(Justin Deschamps) The phrase “trust the plan” means different things to different people.
Update: This was posted several months ago, and it seems quite relevant now. Here are a few more updates to add to the list:
Attorney Lin Wood Reminds Us: “Everything is planned.” | The Best is Yet to Come
There’s A Lot to Be Hopeful About, Don’t Despair
The Truth, Facts, Law, God, and Christ | Just In Stillness
In short, it looks like the Plan to take down the deep state is proceeding at pace. More signs yet to come.
Related Anarchy, An Enlightened Society, and the Difference Between Chaos and Order | Just In Stillness
by Justin Deschamps, August 9th, 2020
As someone who’s been following Q since the team started posting, and is highly skeptical while also open-minded, I’ve seen all sorts of interpretations to what this might mean.
I don’t claim to be an expert in all things Q, nor do I think I have it all figured out when it comes to the deep state, the alliance trying to stop them, or how well things are going.
I had a friend who shared this image with me, asked me to comment on it.
I don’t know who Wheeler is. He seems well-intentioned.
Book Calm before the Storm (Q Chronicles)
What follows is my response. It’s my thoughts, not a finely tuned research paper. So take it for what it is.
Trump needed to go along with fast-tracking the vaccine for optics reasons. And, Trump is a Rule of Law president, meaning, if people want the vaccine, he must honor their right to choose, not impose his will on others, which would be tyranny. Forced vaccination has never been Trump’s agenda.
Failure to mention an issue, like the coin shortage, isn’t an indictment against him, nor does that go against the agenda of the plan. That point is materially invalid.
Trump can’t override the orders of the local authorities without a lawful reason to do so as he had in Portland. Thus, he can’t force the churches or the other state/municipal based shutdowns to end. The power is with the people to use their collective will to oust these rebel governors and mayors, which they can via state constitutional power. And, again, all of this is working to help wake up the people, who NEED TO BE AWAKE to deal with the problems of the DS and cabal, to form lasting solutions.
I’m not sure Trump agree’s with Fauci on a second wave, I haven’t seen that, but assuming he did, the situation is an optics war. If you want to understand the plan you need to think beyond surface issues. The war is not physical but mental and spiritual, an information war. The battle is for the hearts and minds of the people, not to stop a few recent instances of criminal activity. A sting operation requires time, patience, and optics to succeed.
Condemning Gates won’t accomplishing anything. It might make us feel better, but at what cost?. If feeling better comes at the cost of success and freedom for my children and the future, I’ll watch Gates spew his insane life-hating rabble for another 3 years.
Wishing Maxwell well was the right move. Optics. What’s the reverse, hope that she dies in prison from “suicide” so her testimony against the DS can’t come to light?
I haven’t heard that Trump wants Microsoft to buy Tic Tok. But let’s assume he did, why is that a problem? The issue with Tic Tok is that China, the CCP, the eastern Cabal, is using our phones to spy Americans. And raising this issue, which, by the way, has been happening through Smart TV’s for years, is another optics win. Think bigger my friend.
Dylan doesn’t have to trust the plan. Most people don’t. Most of the people saying don’t believe in the plan don’t know what they are talking about. They have a straw man’s understanding. The plan is bigger than most people can fathom. He needs to spend more time researching the law, history, spirituality, propaganda, mass mind control, and geopolitics, logistics, tactics, military history, the deep occult law system, and likely 50 other topics just to get a hint of what it might be. Adept Q researchers have been doing it for 3 + years and they don’t know. I doubt Dylan knows either.
Dylan needs to think bigger. We’re not trying to cut out the tumor, we’re trying to cure cancer, ONCE AND FOR ALL.
You don’t judge a meal before it’s cooked. You don’t judge a marriage from the honeymoon. And you can’t judge the largest sting operation in human history with a cursory glance. He might not believe in the plan, but he will benefit from it, as will everyone, even those who hate Trump and Q when the Storm begins.
God speed my fellow humans!
– Justin
Book Pactum De Singularis Christus (Covenant of One Christ)
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Justin Deschamps has been a truth seeker all his life, studying physics, psychology, law, philosophy, and spirituality, and working to weave these seemingly separate bodies of information into a holistic tapestry of ever expanding knowledge. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some, sharing what he has discovered with those who are ready and willing to take responsibility for making the world a better place. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work. Check out his project Stillness in the Storm to find some of his work. Follow on Twitter @justinstillness, Follow on Parler, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and minds.com.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (“Trust the Plan” Isn’t What You Think It Is) originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
QAnon is one of many curators of information that is helping raise awareness about the manifold conspiracies and corruption of this world. Despite the controversy surrounding this individual, or group of individuals, the information provided is effective in alerting the public to a great many truths. Additionally, the method in which Q Anon provides information leaves it up to the individual to discern and evaluate, providing an excellent opportunity for people to develop their critical thinking, discernment, and philosophic skill sets.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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Very well said. Thank you.
Your Trust-the-plan article was right on…over due in fact!
Wonderful article Justin. If only all the nay sayers would read it.
I can’t agree more, Justin. Your thoughts were rational and to the point – no deep philosophy or politics. Very Q! A bit more patience from everyone is all that is required. Overturning the Deep State after all these centuries doesn’t happen overnight. And no one here would or could take Trump’s place.
I like your thoughts on the subject, but I also like Dylan’s.
Somebody out there needs to voice to a large audience the sincere reservations that Dylan has expressed.
I agree with your assessment much more so than Dylan’s.
Still, even though I think it seems highly unlikely, Dylan may be more right than any of us realize.
From a Law of One perspective, it’s not possible for us to KNOW everything in this 3rd density reality, that’s not the purpose of this reality, rather it’s the CHOICE to be Service to Others, or Service to Self.
It’s much more beneficial to ourself, everyone around us, and the whole 3rd density reality to concentrate on becoming 51%+ Service to Others.
Dylan (formerly EducatingLiberals, now DylanWheeler511) came out as a complete FRAUD! He was a huge Q supporter (feels weird saying that now) for a while, with a large following, until just a few days ago. He completely flipped, saying Q is fake, Trump is the devil, Hillary should have won in 2016, Flynn is a Free Mason, and, APPARENTLY, the world is flat…. I didn’t see that last one myself, but many confirmed it. He’s now decided Q is fake because he apparently “spent more time studying Q drops than reading scripture”, and that’s the work of the devil. He’s bonkers. Not sure how much time he spent on Q drops when his entire platform was mainly resharing memes. RobotInteriors warned us about him months ago! Dylan started a Patreon to quit his day job to be an independent journalist, then almost 3 months TO THE DAY before the elections is when he decides to call it quits. Also, Q drop 1796 warned us about “infiltrators” (credit to RobotInteriors for catching this!) which was posted August 2, 2018… exactly 2 YEARS TO THE DAY Dylan jumped ship! This was all planned. I absolutely TRUST THE PLAN, TRUST GOD, and TRUST PRESIDENT TRUMP! GOD put it in our HEARTS to trust Trump! WWG1WGA! TRUMP 2020! NOTHING can stop what’s coming. SHILLS are being EXPOSED (or exposing themselves!) the GREAT AWAKENING is HAPPENING (which Dylan also denies) MANY are exposing and waking up to the TRUTH of the SATANIC ELITE! Let’s keep making noise and support our great president and save our nation and SAVE THE CHILDREN!
My Boat Rocker Blog post: “Is Donald Trump a Light worker?”
Those who practice censorship are not of the light as they violate cosmic law… “Free will”
This blog post is a response to the video that asks… “Is Donald Trump a Light Worker?”https://youtu.be/Hju17fXIriQ
Thanks for your heart felt message. I’lI fall back on the story about the Zen Master, the Boy and the Horse. “We will see!” but in the illusion, “Time will tell” Time is never on the side of the dark and deceivers/Low frequency controllers as IN TIME in this realm, ALL is revealed. Light reveals the shadows upon illumination, it does not hide in the shadows as the shadows dwellers do. Light does not even cast a shadow. It cannot as it IS light.
Light is LOVE and does what LOVE does. In all things in all ways. High frequency does not dwell in lower frequency discordant energies. Why would it? Like water takes the path of least resistance, nature , God, Light, is very simple and uncomplicated. As my Future Higher Self states “Convolution hides malfeasance” – ONE.
So My guidance is not from the Federation of Light. I very much enjoy the updates in Blossom Goodchild’s channelings with the Federation of Light. Rather my guidance comes from my Future Higher self. I call this Future Higher self “ONE”. ONE is my higher self on the other side of the veil, who has taken compassion on me and comforted me, over the past 6 years.
Who of us would not, once no longer bound by 3d time, go back to comfort their younger self if they could. Well they can, and do IF we choose it. Like all relationships it takes two to communicate. Just now my future higher self “ONE” brought me a song lyric from the Song “Don’t fear the reaper”by Blue Oyster Cult…. “Love of two is ONE.” and a warm smile rises in me and a state of bliss is attained as my vibration is raised. I have found that My future higher self often communicates to me through song lyrics. Music is created in a very high frequency close to LOVE and clear communication is available if ONE is choosing to listen.
A light worker, by MY definition, perhaps not yours or any ONE else’s, is “ONE who sees all beings in themselves, and themselves in all beings.” A light worker knows that the consciousness behind ONE’s eye is the same consciousness behind every eye. and all matter, every particle. Every animal, plant tree, those little microscopic tardigrade, water, crystals, planets, suns galaxies and on and on everything. A Light worker knows that they are LOVE. A Light Worker understands that what ONE does to another, they do to themselves.
Discernment is challenged in this place of forgetting as we all have filters we must overcome OR embrace depending on the role we choose to play in this sand box in which in the end, “ALL IS WELL”. In some cases ONE chooses ignorance to fully play the role of the dark. But in the end, again, ALL IS WELL, and there is no judgement by the highest. Only man judges.
It matters not whether trump sees himself as a light worker or not or whether he qualifies as a Light Worker in your eyes or my eyes or not. Maybe he is a catalyst for the light. As we all know ” God works in mysterious ways.” But in this new age. ONE must exercise their discernment muscles going forward for we see with deep fake, AI and algorithm and censorship, and photoshop which i am an expert in, and Juke box tech We can no longer believe our senses. But our gut is another matter.
Now in the multi dimensional sand box Trump may be playing the role of undercover light worker. he appears to be having a great time at it as well. I have often said that he reminds me of the character Holden Caulfield in the book the “Catcher in the RYE” a book written by JD Salanger in which I theorize he was writing in order to balance his own out of balance ego. An intention inventory exercise or ritual.
So in the greater scheme, Trump is me and I AM Trump. We are all ONE. It is helpful to note that we can realize that the trillions of personalities that God has shattered herself into to experience each of our perspectives on experience it’self is or can be benign or any frequency at all. So perspective plays a part for multidimensional self aware sentient participants in 3D.
So let me speak as Greg Dampier in this 3d realm who in this sand box is playing the part of a freedom fighter, a lover of free will and freedom. And a citizen of The United States of America (illusion as I in this body in 3d see myself a simply a human.) An ex police officer, an agent of the constitution who took an oath to defend the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. A Tax payer who understand the power of money to corrupt and waste my human energy I pay in taxes.
1. Donald trump does not represent my values at all and I do not trust him to guide and lead the country. I find him UN-Trust-Worthy. He has had four years to bring about any real and lasting change (IF any president can really do that at all).
2. Donald trump makes speeches bragging about how great the economy is when he and I know he is talking about the fake corporate welfare economy propped up by the money laundering operation the Stock market. He and all the DC politicians would have you believe that the stock market IS the economy rather than a parasite ON the people’s economy. He is ONE of them. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and does and says what ducks do and say, then yells out loud for all to see and hear… “Hey, I’m a duck”. Well, he ain’t Jesus. He’s a pu$$i grabbing duck isn’t he?
3. Donald Trump has NOT been forthcoming with bringing the American people the truth about Covid 19, in fact he is steering the covid 19 titanic right into the iceberg. Somehow the Trump “Q” zealots keep distancing him from the biggest treason we have seen in modern times (at least equal if not worse than 911, same party by the way as Gorgy Porgy Bush 1 and 2) that includes but is not limited to an illegal house arrest on every citizen that fits the definition of torture., Muzzle wearing, fake science for profit and control, Destroying many lives and livelihoods and lying about a 2 week lock down that is now going on 6 months based on mandates and laws that are illegal unconstitutional immoral and defies common sense AND violates COSMIC LAW “Free will” ANY rookie light worker would know about the cosmic prime directive, “Free will”. Want to piss off a sentient self aware sentient cosmic citizen? violate my free will.!!!!!
4. Donald trump has overseen the theft of the citizens treasure in the Trillions and giving it to his rich friends while more Americans are sleeping in tents on our city streets. He has done nothing to arrest the illegal unconstitutional Federal Reserve that is a private usury institution that creates unsustainable debt out of every fiat/fake dollar printed that devalues every dollar the working class people have due to built in inflation.
5. Donald trump is the only “light worker” I have ever known to have another countries leadership assassinated then bragged that he could kill someone and would not lose any voters.
6. Donald Trumps appointments to his governments cabinets are “Fox in the hen house” appointments. His treasury secretary is a smug hedge fund guy that benifitted from taking peoples homes in 2007/2008 during the bank bailouts. His secretary of labor gave Jeff Epstein a sweetheart deal and Trump wish’s Epsteins madam Ghislain Maxwell, well with her “troubles”???? The EPA secretary is a corporate polluter, and on and on. They say he is draining the swamp but he is filling the swamp with more swamp creatures. IF that is a Light Worker I will need to broaden my definition a bit. yes?
7. Donald trump has released a soldier who committed murder and war crimes, while doing nothing to release the truth teller, light worker Julian Assange who is dying as we speak from torture over many years. Take your time Donald, he may be dead by the time Biden gets you re elected. What about Edward Snowden, and Chelsea manning and all the others who have risked everything to get the truth to the people including the thousands of doctors and scientists currently being censored for telling the truth about Covid1984?
8. “Q” sycophants and others keep referring, for years to the 150,00 secret indictments and trump rescuing tortured children from under ground bases. First of all as an ex police officer, police do not sit on secret indictments for years allowing suspects they have probable cause to charge with a crime, to continue victimizing others. The police would then be culpable for allowing the crimes due to inaction. Yes? Good cops would never allow that. Not only that serving 150000 indictments would be a logistical nightmare.
Trump is rescuing children from underground sewers and bases??But that it is SECRET. really? why would ONE keep something like that secret, and how could something like that be kept secret in a transparent democracy especially as there is so much distrust of the government right now as people are awakening?? Wouldn’t parents of rescued children be posting notes of joy on Facebook and social media, books written and movie deals made?? Do we really want the State to be keeping secrets about children being captive in cages???? really?
9. Whch brings me to point 9. Donald trump allowed chilldren “Immigrants” held in cages away from parents in private ICE prisons. he did not seem to care about rescuing those children! Then they all say, “Trump wrote legislation to stop human trafficking”. There are already laws on the books to prosecute human trafficking, all he has to do is have them investigated and arrested.Yes?
10. Donald trump wanted to give his friends contracts to spend the people’s money on a partial wall to keep out immigrants, people who were the inhabitants of this land before westerners stole it from them. A light worker knows that everywhere ONE walks on this planet is holy ground. A Light worker knows that it is quite impossible for any ONE to be illegal any where on this planet. Trump does NOT appear to know that.
11. Donald trump is made out to be the perfect CEO to “Make America great again” really? he could not even make casinos successful without help from the dark ONEs. How do you not make money when you own a casino???? Liely mismanagement! yeah, Perfect, let’s make his ass president says America! at least half of them. I can do this same article about Biden and the rest of them as well all day.
Exactly when was America great save in the minds of delusional Americans? The ground is covered with the blood of people from constant states of war and criminality. America better check herself before she wrecks herself. Literally. Heroshima? Slavery, Broken treaties of the Native Americans murder and genocide. No voting for women or Minorities/ Illegal testing on citizens resulting in death and birth defects? censorship? Two party scams? constant war? hearding American citizens (Japanese) into camps, over taxing and theft? rendition? torture? i can do this all day. Supression of real free energy, our real history? real disclosure????? on and on? So exactly when was America great? Sure, potential it never lived up to due to corruption and criminality.
12. Donald Trump has done nothing about censorship by proxy, He has allowed the military to be deployed against the American people in their own land, he has allowed the further militarization of the Police. He has not explained the role of protest infil-traitors know as Agent Provocetuers that is always used by the state to stop the voice of the people who no longer have a voice. I could go on but need I? Light Worker? I Think not. I vote not. I do not give my consent for this charade to continue.
13. I suspect Donald Trump and “Q” is a part of the rebranding efforts of the republicans. Not unlike the “tea Party” efforts they tried and failed with. Lipstick on a very stinking corpse of a republican pig in which they that admitted after years of the Bush Dynasty they would have to “Reinvent” themselves as they said on Television so many years ago. These efforts are revealing the cooperation of the truther and spiritual community who Republicans have always pandered to such as the right wing Christians so they have much practice with.
14. “There is but ONE party, and you ain’t in it.” – ONE. There is no dubt in my mid that the choice of Biden and harris were designed to get Donald trump reelected. While controllers make plans over 100 years, the average Americans plan over the past 4 years. The Dempublicans/Republicrats are 2 sides of the same coin. They pretend to hate each other, but who they really hate is you! To only remove half a cancerous tumor, cancer remains, yes? Light worker? I don’t think much light work is going on in DC. from any of them. We need no priest, not pope, no president, no guru, no spiritual influencers. All that is found within. We are the ONE’s we have been waiting for. What is going on is Mass Hysteria a distraction from blatant in your face criminality and corruption at the highest levels. They tactic is stale tired and old, divide and conquer. Removal of consent is the least ONE can do. And a good start. – ONE
Please do not censor me again.! again, my Boat Rocker Blog post “is Donald Trump a Light Worker”
Thanks Justin. We need more “sober” opinions like yours. I have been extremely “sensitive” for decades after a Spiritual Awakening through a near-death experience when I was 32. The energy here in Atlanta has reached a fever pitch — and whether I “shelter in place” or go out into the world — I can’t hide from the most extreme “stress” I have ever felt in my 77 years in this incarnation. The chanting in front of the State Capital and CNN, raising our voices, forming parades and telling our elected officials to get off their butts and do their job — is a beginning. Taking action to blow off our stress hopefully is the trigger to continue our experience of a great Awakening.