Update – September 4th, 2022: When I original wrote this introduction, I believed that voting was form of distraction, as it tends to cause people to become complacent insofar as they often do not persue other means of addressing system corruption. This is still true; however, the acquiescence due to not voting is itself an action that guarantees those who seek to steal power unrighteously will get their wish.
Given this, I am revising my previous stance. Voting is important, even if it comes with all the baggage listed below. It’s important, as an individual, because it acts as a memorandum of one’s will with respect to a political question, which, despite all the fraud and corruption of our system, still stands as one of the most powerful acts of law a citizen can bring forward. As a group, especially in the presence of a coordinated group of patriots that realize collective action to expose election fraud, it is a tactical necessity while also acting as an essential component of comradery.
If you happen to come across this post, I encourage you to vote. And I encourage you, most importantly, to learn the law and coordinate your actions with others who also know the law. When I say law, I mean the true substance of law that is hidden behind the veil of legal jargon and processes. Unfortunately, there are few places to find real and truly educational sources on the law. If I was to provide one source, it would be UCADIA. This is a kind of one-stop shop for law. It is itself a lot to absorb, let alone understand. Hence, working with others so as to form social groups around the law and what to do about our mutual problem. The law is the ultimate coordinator, harmonizer, and unifier—again, the real law, not the legal system or its obscure processes. If We The People, the body politic, were properly trained and educated on the law, we would never have let the situation get this bad to begin with. This is why this knowledge is kept from your hands. It is my hope that one day we work together more directly, via the internet or physically, so that we can rebuild this lost and indispensable knowledge, so that whatever freedom we gain from those who seek to steal it, we can truly keep it, for ourselves and our children.
– Justin
With the hype around the 2016 presidential race buzzing, now is a good time to review what our relationship to government is, in law, the legal system and metaphysical realities of consciousness.
We are told in school, over the media and directly via the political propaganda apparatus that our right to vote is a solemn duty of being a citizen. We should feel proud to voice our opinion and participate in government, and we should feel ashamed if we do not.
The following article details why the above exoteric belief about voting is a fraud. Moreover, voting for political institutions is an insidious method used by our would-be masters to garner our consent, to deceive us into participating in our own enslavement.
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The concept is simple, when we vote for a representative, it is an admission that we cannot manage our own affairs, we can not be responsible for our estates (lives) and we need a master to manage them for us. Granted most people do not think of voting this way, but within the legal system, as well as the Natural Laws of the universe, this is what voting means. And if we just take an honest look at society, it becomes fairly clear that the vast majority of people on Earth do not know how to live harmonious lives, we don’t know how to manage society and work with each other in peace. But there is a very good reason for this, pandemic ignorance.
If we want to become a painter, then knowledge about painting is required. If we want to become a pastry chef, then knowledge about baking is required. If we want to live free, prosperous, and harmonious lives in a world of peace and kindness, then knowledge is required. And it’s this lack of knowledge, combined with social programming or indoctrination, trauma and fear that created the world we see today. A world filled with people that actually want to be ruled by a master.
In contrast, the universe is trying to invoke sovereignty within each being. The whole point of the evolutionary adventure is to develop and grow into a self-governing, wise, and competent individual; who recognize their true relationship to the universe, and their duty to honor the sovereignty of all other life. Of course, this is the polar opposite of how most people are today. As such, when a people loses touch with the realities of interconnectedness; when they forget about how their choices in life create the world we all live in, then are external forms of control needed to manage the ignorant masses – that’s what the government is.
Human beings are powerful creators, given incredible abilities of manifestation. We need only look out into the world to see what we’re capable of as one people. But without knowledge, without skill and discipline, the world we create from ignorance is one of hardship, scarcity, and slavery for all. Only by changing ourselves within, taking up our creator given inheritance of sovereignty will we become change agents for a brighter future.
So while we should definitely gain knowledge of the frauds in society, we should not seek to blame someone else for our woes. And while we may not think we are actively contributing to the hardships of this world, our lack of competence, self-mastery and sovereignty ensures that the Cabal remain in power as the balancing force to our ignorance.
There really is only one truly lasting solution, to become our own saviors of the world, which is what the word sovereign actually means. Human creative energy got us into this mess, and only our creative energy will get us out, ensuring that future generations live in a world of light and life.
Note about corporations: Corporations have become vilified within the truth movement, usually for good reasons. Most of the horrors of this world came about as a result of a corporate entity of some kind. But a corporation in and of itself is not evil, it is merely a tool of manifestation, and like all tools can be used wisely.
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Here’s a common definition:
a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity.
A company or group that acts as a single entity could be any cooperative or co-creative undertaking. The thing that authorizes the act is consent, or participation. Let’s consider a very simple example.
Imagine a group of people want to meet at a restaurant for dinner. They send an email invitation out and each person then sends a reply saying that they will attend. Then they all meet at the location and have dinner.
In this example, when each person voiced their approval of the proposed plan, they gave their consent which authorized the group undertaking. And by virtue of their participation they all act as a single entity. Clearly there is nothing inherently evil or corrupt about participating in a group activity.
Phonetically, the word corporation can break down into two other words, corporeal-oration. Corporeal means, consisting of material objects or a body, and oration means, a formal speech, usually at a ceremony. Combine the two together to form the definition: to make real or create a body by speaking. And considering we enter into cooperative undertakings (corporations) by making a verbal or written declaration of our intent, our energy literally breathes life into an imaginary, fictitious entity: the group or corporation. By imaginary I mean that the group only exists as a singular thing within the mind, there is no objective attribute that creates the boundary conditions of individuality, such as a living biological body, like a human being.
Corporations may not be real in the sense that a human being is real, but the fruit of a co-creative undertaking or corporation is very real. And this is where the risk of error or evil comes in. When the goal of the group undertaking is nefarious or immoral, when the goal harms another sovereign being, then there are serious consequences to participating in it. And if we do not voice our disapproval for group undertakings that are immoral, we acquiesce to that entities agenda.
This is why understanding our relationship to government is so important. Our actions, or lack thereof, our participation, our vote or consent literally breathes life into the matrix of control, tyranny, and oppression. In this sense, there are no true bystanders, there are either people working for tyranny or there are people working for freedom. And once we recognize this truth, we can then take steps to change, and that is what is the most important thing we can do.
The people have lost touch with each other, and our innate ability to solve our own problems, without having to blindly trust a government. Working with our fellows to restore balance and freedom to this world will be the challenge of challenges, but we are uniquely empowered to do it. Unity on the big issues is what matters, so let’s do our best to let go of trivial things that keep us divided, so we can start to consent to truth, freedom, and prosperity, instead of the lesser of two evils.
Source – The Event Chronicle
By PL Chang
Why Most United States Politicians are a Disgrace to Life, Liberty, and Freedom
(a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality—(2) taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after having attained the age of eighteen years;(4)(A) accepting, serving in, or performing the duties of any office, post, or employment under the government of a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after attaining the age of eighteen years if he has or acquires the nationality of such foreign state;
(a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality—(2) taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after having attained the age of eighteen years;
Did You Know the “Right” to Vote in the United States is a Fraud?
In legal terms, your right to vote is actually a privilege because to be a United States Citizen means that you are a legal person, also known as a corporation. A corporation is a fictitious entity that has no right. So, when politicians tellEvery time you vote, you are giving your consent to be governed by treasonous politicians. These politicians do not care about you because they work for the Banking Elites, which are the International Banksters who own the United States, Inc.The right to vote in the United States is a FRAUD, because your vote does not really matter and the voting system is rigged, just like a casino. Furthermore, when you vote, you are voting for a president of a FOREIGN corporation known as the United States, Inc.One thing you need to know about the U.S. voting system is that the presidential candidates are chosen by the International Banksters and they control both of the Republican and Democratic parties. The idea that we have choices when it comes to electing presidential candidates is an illusion.As an American, when you vote you are basically committing TREASON against the country called The United States of America (Major), which is made up of 50 separate nation states operating as a nation on the land jurisdiction. The United States of America (Minor) or the United States, Inc. is operating under the international jurisdiction of the sea, which is based on Admiralty Law (the Law of the Sea).
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The Occult Definition of the Word Vote and How the Voting System Drains Your Energy
[…] By SITS The concept is simple, when we vote for a representative, it is an admission that we cannot manage our own affairs, we cannot be responsible for our estates (lives) and we need a master to manage them for us. Most people do not think of voting this way, but within the legal system, as well as the Natural Laws of the universe, this is what voting means. READ more at https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2016/03/true-meaning-of-voting-how-the-voting-system-is-used-to-drai… […]