September 12th, 2018 and Congressional Testimony show that foreign actors (like China) interfered in the election.
6. US Congress electoral college joint hearings generate objections that block the contested states electoral votes from counting.
7. A contingent election in congress.
Foreign Interference
As just one example, let’s look at the Executive Order from the 12th of September 2018.
Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election
Accordingly, I hereby order:
Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election. The assessment shall identify, to the maximum extent ascertainable, the nature of any foreign interference and any methods employed to execute it, the persons involved, and the foreign government or governments that authorized, directed, sponsored, or supported it. The Director of National Intelligence shall deliver this assessment and appropriate supporting information to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security.
(b) Within 45 days of receiving the assessment and information described in section 1(a) of this order, the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate agencies and, as appropriate, State and local officials, shall deliver to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Defense a report evaluating, with respect to the United States election that is the subject of the assessment described in section 1(a):
(i) the extent to which any foreign interference that targeted election infrastructure materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, the tabulation of votes, or the timely transmission of election results; and
(ii) if any foreign interference involved activities targeting the infrastructure of, or pertaining to, a political organization, campaign, or candidate, the extent to which such activities materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, including by unauthorized access to, disclosure or threatened disclosure of, or alteration or falsification of, information or data.
Has Trump made it clear that Biden is in the pocket of China?
Do we have evidence (e.g. Hunter Biden and Bobulinski) that Biden is compromised?
Have we heard of other people, like Rep. Eric Swalwell and Gov Brian Kemp who were in the pocket of China? Do we have data collected to prove that these men, and others, were acting on behalf of a foreign government to manipulate the election?
The answer to all the questions is most certainly yes. More proof will likely emerge to this effect.
What we need to keep in mind is that time is needed to see the process through. Trump could use his power to stop the fraud all the way up to January 19th.
Until then, I would expect more administrative paths to victory being tried and failing. And at some point, if Trump really intends on going all the way and draining the swamp, and Flynn truly knows where the bodies are buried, then we’ll see something unprecedented emerge that could change the game completely.
– Will Justice
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Will Justice is an independent researcher, writer, and truth activist dedicated to sharing his groundbreaking findings with the world. Over the course of several decades, he discovered the causes of worldly corruption, human suffering, and spiritual decline, which gave him the eyes to see the solutions hidden from view. He is passionate about unity, authenticity, and healing the world by forming effective grassroots initiatives.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (What Everyone Might Be Missing About Trump’s Path to Victory and the SCOTUS Decision) originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
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Thank you for this important article explaining what I was missing!