(Jim Hoft) Urgent Message From American Patriots to New Hampshire Patriots Under Siege in Windham — Your forensic audit in Windham New Hampshire is being secretly sabotaged.
Related UPDATES on Windham, New Hampshire Audit — And a Call to Action!
by Jim Hoft, May 2nd, 2021
We wanted to be sure you knew.
Windham’s choice of Verified Voting for the forensic audit must be fought by patriots and defeated.
Given this choice, all other choices made by this Board of Selectman must be rigorously investigated, before your meeting on Monday night, fought and, if need be, defeated.
The Selectmen have chosen Mark Lindeman, the co-director of the nonprofit Verified Voting as part of the audit team. VV fought for paper ballots years ago, when the country was being told to go with paperless electronic voting machines. VV fought that and made sure we bought machines with a paper ballot.
It used to be the trusted and factual voice of computer scientists fighting on the side of election honesty and integrity.
Not any more.
First we found out two respected computer scientist board members of VV resigned, Phil Stark, Ph.D., and Richard DeMillo, Ph.D.
Mr. Stark said in his Nov. 21, 2019 letter:
“I believe that Verified Voting has lost its way.
It has been providing cover for inherently untrustworthy voting systems–and the officials who bought them, the companies that make them, and any officials who might contemplate buying them in the future–by conducting “risk-limiting audits” of untrustworthy paper records, creating the false and misleading impression that relying on untrustworthy paper for a RLA can confirm election outcomes (and debasing the meaning of “RLA” in the process).”
“Our message to jurisdictions that buy poorly designed, insecure, universal-use BMD systems should be, ‘We tried to warn you. You need a better voting system.’ Instead, we’re saying, ‘Don’t worry: VV will teach you to sprinkle magic RLA dust and fantasies about parallel testing on your untrustworthy election. All will be fine; you can use our authority and reputation to silence your critics.’”
Mr. DeMillo said in his Dec. 1, 2019 letter:
“Although my concerns have been growing for some time now, Verified Voting’s involvement in a “pilot RLA” in Georgia following the recent election makes it impossible to continue as a member of the advisory board. VV issued and supported misleading public statements that those pilots confirm outcomes and even prove the security of new election systems. Verified Voting’s seal of approval for the security theatrics in Bartow County undermines efforts to make elections more accountable. This exercise conducted behind closed doors and billed as a practice run—even if flawlessly conducted—could only confirm the correctness of the tally of the unverified (and therefore possibly corrupted) ballots, not that the ballots tallied were correctly marked. No audit based on an untrustworthy audit trail can confirm the correctness of the outcome.”
“I can no longer lend my name to Verified Voting … If they are successful at confusing the public about the correctness of election outcomes in Georgia and elsewhere, I fear it will be in some measure due to the absence of values once embraced by Verified Voting.”
Then, Tracy Beanz who does awesome investigative journalism at UncoverDC, published a story on this NH audit. In her April 28 article, Windham, NH Officials Choose Auditor Opposed to Audit in Maricopa County, AZ, reporter Michelle Edward said:
“Mark Lindeman is the Co-Director of Verified Voting, a non-profit with a history of working with left-leaning organizations, including the Brennan Center for Justice, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights, and Common Cause. Also worth noting, Verified Voting board chair Barbara Simons also sits on the board of the Democracy Alliance, an influential Soros-funded donor collective.“
Mark Lindeman of VV is the same exact guy who sent a very threatening letter on April 13, along with the Carter Center, the Brennan Center, and some unknown, private for-profit company, RSM Election Technologies, to the Arizona Senate President, Karen Fann!
This letter denouncing the New Hampshire audit WAS SIGNED by Mark Lindeman from Verified Voting!
We checked. Barbara Simons is on the board of George Soros’s Democracy Alliance just as UncoverDC uncovered.
We don’t know how many years she has been there. She was still a board member in January 2021. After that, the Democracy Alliance deleted its board list from the internet.
The Democracy Alliance was founded by George Soros and a handful of secretive progressive Democrat billionaires in 2005 so that they could secretly fund and control U.S. nonprofits and develop a progressive, U.S. infrastructure. Its only purpose is to infiltrate, fund, control, and form new nonprofits, to push its progressive agendas.
The DA also targeted election integrity nonprofits, which now only appear to be nonpartisan: the Brennan Center, Demos, USPIRGs, the LWV, the ACLU, and Common Cause are just six examples. VV is another.
With the DA, you don’t get to be a board member on that powerful of a board unless you are in all the way on Soros’s agendas.
This is how they’re tearing apart our election system.
One county at a time!
One state at a time!
One presidential election at a time!
Right under our noses.
They are trying to secretly replace our Constitutional Republic with socialism.
They’ve weaponized our charities.
Now the computer scientists, supposed to be trusted experts in elections and computer security, software, machines, and these “Risk Limiting Audits,” are also suspect and now you’re fighting them off in NH.
The fact that the co-director of this nonprofit, Mark Lindeman, is being hired by your Board to do the audit work in NH means he’s under the thumb of his board president, Barbara Simons, and she’s under the thumb of George Soros and his secretive club of progressive billionaires at the Democracy Alliance.
The fact that this nonprofit is being hired for this Windham forensic audit, while Barbara Simons, the president of Verified Voting, is also on George Soros’s Democracy Alliance board IS ALARMING.
Gather a team, get the pots of coffee and tea, do your research and be prepared to fight this Monday night:
1. DA Board: try this: https://democracyalliance.org/about/board/
2. Research the entire VV board.
Call them and find out why they quit VV.
5. Search for and read about Stark and DeMillo’s strong opposition to “Risk Limiting Audits.”
6. Joseph Lorenzo Hall, Ph.D., was and still is affiliated with VV. He now does “Risk Limiting Audits” all across the country. Be aware.
7. Contact J. Christian Adams on Monday at the Pubic Interest Legal Foundation, the country’s most ethical, seasoned election integrity organization. Get his advice on what to do regarding your Monday night forensic audit meeting. Tell him it is urgent you speak with him.
8. FOR LATER: Did NH get any nonprofit Zuckerbucks? Check with the Amistad Project, the Capital Research Center, and the FGA to rule this out:
9. Review the nonprofits the DA specifically highlights on its own website under Investments: Portfolio, The Resistance and State Funds. There are thousands more nonprofits the DA supports, these are the really special ones.
10. FOR LATER: It is through corrupted nonprofits that your red state has been secretly and gradually turned purple/blue. Colorado was the first, red to blue plan. Set up a committee, research this, and keep out the corrupted nonprofits and their power-mad philanthropists. Do you have a secret NH Democracy Alliance Chapter like CO does?
12. In this Nov. 16, 2020 letter there is a list of 59 American computer scientists to be very, very suspicious of given they all found nothing wrong with the 2020 election!
Scientists say no credible evidence of computer fraud in the 2020 election outcome, but policymakers must work with experts to improve confidence:
“We are specialists in election security, having studied the security of voting machines, voting systems, and technology used for government elections for decades.”
“Anyone asserting that a US election was “rigged” is making an extraordinary claim.”
“We are aware of alarming assertions being made that the 2020 election was “rigged” by exploiting technical vulnerabilities. However, in every case of which we are aware, these claims either have been unsubstantiated or are technically incoherent. To our collective knowledge, no credible evidence has been put forth that supports a conclusion that the 2020 election outcome in any state has been altered through technical compromise.”
Barbara Simons, Ph.D., signed this letter.
So did David L. Dill, Ph.D., David Jefferson, Ph.D., Ron Rivest, Ph.D., and Poorvi L. Vora, Ph.D., who are currently on the Verified Voting board of directors.
So did these members of the current Verified Voting board of advisors:
Andrew W. Appel, Professor of Computer Science, Princeton University
Steven M. Bellovin, Percy K. and Vida L.W. Hudson Professor of Computer Science; affiliate faculty, Columbia Law, Columbia University
Matt Blaze, McDevitt Chair of Computer Science and Law, Georgetown University
Edward W. Felten, Robert E. Kahn Professor of Computer Science and Public Affairs,Princeton University
J. Alex Halderman, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan
Joseph Lorenzo Hall, SVP Strong Internet, Internet Society
Harry Hursti, co-founder Nordic Innovation Labs and Election Integrity Foundation
Douglas W. Jones, Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Iowa
Joseph Kiniry, Principal Scientist, Galois, CEO and Chief Scientist, Free & Fair
Peter G. Neumann, Chief Scientist, SRI International Computer Science Lab
Aviel D. Ruben, Professor of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University
Bruce Schneier, Fellow and Lecturer, Harvard Kennedy School
Kevin Skoglund, Chief Technologist, Citizens for Better Elections
Dan S. Wallach, Professor, Departments of Computer Science and Electrical &Computer Engineering, Rice Scholar, Baker Institute of Public Policy, Rice University
Phil Stark and Richard DeMillo also signed this letter, despite having left the VV board. Why? Find out.
13. Here is how to begin researching George Soros, corrupted nonprofits, foundations, their networks, and the people who fund them. DO NOT NEGLECT DOING THIS HARD WORK!.
Anything at the Capital Research Center: https://capitalresearch.org/
This is a Capital Research Center tool: https://www.influencewatch.org/?s=Democracy+Alliance
Anything by Matthew Vadum, the expert on the corrupt, criminal ACORN. (Also see his books):
Subversion, Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American TaxpayersAnything by Joe Schoffstall at the Washington Free Beacon: https://freebeacon.com/author/joe-schoffstall/Anything at The Gateway PunditAnything by J. Christian Adams, the president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation. (Also see his books):Injustice : Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department
Anything by Trevor LoudonAnything in the Epoch TimesSteve Bannon’s The WarRoom PandemicMichael Savage PodcastsAnything by David Horowitz https://www.horowitzfreedomcenter.org/READ THESE NOW: Anything by Joe Schaeffer at the World Tribune:Develop your own list of awesome Conservative news sites and Talk Radio shows. We are blessed to have so many high-quality choices.
14. Research tools:
15. NH, please lead the way like you did in the 1700’s. This time, help our besieged country ditch these electronic voting machines, all of them. Clearly, we don’t need ’em.
New Hampshire friends, you will all be in our prayers tomorrow night.
Hold. the. line. patriots.
You are not alone.
Via Silence Dogood and friends
About The Author
Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.
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