) The just-released UAP Task Force report has the public looking away from mundane problems and up to the stars. Powered by media hype, the distant flying saucers represent a techno-religious future. Looking ahead, it’s clear we should also be watching our backs.Related House Subcommittee Chairman Told Hold Hearings on UFOs after Pentagon Report
The preliminary report fell to earth like a UFO crew who were staring at their smartphones instead of the horizon. Various intelligence agencies examined 144 cases of unidentified aerial phenomena from 2004 to 2021. They concluded, as usual, that more work needs to be done.
Really, there are only two interesting lines in the entire document:
“We were able to identify one reported UAP with high confidence. In that case, we identified the object as a large, deflating balloon.”
In one sense, this is a cruel metaphor for some doe-eyed ufologist’s head. However, a striking passage from Jacques Vallée’s 1979 book Messengers of Deception makes me wonder if the UAP report’s authors are just trolling. Over forty years ago, Vallee wrote: “UFOs appear against the background of a worldwide manipulation operation. … ‘America wants a shiny spacecraft to replace the deflated balloon of its religious values.’”
Back in those days, Vallée—a physicist turned computer-programmer turned ufologist—argued that flying saucers and alien abductions are a spiritual psyop. The purpose is to shift global civilization into its next phase.
As a scientific text, Messengers of Deception is utter madness. Nevertheless, it’s an extraordinary work of mythological art.
As far back as the 60s, Vallée was convinced that dangerous UFO cults were being activated by media sensationalism. He feared these sects could exploit the widening chasm between scientific elites and the disaffected masses. This ascending techno-religion would replace traditional deities with all-powerful extraterrestrials—regardless of their reality—much like the Holy Trinity conquered the Roman pantheon and took decadent patricians by surprise.
Turning Man-Babies Into Gods.
The day before the UAP Task Force report was released, the once-sober Scientific American ran a stunning editorial by Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb, entitled “What We Can Learn From Studying UFOs.” The scientist’s answer is threefold:
- Advanced technology has spiritual value;
- The human race is already being transformed by “global WiFi [that] revolutionized human behavior” as well as “artificial intelligence, robotics, and genetic engineering”;
- In a godless cosmos, incomprehensible machinery deployed by an alien race is “an approximation to God.”
Even in the absence of extraterrestrials, Loeb’s rhetoric serves as a psychological preparation for technocratic rule. It’s telling that he opens with a reference to Arthur C. Clarke’s 1953 novel Childhood’s End.
Clarke’s premise is that aliens have been manipulating human evolution throughout our history. Once humans became sufficiently advanced, he writes in the novel, the aliens revealed their existence, ended all wars, and established a global technocratic regime. Before long, human children exhibited paranormal powers, making their earthly parents obsolete.
Of course, Avi Loeb’s editorial ignores the fact that these paternalistic ETs have horns, leathery wings, and cloven hooves. In Clarke’s story, these benevolent watchers had to conceal their appearance so Christian fanatics wouldn’t resist civilizational transformation.
Loeb speculates that real-life contact with an alien race could unfold in a similar manner. The astrophysicist writes: “[T]he encounter would echo our childhood experience of not fully understanding the actions of a higher power looking over our shoulders.”
One day, a HuffPost editor will tap out the headline: “Yes, Demonic ETs Rule The Earth—And That’s A Good Thing.”
Human Pupae In A Digital Cocoon.
Scientific American isn’t the only influential outlet fueling hopes for an otherworldly savior. Upon reviewing the UAP Task Force report, National Geographic, The Wall Street Journal, The San Francisco Chronicle, and the BBC all ran headlines that spin the analysis as inconclusive on the alien question. This is a dramatic break from the skeptical, oftentimes mocking coverage we saw before 2017—the year the New York Times set this mainstream UFO craze into motion.
It’s important to understand this craze in the broader context. Just as “journalism” is now code for activism, “science” has given way to social engineering. Masks, lockdowns, digital atomization, online porn, sexbots, critical race theory, implicit bias, total surveillance, psychedelic enlightenment, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, robotic replacements—“That’s just Science!”
For example, months before the seminal NYT story on UFOs appeared, National Geographic put out their appalling January 2017 “Gender Revolution” issue. With no shame, it featured a confused pink-haired boy holding his groin on the cover.
Soon after, Scientific American abandoned scientific rigor by publishing a special issue on “The New Science of Sex and Gender.” The editors urged doctors and biologists to embrace “‘nonbinary’ definitions of gender—transfeminine, genderqueer, hijra” and other quasi-alchemical terms.
In a flailing effort to stay relevant, the New York Times ran a 2018 Style section piece celebrating “gender-creative parenting…which can involve calling your children ‘theybies’ and keeping their sex a secret, among many complicated refinements.”
Similarly, UFOs are now called “UAPs.” Before you know it, the politically correct term for little green men will be “micromorphic gray theys.” No wonder billionaires dream of escaping to Mars.
Raising Theybies To Become Well-Adjusted Transhumanists.
Many people argue the UFO obsession is a mere diversion from more pressing concerns. For instance, one writer has serious doubts: “In Biden’s America, everybody must concentrate on alien invasion from outer space and ignore alien invasion from across our borders.”
He has a point. But what if this UFO mythos is also a potent symbol for the technocratic shift occurring right under our noses?
The day after the UAP Task Force report was released, The Herald published a boot-licking profile of Stanford transhumanist David Eagleman. The reporter calls Eagleman’s best-selling 2020 book Livewired “one of the most important popular scientific books ever written.” Unable to contain himself, the writer compares the neuroscientist to Charles Darwin and Stephen Hawking.
David Eagleman is famous for concocting “Mr. Potato Head Theory” of the human brain. He sees these electric thinking organs—i.e., our “souls”—as endlessly malleable. The hearing centers can be rewired to receive visual input, for example, or the visual cortex to receive taste impulses fed by a camera. Such medical experiments inspired him to create the Neosensory Wristband, which gives the wearer additional abilities to perceive ultrasonic, infrared, and electromagnetic sensations.
According to Eagleman’s philosophy, you can rewire the human brain any way you choose. Except the neuroscientist doesn’t believe in “choice.” For him, the illusion of free will is created by a meat-based computer running cultural software on genetic hardware. Therefore, our “decisions” are merely the culmination of predetermined forces. So whatever we become, it was destined to happen.
That doesn’t stop Eagleman from dreaming big.
He envisions a day “in the next five years” when skin-based sensors “will allow humans to ‘feel’ data streams, like the movement of the stock market [or] the output of their factory or office. All of us could ‘feel’ Twitter—tapping into the consciousness of the planet.”
Like any self-respecting technocrat, Eagleman shills his progressive ambition as “inevitable.”
In the end, scientists will reconstruct the souls of the dead by scanning their putrid brains, the living will control bionic limbs and robot slaves with their thoughts, our bloodstreams will swarm with nanobots that connect our Mx. Potato Head brains to the Internet, artificial intelligence will incarnate as “living machines,” and Homo Sapiens will speciate into a futuristic breed of Homo.
As if he’d just read Childhood’s End, the Herald reporter concludes, “As the father of the coming biological revolution, Eagleman is opening doors for all of us to step through. Crossing the threshold may well represent the moment humanity moves from childhood to adulthood.”
Every time a baby is chipped, an angel gets their wings.
“Once we take that step,” the credulous writer goes on, “we’ll have to make some very grown-up decisions about what we do next.”
With no concept of free will? Good luck with that. Something tell me these decisions will be made for us—as if an alien force had invaded the planet.
Presently, the media is beaming UFOs into the public imagination. But we don’t need extraterrestrials to transform the human race. Exalted transhumanists are already here, and their global metamorphosis is well underway.
About The Author
Joe Allen covers technology for the War Room: Pandemic. His work has appeared in The Federalist, ColdType, This View of Life, The American Spectator, IBCSR: Science on Religion, Disinformation, and elsewhere. Follow him @JOEBOTxyz and www.joebot.xyz
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