(Aaron Kesel) The Trump administration is holding 1,469 teen and pre-teen boys separated from their parents in captivity along the Mexican border at an old abandoned Walmart called Casa Padre, Salt Lake Tribune reported.
Related US Admits It ‘Lost’ 1,500 Immigrant Children, Handed Many of Them Directly To Human Traffickers
by Aaron Kesel,
The old Walmart has now been renovated with classrooms, recreation centers, and medical examination rooms to hold the boys now under federal custody. The boys are allowed two hours outside each day, including one hour of physical exercise and one hour of free time in between long days of learning. There are two separate shifts of education due to the number of boys at the facility.
A total of 1,469 boys, ages 10 to 17, are housed inside the 250,000-square-foot former Walmart superstore. None of the 313 bedrooms have doors or ceilings, so children are forced to lie in their beds. At least the government is feeding them according to reports; an image shows a hundred children neatly lined up for their supper of barbecued chicken or sandwiches single file past murals of former presidents, including one of the current president with a quote in Spanish alongside the English version: “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.” It’s a quote that President Trump once tweeted in 2014, a line from his 1987 book The Art of the Deal, shortly before going on to win the U.S. election 2 years later.
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While most of the boys are teenagers who entered the United States alone on their own, dozens of others — some even younger were forcibly separated from their parents at the border by a new Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy for immigration.
A Washington Post reporter recently interviewed a teenager who spent about three months in Casa Padre, from February until early May of this year.
Jairom, 17, had fled his abusive home in Honduras and traveled through Mexico for a month, mostly by train, before he was detained crossing into Rio Grande.
Casa Padre wasn’t perfect, Jairom told the Post. The two dirt soccer fields behind the big-box store weren’t enough space for all the boys who wanted to play. And he said the food was terrible.
“They gave us a bit of bread, a nasty egg and some beans and an apple and some milk,” he said, describing breakfast. “Everyone complained about the food.”
Perhaps one of the worst people to quote, but she has it right this one time, former First Lady Laura Bush compared the immigrant children’s camp to internment camps used in WW2.
“These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment camps of World War II, now considered to have been one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. history,” Laura Bush wrote in an Op-Ed for The Washington Post.
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Only last month the Trump administration enacted a policy to refer every person caught crossing the border illegally for federal prosecution, a decision that has caused for the separation of children from their families.
“So, if you cross the border unlawfully, even a first offense, we’re going to prosecute you,” U.S. AG Jeff Sessions told a gathering of the Association of State Criminal Investigative Agencies in May. “If you’re smuggling a child, we’re going to prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you, probably, as required by law. If you don’t want your child to be separated, then don’t bring them across the border illegally.”
However, the nonprofit’s chief executive, Juan Sanchez of the company holding the federal contract Texas-based Southwest Key insists they aren’t running a prison and their ultimate goal is to reunite these young kids with their families, many of whom are probably now locked up under Sessions’ new policies.
“We’re trying to do the best that we can taking care of these children. Our goal ultimately is to reunite kids with their families,” he said. “We’re not a detention center. … What we operate are shelters that take care of kids. It’s a big, big difference.”
In the two weeks after Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the separation policy, on May 7, 638 adults were prosecuted, and they had been accompanied by 658 children, federal officials have said.
One has to wonder if the Trump administration is imprisoning these 1,469 children and if there are other centers like these being operated around the U.S. holding children in detention internment camps. AG Sessions has ordered federal prosecutors to pursue criminal charges against all referrals for illegally crossing the border.
The Trump administration has separated nearly 2,000 children from their families since it initiated its harsh new immigration policies according to the Associated Press which analyzed records from the Department of Homeland Security and found that 1,995 children were taken away between April 19th through May 31st of this year.
How many more of these cases exist where children are being snatched from their parents who illegally cross the border? Is this the new type of behavior Americans wants to condone, or just the establishment making us all look bad?
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About The Author
Aaron Kesel writes for Activist Post. Support us at Patreon. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Steemit, and BitChute. Ready for solutions? Subscribe to our premium newsletter Counter Markets.
Top image credit: ZeroHedge
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Fair enough. Now tell us about all the immigrant children that Obama kept in obscene conditions that he asked Congress not to discuss? What’s more why doesn’t your article talk about the children President Trump saved from pedophilia when Obama, Clinton and Bush did nothing. Explain why Clinton starved 500,000 Iraqui children to death and his former secretary of state, Madeline Albright, claimed it was worth it? The MSM is making itself rapidly worthless.
Exactly! More of the same from lamestream.
1. These kids are in the US illegally. The how and why is extremely important to understand if we want to do what is right for the kids.
2. The kids are mostly victims of child traffickers, The plans traffickers had for them is sex slavery, typically drug induced. And that’s the lucky kids. The rest are tortured and killed in black magic rituals, or basically forced into gang membership.
3. Last year, of 12k kids brought here, 10k, or 83%, we’re NOT with their parents. And that’s the number DHS has found without using DNA testing.
4. The adults bringing these kids are putting the kids at extreme risk by crossing the border illegally, which cannot be done safely with children. The 17% who really are parents have zero rights to be with those kids – they are not fit parents to begin with.
5. The bankster-owned media and Hollywood are pressing very hard to keep this horrendous child trafficking from being stopped. Why do you think that is?
6. Under Trump, the DHS has NOT instituted anything new. They are following laws put in place by Bush and Obama and earlier. Zero tolerance is only following the existing laws more strictly.
If you are pushing to stop Trumps border actions, you are supporting child trafficking. Hopefully you do this unknowingly, only because you cannot believe media and hollywood could be as dark and soulless as they are, and you are being programmed. And if you do it knowingly, then you are going to have to deal with your own karmic reckoning. God does not judge, that is a human thing. But you will judge yourself, and you will be less forgiving than anyone else would be.
Well said Steve.
One other point. Why do you think the men bringing these kids over the border are risking their own lives and risking going to prison for child trafficking? Only one reason – a lot of money from the people they sell the kids to. A LOT of money. Who do you think can afford to spend that kind of money? You guessed it – the Harvey Weinstein’s and Jeffrey Epstein’s and Bill Clinton’s of the World. Wake up Aaron. This is NOT A GAME. Peoples lives are at stake, and you are complicit, regardless of your intent.
This is a spin on the real story, which is: The walmart detention center was being used for child trafficking long before Trump was in office, during the Obama administration. This is why Trump is so adamant on putting stricter boarder laws in place. He’s trying to shut these places down.
It is called “preventing human trafficking”! The previous administration used the same law, but to “facilitate human trafficking”. If you do not get it, then do more research. I read at least five hours of everyday just to hone my bullshit radar. You owe it to yourself to educate yourself before you bash anyone.
Exactly! More of the same from lamestream.
Justin, as usual I love your site and its thought provoking content.
Both sides need their voice, not just one. Can we have the other point of view and set of verified facts as well?
Personally what I took umbrage with was Aaron’s ‘clickbait’ headline cleverly couched to grab the reader’s attention. The word ‘imprisoned’ was a bit much to swallow. I shall go to his site to let him know- IF he takes comments.
I also see the reader’s comments are passionate; inviting debate on facts.
You are state of the art, over the top, genius in your ability to discuss complex issues with a fairly moderate perspective. Ready?
Lets make this simple and look at the term ‘policy’ shall we?
I took the definition from a site Dictionary.com that seems neutral on the definition.
noun, plural pol·i·cies.
a definite course of action adopted for the sake of expediency, facility, etc.: We have a new company policy.
a course of action adopted and pursued by a government, ruler, political party, etc.: our nation’s foreign policy.
action or procedure conforming to or considered with reference to prudence or expediency: It was good policy to consent.
Then I looked at online Webster’s definition which seemed a bit more subjective in their collectivism approach but first I mention that the reader is confronted in the home page with a series of ‘trending’ definitions that cause an eyebrow to go up. hmmmm
asylum ‘protection from arrest and extradition given especially to political refugees’
insubordinate ‘disobedient to authority’
promulgate ‘to make known by open declaration’
epochal ‘momentous or unparalleled’
clemency ‘merciful treatment of someone who could b
hmmmmm setting up a meme mindset or group think here?
One wonders; so lets go to their definition of p0licy:
1a : prudence or wisdom in the management of affairs
b : management or procedure based primarily on material interest
2 a : a definite course or method of action selected from among alternatives and in light of given conditions to guide and determine present and future decisions
b : a high-level overall plan embracing the general goals and acceptable procedures especially of a governmental body
One common theme- COURSE OF ACTION
I’ll take that as a basis.
Simply put-
According to this article and other MSM news, and general consensus, that the Trump administration took a course of action they call policy.
Course of Action on what?
Fact: following a LAW put into place by Congress in 1952 called McCarran–Walter Act. Democrat President Truman vetoed the bill as ‘unAmerican and discriminatory’ but was over ridden by both houses by a vote of 278 to 113 in the House and 57 to 26 in the Senate- a majority during a time when the McCarthy era on communism was looming and Korea was a disagreement rather than a war.
Fact: the McCarran–Walter Act was codified into 8 U.S.C. and amended over the decades. (society changes)
Fact: Most recent date of LAW into effect was Jan 3, 2012. [https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/search/pagedetails.action?packageId=USCODE-2011-title8&granuleId=USCODE-2011-title8-chap12-subchapII-partI-sec1158]
FACT: That date was during Obama Administration
FACT: This LAW stretches through 12 presidential administrations
The main question here is: that the attorney general of the current administration has effected a COURSE OF ACTION pursuant to a LAW passed by Congress as a matter of policy OW does this in any way make this Donald Trump’s LAW?
His Attorney General has made it DoJ policy to enforce the LAW.
While Jeff Sessions doesn’t appear to follow President Trump’s wishes and remains quite?recused on many critical matters in the news today, And yet he certainly kicks up the dust with simple enforcement of a LAW on the books for 66 years.
The next question is: “WHY is this current MSM meme kicking up such emotional turmoil with in the general populace as to generate now multiple death threats, public kidnappings and shame tactics to government officials?
Perhaps we should look at some of the posts in today’s website and this past week that Justin posts on collective beliefs, are they ours? Or on Mind Control, Propaganda and the like.
It may give the readers an answers and certainly Aaron Kesel who is taking a stance perhaps from an emotional base rather on facts. His term ‘imprisonment’ certainly alludes to the former not the latter.
Time to do some background check. Walmart turning into FEMA camps has been conspiracy theory for a few years now.
You do realize it’s the law. Since the Clinton administration. Trump simply told agents to follow the law. Wow. What a horrible president. Where were all you for the last 3 administration’s. The thing is you have it writing in your own Article. Do some research. Get off the MSM band wagon. Start thinking for yourself and maybe read some of the other articles on this site to see a bigger picture.
Quite right sir.