(Hank Berrien) On Friday, President Trump trolled former Vice President Joe Biden over the sexual assault allegation made against him by former Biden staffer Tara Reade, as Trump spoke at length of the unfairness of men being accused by women, then said, “I guess in a way you could say I’m sticking up for him.”
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by Hank Berrien, May 1st, 2020
As The Daily Wire reported, on Friday, Biden told MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski that he would not release his Senate records at the University of Delaware because he was concerned that it would damage his presidential campaign.
“The first is about your University of Delaware records, do you agree the reporting that those records were supposed to be revealed to the public and then they were resealed for a longer period of time until after you ‘leave public life,’” Brzezinski said. “And if you agree with that, if that’s what happened, why did that happen?”
“The fact is that there’s a lot of things of speeches I’ve made, positions I’ve taken, interviews that I did overseas with people, all of those things relating to my job,” Biden responded. “And the idea that they would all be made public in the fact while I was running for public office, they could be really taken out of context.”
“The papers are position papers, they are documents that existed and that when I, for example, when I met with Putin or when I met with whomever,” Biden continued. “And all of that to be fodder in a campaign at this time and I don’t know of anybody who’s done anything like that.”
“Are you certain there was nothing about Tara Reade in those records, and, if so, why not approve a search of her name in those records?” Brzezinski pressed.
“Approve a search of her name?” Biden responded, appearing to be confused.
“Yes, and reveal anything that might be related to Tara Reade in the University of Delaware records,” Brzezinski answered.
Trump was being interviewed on Dan Bongino’s podcast when Bongino asked Trump if Biden should release the records, prompting Trump to reply:
Trump stated, “You know, it’s his problem, but I like to get in front of it and just deny it. If it’s not true you just deny it. I’ve been a total victim of this nonsense, false accusations …” He segued to speaking about Justice Brett Kavanaugh and the travails he had suffered before continuing, “I look at the double standard, you look at Biden, nobody wants to bring up the subject. And by the way, with somebody with far more credibility than any of those four people had with respect to Brett.”
Bongino posited that Biden seemed confused when asked Friday on MSNBC about whether he should unseal his records.
Trump replied:
He is a confused man. You know that; I mean, you get it … He’s confused by not only that question; he’s confused by every other question he’s had. But look, he’s going to have to make his own decision; I’m not going to be telling him what to do. I would say this: if they’re not true, and if the allegations aren’t true, he has to say that; false allegations, false accusations, and he has to get on with it.
As far as records and all, I have no idea at all. He’d have to make that decision. I can say, though, that I’ve been accused, you probably have, too, As soon as you’re famous you get accused … I understand where he is. He’s just gotta do what he’s gotta do. But he can deny, and then as far as records, if he had any records, that would be a great thing if he could show records and then dispose of it with records.
Trump continued, “So I guess in a way you could say I’m sticking up for him, but the mother was very compelling certainly, and the girlfriend or friend was very compelling. And certainly far more compelling than anything they had with respect to Brett Kavanaugh.”
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exellent piece of journalism on trump and what is happening now.