(Will Justice) There’s a big difference between the left’s cancel culture and stopping violence and persecution against conservatives. Leftist reporters have openly stated they want “education” camps for Trump supporters. They want to round up conservatives and persecute them in the same way communists and nazi’s did in the 20th century.
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by Will Justice, February 25th, 2021
Freedom of speech is an essential tenet of a free society. It should be protected and held sacred. The right to use your speech also has to come with the responsibility of what harm is caused therefrom.
The website trumpvoterlist.org was set up by radical leftists that think merely being pro-Trump, Christian, and conservative is the same as being a Nazi. And these same people think that if you can be labeled a Nazi that your rights and privacy can be stripped away, so they can feel justified in “punching a Nazi”, ruining their lives, and doxxing you so other leftists can come to harass you and your family.
This isn’t just reprehensible, it’s criminal and immoral. And there’s a categorical difference between canceling people because you don’t like them, and “canceling” a website that was created to destroy someone’s life.
The following was post sent by a reader that wanted to send a call to action to bring down trumpvoterlist.org. Literally, as we were preparing this article, the website was taken down. The reader must have been tapping into the righteous indignation that sane people are feeling right now.
Here’s what he sent over:
(The present tense was changed to past tense to reflect the fact the website was shutdown).
Do They Want To Round Up All Trump Supporters? Yes. (And What Needs to Be Done About it).
A new website has been created to personally target every single Trump voter. If you have voted for Trump, or if an acquaintance of yours merely THINKS you voted for Trump, they could have reported you to Trump Voter List—where you will be labeled as a domestic terrorist merely for supporting the 45th President of the United States.
We’ve heard much talk of late about “lists” — AOC quite famously called for the making of a list of Trump supporters, in order to “hold them accountable”. (Accountable for what exactly??)
Lol at the “party of personal responsibility” being upset at the idea of being responsible for their behavior over last four years
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 6, 2020
Bernie staffer, Kyle Jurek, has openly admitted on camera that the idea is to force Trump supporters into “re-education” camps.
The maniacal bloodlust of the left needs to be addressed with decisive action. No more talking. No more “asking” for them to stop. We have a lawful and valid cause, in the case of TrumpVoterList.org, to mass report them to their web host and, have their website takendown.
How do we do that?
Simple—we contact their web host NameCheap, and let them know that TrumpVoterList violates their terms of registration, which forbids, among other things, the “profess[ing] of hatred for particular social, ethnical, religious or other groups.” (https://www.namecheap.com/legal/domains/registration-agreement/)
Clearly, when you label Trumps entire base as “domestic terrorists”, and then proceed to offer services designed to help people stalk and attack them, then you are in breach of that most basic term of service.
The time has come for us all to put a stop to this. Whether you are a Trump supporter or not, you should be outraged. What if your mother, father, siblings, or best friends are killed because Antifa found them on that list?
Only the profoundly ignorant and naïve can coexist with websites like TrumpVoterList.org
THIS IS A CALL TO ACTION (for any future website or initiative designed to persecute the innocent).
Step 1) If you have a spare 10 minutes, contact NameCheap and let them know that they are hosting an unlawful site that violates their terms (https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/9196/5/how-and-where-can-i-file-abuse-complaints/)
Step 2) Donate —if you can— to this channel or other Patriot news outlets that are actively working to defend conservatives and stop leftist insanity. We are all under attack and we need to stay afloat in order to keep the information flowing.
Step 3) Keep talking, keep meme-ing, keep digging, keep researching, and keep building. Together we are more powerful than the fascists who want to round up Trump’s base.
We need to build our communities AND be willing to defend those communities by deplatforming the fascists who won’t leave us alone and let us live in peace.
“The people awake is their greatest fear.”
They can’t stop 80+ million of us from working together to support and defend each other.
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Will Justice is an independent researcher, writer, and truth activist dedicated to sharing his groundbreaking findings with the world. Over the course of several decades, he discovered the causes of worldly corruption, human suffering, and spiritual decline, which gave him the eyes to see the solutions hidden from view. He is passionate about unity, authenticity, and healing the world by forming effective grassroots initiatives.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (VICTORY! TrumpVoterList.org Gets Shutdown: It’s Time to Stop CRIMINAL HARM and Violence Against Conservatives, Trumpers, and Christians) originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
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Hi Will,
The website was actually a satire website set up by trump supporters. I’m 100% certain of this because I helped. We only took it down because people refused to honor free speech in the form of political satire (we were inspired by AOCs vicious calls for lists) and wanted to censor our satire. Has the right become like the left?
That’s a relief, if true. Is there any evidence you can offer me to substantiate your claim so I can post an update?
Yeah, shoot me an email to the email address on my comment and I can provide receipts for domain reg etc.
Nice try at covering your tracks, pal. Many will be fooled by your post, but not this responder.
LoL, covering our tracks? Almost all the other stories have already been corrected. The page was clearly marked SATIRE.
I hope all is well.
I am here to know about the guest post on https://stillnessinthestorm.com/ . Can you please share the details?
Anas Madni