(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Aaron, from MDT, put together the following post highlighting how our biases and preconceptions distort our perception.
Source – Making a Difference Today 369
In a world as large as ours with so many country’s and beliefs cultural diversity is something that we all deal with daily in some form or fashion or level. Although there are always pros and cons with all things it is important that we keep an open mind to others.
There are many patterns of belief across the Earth that have come and gone, and many that are still current. What this teaches us is that our beliefs are always changing due to the required needs of our mental perception and evolution of understanding.
Below is a video of two guys who take a test into the streets to try and get a feel of how people react when they’re understanding what is presented to them has a slight twist. Some handle this test well as others do not.
After seeing this experiment a young man try’s it again on the streets of New York City, USA.
Although this video may cause some controversy, this is a very good lesson in how a pattern of thoughts can alter how one treats others and how one should keep an open mind with what they are taught.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
Minor grammar corrections were made to the original text of this article, and the original headline was also changed from “Two Guys perform a Experiment in the streets with public, you wont believe what happens.”
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