(David Martosko) A convicted felon caught up in a pair of stinging political exposés has visited the Obama White House 342 times, according to the administration’s records, including several visits to the Obama family’s residence and one, in October of last year, to the Oval Office.
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by David Martosko, October 19th, 2016
Clinton campaign contractor caught in voter-fraud video is a felon who visited White House 342 times: https://t.co/qQdsMHAtkT— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 19, 2016
Robert Creamer was caught on one hidden-camera video discussing ways to commit large-scale voter fraud, and talking in another about paying liberal activists to start fights and otherwise disrupt Donald Trump rallies.
Democracy Partners, the community organizing firm that until Tuesday employed Creamer, works hand-in-hand with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Creamer, whose wife is 9-term Illinois Democratic congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, took 47 private meetings with Obama or his senior staff, the White House’s official visitor records records show, including one just four months ago.
He says on one bombshell video that the Clinton campaign has daily phone contact with Democracy Partners and is aware of his work.
That work has included sending agents into Trump rallies to provoke violence, the videos – produced by the conservative group Project Veritas Action – show.
One of those provocateurs was a 69-year-old woman who was paid to attend a rally where she later claimed to have been assaulted.
‘She was one of our activists,’ Creamer subcontractor Scott Foval said on camera, unaware he was being recorded.
‘The [Clinton] campaign pays DNC [Democratic National Committee], DNC pays Democracy Partners,’ foval says on tape. ‘Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, The Foval Group goes and executes the s**t.’
A conservative blog called Weasel Zippers first noted Creamer’s hundreds of visits to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. DailyMail.com confirmed the totals.
His 2005 conviction for bank fraud related to a check-kiting scheme sent him to jail for 5 months, but that didn’t keep him out of the West Wing.
Schakowsky has not spoken publicly about her husband’s involvement in what appear to be a scheme to commit election fraud and a conspiracy to incite assault and battery.
Creamer said only that he had ‘indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the [Clinton] campaign.’
Trump, who has been warning his rally audiences about the potential for Democrats ‘stealing’ the Nov. 8 election, has drawn eye-rolls from television commentators.
But his campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told The Washington Post that his crystal ball was seeing clearly.
‘Once again, Donald Trump was ahead of his time,’ Conway said of the alleged corruption. ‘We see that it goes right to the top.’
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a prominent Trump backer, told the Post that ‘[t]he FBI should be opening an investigation into these people right now.’
President Obama’s chief spokesman dodged questions on Wednesday about Creamer and condemned the activity depicted in the Project Veritas Action footage, while claiming the group itself is unreliable.
‘I’ve been asked about videos that have come from this outlet in the past, and each time I’ve tried to urge people to take those reports not at face value – not just with a grain of salt but maybe even a whole package of salt,’ White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters.
‘Because despite what the name [Veritas] might suggest, these videos have not often revealed the truth.’
Earnest did not cite examples.
Pressed to explain how the videos could be misleading if Creamer has been tossed overboard, Earnest admitted: ‘That is true, and so that’s why I’m reluctant to comment directly on the videos themselves.’
‘It is completely inappropriate to resort to violence to advance a political goal. And that certainly is a principle that the president strongly believes in,’ he said.
He wouldn’t, however, address the question of why a felon was allowed to visit the White House 342 times.
‘At this pont I would urge extreme caution in drawing conclusions about anybnody’s character based on a few hours of having looked at this video,’ he said.
The Clinton campaign, too, hinted that the videos may have been spliced together in a dishonest fashion.
‘Project Veritas has been known to offer misleading video out of context,’ Hillary For America spokesman Zac Petkanas said Wednesday, but ‘some of the language and tactics referenced in the video are troubling even as a theory or proposal never executed.’
‘We support the Democratic National Committee’s appropriate action addressing this matter,’ he said, referring to the dismissal of Creamer and Foval.
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