(Ryan DeLarme) The Underground Newswire does not seek to convince or sway, rather it is our hope to indicate and suggest without violating the universal and self evident laws of free will and confusion. We’d like first and foremost to suggest that we are all, every one of us, in the midst of a quiet war fought with silent weapons.
Related House Judiciary Committee Approved Articles Of Impeachment Against Trump
by Ryan DeLarme
The fight is world wide, louder in some places than others (think revolutions simultaneously occurring across the globe IE: Hong Kong, France, Iran, Venezuela, ETC.) It is a psychological war, and the front lines are quite literally human hearts and minds. With these weekly reports, we hope to offer alternative perspectives and speculation coming from an amalgamation of sources involved in Media, Military, Finance, and Politics. Let’s attempt to sift the muk.
Ex-FORBES newsman gone rouge; Benjamin Fulford (Whose alleged contacts range from CIA and Vatican Officials to P2 Freemasons and Asian royalty) claims that “The Western world remains paralyzed by an elite civil war while China keeps getting stronger and stronger...” It would seem, according to Mr Fulford and his sources, that unless this civil war is ended, the Western G6 alliance (G7 minus Japan) will lose the ability to control the United Nations, essentially losing the ability to steer the direction humanity chooses for its future.
Our friends at the X22Report believe the trade war isn’t actually meant to attack China and its people, but instead is an attempt to damage the Central Bank (CB), whom China is now taking money from at an alarming rate. Trump recently tweeted that a deal with China is “Very close”, which is desirable considering, as indicators, that the swine flu epidemic has caused the price of pork and other animal proteins to more than double and that the lack of Chinese purchasing is one of the top reasons for the stall in the European Economy.
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UPDATE: China has agreed to structural changes and massive purchases of Agricultural Products, Energy, and Manufactured Goods. As of now (despite the Wall Street Journal publishing questionable “leaks” to the contrary) the 25% Tariffs will stand, and the penalty Tariffs that were set for December 15th will no longer be charged. The talk now is that “Phase 2” negotiations will begin immediately instead of waiting for the 2020 elections. The Tariffs, by design, are bringing in billions to keep the corporation known as America afloat just a little longer while the final preparations and maneuverings to go after the FED and CB are made.
In other financial news, Boris Johnson won his election against Jeremy Corbyn and is now poised to push Brexit forward in January. If he is successful we might see a new trade deal between Britain and the US, one that would essentially be leaving the EU in the cold. The landslide victory has folks like Christopher Steel and Hillary Clinton predictably claiming that Boris Johnson is a “Russian Agent” and that Britain needs its own Mueller style Investigation. This is a clear indicator that BJ is an enemy of the Central bank system and the old guard.
The IG hearing was haphazardly broadcast by a mainstream media who not only cut away from Lindsey Graham’s opening statement and conveniently resumed coverage as Diane Feinstein made her statement, but omitted most of the Horowitz testimony that didn’t shine too brightly on the alleged “Deep State” actors. Now, when it comes to the Impeachment drama not a single second is omitted, which is a perfect example of the bias occurring and a good explanation to why ratings are continuing to plummet in favor of more comprehensive, civilian and alternative news sources.
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Jim Jordan tried to strike Article 1 from the Articles of Impeachment, which claimed “Abuse of Power”, saying that the evidence provided does not support the claim. It was found that there was no quid pro quo, no extortion, and Zelinski phone transcripts were even released, but the house Judiciary committee rejected Jordan’s proposal with a vote of 23-17 in favor of the Mainstream narrative and the suspicious and poorly constructed Adam Schiff phone call gambit. Adam Schiff may have the ability to will his eyeballs out of socket but he should try and stay clear of writing fan fiction and dialogue for kabuki theater.
The FISA report is now out, and it lays out the players, what they did, how they did it, and referred individuals to the department of Justice to be brought up on criminal charges. As predicted those implicated and those who have the most to lose are lashing out. Eric Holder wrote an op-ed about how the current AG William Barr is “unfit” for the job. We’ve been told for some time that Barr was the designated person to handle the arrests when the time comes, doing the actual investigation and causing folks like Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff etc. to panic, so their attacks against him could potentially be seen to confirm this theory.
US attorney John Durham, Attorney General William Barr, and Special prosecutor John Huber in conjunction with Inspector General Horowitz, are supposed to be the “white hat” dream team tasked with the take-down of the “Deep State”. We will have to wait and see if this is true or just propaganda…
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The preceding information is an update from one of the many alternative media persons driven to help humanity by providing important information. Updates of this sort, as cursory as they are, help individuals feel connected to the greater works taking place at this time as well as providing a personal glimpse into the mind of a content creator. It also serves to humanize such individuals and reveal to the public that alternative media is largely populated by people that work long hours providing information usually for free or for little financial compensation.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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