Jean Hanes recently posted on her revamped blog, Co-creating Our Future On Planet Earth, a story involving Judge Anna and her work. Click Here for previous updates.
In the post The National Debt Is Not For Americans To Payback | History of The Corporate Takeover of The Continental United States, we discussed that the whole ‘justice system’ is a private commercial enterprise, not a public de jure system of justice. There are many places to find data describing this, but rarely is it done within the vernacular of the legal system itself. Which means this data has the potential to be a major red pill for the sleeping masses.
While it is clear the system as a whole is designed to keep people dependent, incompetent and enslaved, the framework with which it operates, a Contractual one, is a real and bona fide aspect of reality itself.
I won’t break down the whole system here, but one example is that of incompetence. The so called judges within the system are guilty of incompetence, because even with their knowledge of law and legal codes, they still act dishonorably, failing to uphold even their own rules of conduct. In this sense, its a fairly straightforward and valid idea. If your job is to be head chef at a restaurant, and you fail to perform those duties, despite your training, you are incompetent. Of course this doesn’t mean your evil, just that you can not perform the task to which you were assigned.
Another clarification I want to make is what the difference between lawful and legal are.
Legal simply means codified, written down and agreed to by a group of people. Lawful is inherent in nature. The law of gravity worked before someone realized it was there. Now a group of people can make something legal which is also lawful. For example, consuming narcotics is lawful, because it harms no one, other than yourself, and that is your choice. If the government legalizes narcotics, all that happened was they wrote a code of conduct which describes something already in nature. If government makes narcotics illegal, they are creating a policy which presumes agreement on your part, that you will not do something that is lawful. In other words, even if smoking a joint was illegal, simply saying “you can’t do that” doesn’t magically make it so people can’t smoke one.
Things that are legal, may not be lawful. Slavery is one of them. The 14th amendment combined and the Trading With the Enemy Act, made slavery legal, but that doesn’t make it lawful.
Jean was kind enough to rearrange the data below into an easier format for understanding. Essentially what is covered is an extremely precise list of reasons why the present system is illegal and unlawful. That even the legal codes used by the corporation are being broken by these agents of the system. As a result, this is like a scientific report for how the fraud is actually taking place, precisely we can share with others to give them ‘hard facts’ about why the present system is bogus and must be changed by unity of action.
The report is a proposal for a documentary film, which if made and widely distributed would probably be the biggest scandal in human history. A major movement of change undoubtedly.
Source – Co-Creating Our Future On Planet Earth
Black Robed Predators: a proposal for a documentary on how unaccountable judges risklessly prey on your rights, property, and liberty
have become unaccountable in connivance with the other two branches andconsequently, engage risklessly in coordinated wrongdoingby disregarding their duty, due process, and the rule of lawto prey on We the People’s rights, property, and liberty
* * * * * * *
Dr. Cordero,
I write to inform you that “Dave Comcast” ( David Lynn Coffelt) (“All rights preserved – U.C.C. – 1-308 formally 1-207″) is a member of a Cult known as “UCC/Redemption” and/or “sovereign citizens“. The members of this/these cults have effectively abandoned and WAIVED and relinquished all civil rights they would have under the Constitution and Laws of the United States, or the several states. They are generally considered to be “paper terrorists”, because of their typical misuse of UCC-style papers in every forum, including Traffic Court. They bring discredit to any organization or legitimate enterprise they become associated with. And, they have zero credibility. They lack a competent understanding the Law, as evidenced by their misplaced esteem for the UCC as the cure for all problems. Thus, it would be best if you declined any recognition or participation by persons like David C who advertises his membership in the Cult known as “UCC/Redemption” and/or “sovereign citizens”.
I suggest gentlemen that we cut the crap.
Therefore, Mr. Ferran, what you (most likely) and other members of the Bar in this country have been practicing “at” not “in” is private law in Civil Maritime misapplied to innocent Americans who have trustingly and mistakenly held the members of the “legal profession” in high regard. The other form of law met in the COURTS is “executive admiralty” — a form of “martial common law” that is not authorized by anyone but a long-dead corporate Board of Directors.
I am attaching a list of the Dunn and Bradstreet Numbers of the “United States of America” and the “State of States” operated as franchises and a great many so-called “States” and “STATES” and government agencies which are all privately owned and operated legal fictions. *[I have omitted this .pdf document. ~J] This is just one tranch — one “level” of the fraud being committed internationally against innocent American civilians so as to defraud them of their property. The old Federal Reserve System has died a well-deserved death, but the UNITED STATES, INC., run by the IMF and chartered in France has just as many corporate franchises or more, and the new kid on the block, the newly created FEDERAL RESERVE being operated by the UNITED NATIONS Corporation under United Nations City-State auspices, has launched THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. — all to the same purpose — to steal the identities of the individual living people and the Continental United States and to use various forms of personage and credit fraud to enslave them, press-gang them into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea, and deprive them of their rights and property.
This is being done to Americans, Canadians, Australians, English, Scots, Welsh, Irish, German, Japanese, Greek, Italian, French, Danish and most of the people of the Western World by those who have pretended to be Allies and Friends and Trustees under the most solemn kinds of National Trust Indentures, Constitutions (commercial contracts for services) and international treaties and by international banking cartels secretively operating governmental services corporations (as shown above) under conditions of gross deceit and fraud as if these corporations were the lawful government of nations, instead of contractors providing services for pay.
Those awful “sovereign citizens” are acting under duress and using the Uniform Commercial Code to post Financing Statement Claims in the international record— in a jurisdiction they should never have to address if the Federal United States and their Agents were doing their actual jobs. Innocent American civilians are being forced to post such claims and create such Security Agreements as a result of Bar Association predation, criminality, incompetence, and combined personage and barratry committed routinely against their persons and estates. As it stands the Bar Associations are acting as criminal syndicates on the shores of the Continental United States, are in gross violation of the Treaty allowing them to operate on the land, and in gross violation of their Charter.
This situation isn’t going to go away by pretending that American civilians are “Paper Terrorists”. It is appallingly apparent who the real “Paper Terrorists” are — and it is not Mom and Pop from Podunk, Mississippi. Every Bar Association Member in America may be trembling in their shoes and wondering what they are going to do when this proverbial shit fully hits the fan, but those who “blame the victims” are only making it worse for themselves and their brethren. The truth of the matter is already fully known, fully documented, fully recorded by courts of record including the Vatican Chancery, the British High Court, the World Court, and others since 2009. What Dr. Cordero has documented and what he has bravely opposed is what every Bar Member needs to oppose, if they are to save their profession and their own individual skins.
For Mr. Ferran and all those Bar Association Members who are so viscously pursuing their old trade as inland pirates, insulting their victims, and imagining that their criminality will never be discovered, opposed, and punished — the jig is up, the Public Liens are coming, the American Military will not fire on the people they are hired to protect, and the United Nations is in no position to do anything but attempt to salvage its own reputation. It remains to be seen whether Dr. Cordero’s efforts and those of others like him will be sufficient to prevent the outlawing and liquidation of the Bar Associations worldwide and the permanent disgrace of the entire profession.
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Greetings as I honor your work and bravery, especially being a front runner to me in this fight for freedom. I came across this posting on 09/18/2022, as I myself am currently in a similar situation, and would greatly appreciate any information you can inform me of, and update on that/your situation if possible.
Thanking you in advance, Affan Zyhayr