(Leisa Audette) Remember when the left claimed President Trump had police clear Lafayette Park in D.C. last summer with tear gas so he could have a photo-op holding a Bible up in protest against the arson and vandalism in D.C.? None of it is true. Trump is right again.
Related President Trump: “Thank You For Completely Exonerating Me”
by Leisa Audette, June 9th, 2021
Historic St. John’s Church had been the scene last June of leftist hatred and arson. President Trump’s symbolic gesture to walk over to St. John’s church and hold up a Bible was in support of peace and against violence. At the time, Rev. Franklin Graham released a statement (see below) supporting President Trump, but the left claimed Trump caused confusion and chaos by calling for Lafayette Park to be cleared.
The leftist Trump-hating media shouted that President Trump told park police to fire tear gas into the crowd and disperse the protesters in any manner or method.
Report: pdf here
A new report released today from the Inspector General of the Interior Department just released a statement backing President Trump and refuting the claim that he had the park cleared using tear gas:
” U.S. Park Police did not clear Lafayette Park and the nearby area of protesters on June 1, 2020, so President Donald Trump could walk from the White House over to St. John’s Church, but learned of his interest in surveying the site hours after they already had begun planning to clear the area to put up new fencing, according to a new watchdog report.”
Franklin Graham published a Facebook post in support of President Trump’s walk to St. John’s Church in D.C. after a night of chaos in the nation’s capital:
Our country has erupted in chaos. Everyone agrees that what happened to George Floyd was a terrible tragedy that should not have happened and should never happen again. But what has taken place with these riots is also a heartbreaking disaster for so many and for our nation.
I was asked if I was offended by the President walking out of the White House, which is his back yard, and walking over to St. John’s Church. Offended? Not at all. This made an important statement that what took place the night before in the burning, looting, and vandalism of the nation’s capital—including this historic house of worship—mattered, and that the lawlessness had to end.
And I’m not offended that he held up the Bible—as a matter of fact, I was encouraged! I appreciate it. I believe that God’s Word is the only hope for each individual and for our nation. The problem we are facing in this country is a spiritual and moral problem. New laws and more government give-away programs are not the answer. It’s a heart problem, and only God can change the human heart.
I’m disappointed that some of the President’s harshest critics about going to the church were clergy. They have publicly (to the media) criticized the President for walking to the church and for holding up the Bible. That’s unbelievable. They should be thanking him rather than criticizing him! They are nitpicking his gesture, also saying he should have prayed while he was there. So critical. Well, maybe they should invite him back and pray for him as he leads this country through a very difficult time in our history.
I call on all pastors, regardless of denomination, race, or political persuasion, to join hands and join hearts in praying for our nation, that God would give wisdom to our leaders—our mayors, our governors, our President Donald J. Trump, and also our law enforcement. The God of the Bible is our only hope.
The president was criticized for his walk and for holding up the Bible. Graham called out the critics for their nitpicking and asked that they stand in solitude to pray for our nation. Bravo!
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– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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