(Amber Wheeler-Dwight) Parenting is one of the hardest things we could ever be called to do. We all want to do what’s best for our children, but who decides what is best? Do we truly make those choices or do we allow our perceptions of reality and what media we consume to choose for us? Having your nose in the diaper makes it hard to see how society is influencing your choices; it can be very difficult to take a step back and try to see all the ways our children (and ourselves) are being influenced by Hollywood, mainstream media, Big Pharma/Tech, educational institutions, and even politics.
by Amber Wheeler-Dwight, February 17th, 2021
There are so many agendas at play working towards the same goal of sexualizing our children and destroying the family unit. A holistic perspective is key in understanding how they connect in the ways that they do. The most socially acceptable form of this is social justice. On its surface it is pushed as an LBGTQ movement; people just want to be allowed to be themselves and love who they want. Most people who support the community are normal people who care about equality. This is great for the average person, but there are groups of people using this movement to their advantage beneath the surface to control emotions and manipulate decisions remotely.
Largely this social justice subversion is pushed in the media and embedded in politics. MSM feeds the population “talking points,” which are typically ways of responding to facts when they have none using ad hominems about being selfish or suggesting free thought is inadequate if it doesn’t align with “experts,” who generally have a vested interest in pushing their narrative. In politics there are many ways utilized to sexualize our children. Celebrities are used by politicians to appeal to youth as outlined further below, but more sinister things are happening closer to home.
In 2019 Republican Representative Eric Lucero stood and tore apart the K-12 Education Omnibus Bill, which mandated new comprehensive sex ed and further widened the gap between rural and metro school funding. He detailed every gruesome, dirty aspect on the house floor. He referenced a book endorsed by Planned Parenthood as part of their model curriculum for elementary and secondary school, actually bringing it onto the floor and beginning with a statement that if it’s acceptable for small children, it’s acceptable on the floor. The book states the material is for 10+, fourth grade, but the house was voting to bring the material to Kindergarten and PRE-K; an age at which their precious, impressionable brains are not even developed enough to fully understand gender identity, let alone the concepts discussed here. The bill passed.
It was difficult to find this video. Luckily it was linked on a couple blogs online. Upon investigating I discovered it is hidden on the MN GOP official youtube; they only keep a few videos available, mostly about nothing in particular like food and puppies. I was horrified to find this video only had just over 600 views and was cut down to 8 minutes, removing all the truly gory details (if anyone can find the full version of this PLEASE don’t hesitate to send it to me, Mr. Lucerno did provide me with the facebook video link shared below with over 2 million views, but it’s still only the 8 minute version.)
The cut of his speech makes it sound like he’s complaining about typical things which parents do expect to talk to their kids about; normal bodily functions. What they cut out, what is DETAILED in this book include concepts like fisting and bloodplay. They tell children to self-identify based on LGBTQ+ options and state that vaginal, anal, and oral sex are all equal, rather than just explaining the differences or leaving such details to parents to consider relaying.
It goes on to suggest that porn is okay, despite countless studies demonstrating exposure to porn has a detrimental impact, especially on young minds. To add to that, it has images of the act itself, with information on orgasms. More details which should be left to parents, who should be empowered rather than severed from their children. This bill is a clear indication of their agenda to push sexualization on our young.
These are things many adults don’t even want to think about, being fed to our children by perfect strangers at a time when we have had countless arrests for pedophilia of previously convicted individuals who were hired by schools which either did not do a background check or did do a background check and hired the person anyways. Oftentimes when previous employers are called they choose not to say anything about the matter at all.
The little girls would hold his hand and sit on his lap.
They would kiss their first-grade teacher, and he would kiss them back.
Keep it a secret, he warned the 5- and 6-year olds. Otherwise, he said, they could get into trouble.
This alarming behavior, according to court documents, was no secret to Montville Township school administrators, who warned the teacher, Jason Fennes, to stop having physical contact with the children. Fennes’ “inappropriate interactions with students” even cost him a raise.
Five years after the first documented complaints, Montville suspended Fennes and he resigned. But when a private school 40 minutes away called to confirm Fennes’ employment dates, Montville school officials were bound by a separation agreement. They could make no mention of the kisses, the hand-holding or parents’ complaints that the first-grade teacher touched their little girls too often.
With that agreement muting his former employer, Fennes got the new job — and subsequently sexually assaulted a first-grade girl less than a year after leaving Montville. It was the culmination of a string of sexual assaults he since admitted, including six victims in the Montville and Butler school districts and at Cedar Hill Preparatory School in Somerset.
“The consequences of that molestation are made ever the more egregious by the fact that they were known to (Montville) school officials,” Somerset County Judge Robert Reed said when he sentenced Fennes to prison earlier this year. “How could they fail to report or address this conduct other than passing the pedophile to the next school?”
After listing many other examples of this happening the article goes on to state nothing is being done about this on a political level-
It’s called “passing the trash,” a reckless cycle enabled by school administrators who fear litigation and shy away from controversy. The practice — eerily similar to scandals in the Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church — allows teachers suspected or accused of misconduct with students to move seamlessly from job to job.
Interviews with school administrators and a review of dozens of district, police and court records by NJ Advance Media reveal the damning pattern continues on, decades after its tragic faults were exposed, while a law proposed to stop it languishes on the desks of New Jersey lawmakers.
Teachers aren’t being trained to look for signs of abuse, schools don’t properly vet candidates and reports of questionable behavior aren’t thoroughly investigated, said Virginia Commonwealth University professor Charol Shakeshaft, who has spent years studying the sex abuse of children by teachers. And there’s no federal data on teacher sex abuse cases, Shakeshaft said, “even though we know the number of reindeer in Alaska.”
Most alarming, experts say, is the lack of action from school officials who accept resignations or retirements from men and women who have shown questionable or even potentially criminal behavior and yet do nothing to stop them from teaching elsewhere.
Even as documented cases mount, a state law proposed this year that would require school districts to share information about teachers suspected of child abuse or sexual misconduct and grant school officials legal immunity has gone nowhere in the Legislature.
“This is not controversial. This is a simple fix,” said Rush Russell, executive director of Prevent Child Abuse New Jersey, an advocacy group that supports the legislation. “It’s unfathomable to me to know why it can’t pass.”
In response to Fennes’ case, Webber and other Republican lawmakers proposed strict rules, modeled after laws already adopted in a handful of other states, for vetting school employees. The rules would protect students while also ensuring one false allegation doesn’t ruin a teacher’s career, Webber said.
But Democrats who control the Legislature have yet to act on the bill, and the state’s largest teachers union, the New Jersey Education Association, hasn’t taken a formal position on the proposal. The inaction leaves students vulnerable, said Ron Bolandi, a retired superintendent.
Democrats are always a common denominator. It’s worth noting here that there are authenticated documents (screencap attached) which prove Nancy Pelosi’s brother, Thomas Roosevelt D’alesandro, is a pedophile convicted of rape and other pedophile practices with children ages 11 and 13. There are also documents describing how her father was a communist. Their family has been highly powerful and influential in politics for decades. Bloodline power isn’t dead.
Parents are not even given first consideration in making choices for their children; they are assumed to opt-in unless stated otherwise, so if a parent doesn’t receive paperwork or it’s not returned in time their child will be subjected to this content. There have been similar policies passed to disempower parents in this way regarding vaccines in public schools as well. Parents’ wishes are not given first priority in matters of education; it is instead assumed they want the state to take control of their child’s wellbeing. Children are affected by the decisions made by overseeing parties, as well as influenced by their exposure to each-other and various media by proxy. Politics and media go hand in hand, with more control over family choices than families have themselves.
The social pressure for accepting trans kids is so great that even in schools they are allowing children to go by whatever name/pronoun they wish and in some places not reporting it to the parents. Some parents have found out and came back at the schools only to be called neglectful child abusers. They claim this is to promote a safe and supportive environment but it creates much more conflict at home than it helps solve.
The National Education Association has partnered with the Human Rights Campaign and other groups to produce materials advocating automatic affirmation of identities, name changes and pronouns, regardless of parents’ concerns. In 18 states and the District of Columbia, including in my home state of Illinois, there are “conversion therapy” bans, which prevent therapists from questioning a child’s gender identity. No wonder my daughter’s therapist would only speak to me off the record.
Some agencies, like the New Jersey Department of Education, warn school districts to “be mindful of disputes” between children and their parents over gender identity. The department’s “Transgender Student Guidance” document refers educators to the state’s “Child Abuse, Neglect, and Missing Children” webpage, suggesting that school staff might be encouraged to report parents if they disagree with their child transitioning.
When parents are willing to go along with their child’s transitioning, the process can move at a frightening pace. Doctors with the Endocrine Society rewrote the guidelines for treating young patients who say they are transgender in order to give hormone treatments to children younger than 16 years old. Even more concerning, surgeries such as mastectomies and orchiectomies (the removal of testicles) are performed on teenagers.
The media paints these kids as “empowered” and even encourages this narrative by supporting drag queen story hour in libraries across the country. There have been numerous reports of known pedophiles/prostitutes/etc being hired in these gigs, and terrible experiences like the performance in Hibbing where all the kids got an eyeful of berries, noting he was “annoyed with himself for forgetting to wear panties.” Parents sit back and applaud this behavior while shaming and demonizing anyone who rejects it.
This is predictive programming implemented by the media and Hollywood over the last couple decades, at exponential rates in recent years. We are encouraged to be outraged by everything from cups to signs to “Amen.” People are desensitized to religious views on homosexuality, but going against the transgender movement in this climate breeds hatestorms of projection. There may be such a thing as giving parents too much control over their children’s health when their own mental health may unknowingly also be in question, in turn affecting the health of our children.
Vanessa Vokey put together this detailed video on how parents of trans kids are bolstered on TV (much like Teen Mom used to be, literally glorifying underaged sex,) and in other media, touted as heroes. She highlights how these parents seem to be prime examples of Munchausen by Proxy syndrome, where people make up problems about their kids/elders for attention, to feel needed, or to feel superior and validated through their reaction to the fictitious ailments. This is generally considered a form of child abuse as 95% of the time the perpetrator is the victim’s mother.
One of the moms detailed first had her daughter share her story with ABC News’ Barbara Walters in 2007 at just 6 years old. This is one of the earliest documented cases of an early transition from male to female. She started her son’s transition at the age of 5 “because he adored his older sister.” His name was Jazz and he got a reality show on TLC with his mom in the spotlight.
She details his desire to “dress like a girl” and how she told him he would be made fun of if he didn’t wear boy clothes, seeding fears of rejection. Vanessa added some clips including one of him strutting towards the camera in a bikini and winking in an uncomfortable way, followed by scenes of complications and doctor visits. The doctor mentions that they knew there could be complications, yet the procedure was pushed through.
Vokey then shows a clip where another mom says kids who leave the house “fall into old patterns” after Jazz’s mom says she won’t care for her wound when she leaves the house; a difficult and uncomfortable process. As if that’s a normal mistake children are faced with. She said to the camera, “I’ll be so mad if she goes off to college and that thing seals up. I’ll ring her neck.”
Social media is supporting this via hashtags and groups, the media is supporting this through predictive programming and orchestrated outrage, and politics is enabling this through various bills passed to change childhood education. Vanessa makes some excellent points; putting kids on drugs should never be normalized. telling them they are born in the wrong body and converting them into straight adults should never be normalized.
After some other horrific details, Vanessa moves on to detail other parents given a Netflix series. She begins by noting fraternal birth order, which essentially states that boys born with more older brothers tend to have a greater probability of having a homosexual orientation. The boy in the Netflix series has many older brothers, and said things like, “boys are gross,” (understandably.) His mom notes religious persepectives on homosexuality for pursuing the gender reassignment surgery, citing a facebook group of religious moms who encouraged her with scripture.
This led to talking to their child about feeling like they are in the “wrong body,” which in turn led to “brave decisions” to change gender instead of allowing their children to like what they like and maybe be gay. Vanessa goes on to note other examples of this happening, including HBO’s Trans Kids series about a kid who talks about hating his life because of the spotlight.
Iran is one of a few countries where homosexual acts are punishable by death, but clerics do accept the idea that a person may be trapped in a body of the wrong sex. Homosexuals are then pushed into having gender reassignment surgery, and many flee the country to avoid this.
This is another interesting correlation to the Muslim Brotherhood agenda; Ilhan Omar and her democratic cohorts have very close goals and seem to be working together to push this and other agendas. This is highlighted as the left supports and empowers Cardi B, who was invited to speak at the DNC and sings about WAPs in an extremely occult video clearly depicting aspiring to be a sex slave for the elite, complete with chain link hair and Beta Kitten references abound. The Polk County Democrats Chair literally said she was invited because she “speaks to the new activism in the Democratic Party,” which in itself is orchestrated by MSM/Hollywood manipulation.
This is pandering to the younger generation who likely didn’t even listen to her speak, just knew who she was and who she supported and that was enough. After all, Cardi herself even admitted she did no research into Biden and voted for him anyways because “Trump is a danger to the future of America,” but filling our children with trash isn’t. She did an interview with Biden as well, as if to show our children during such crucial times that this is who we should look to to ask important questions. Of all the women out there they chose a former stripper who sings about aspiring to be a prostitute.
Billy Eilish, who also has disturbing MK Ultra/occult videos, performed at the DNC. The songs chosen for her and other performers may have been seemingly tasteful, but they are enabling a dangerous mindset for young children by having their presence at an official function condone their other work. Biden also uses Lady Gaga as a means to pander to the younger generation. Lady Gaga idolizes and considers Marina Abramovic to be family, who has a pretty sick idea of “art” of her own. These people run in packs and the pattern is shown everywhere.
These relationships show how politics and Hollywood are closely connected, while the previous relationships show how Big Tech and MSM work together to form public opinion and reaction. We are given more than the illusion of choice, we are given the illusion of thought. People walk around thinking they’re thinking their own thoughts when really they’re just remembering and reacting in ways they were suggested to time and time again.
Breaking down the family unit breeds more need for welfare, more abortions, more dependence on the government, more willingness to be controlled. Eventually there will be no choices left; you may be forced to relinquish all guns, take all vaccines, and jump through every hoop to get your share of the pie. You’d think this would stop people from voting them into office but they just keep letting illegals in and allowing them to vote while giving them higher priority than Americans and it’s enough to keep them in power with their other tactics. All of this connects directly to child trafficking as well a la Epstein and that is a whole other topic in itself. All of this for money, power, and control.
EDIT: Updated information on Cardi B role in societal manipulation.
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About the Author Full Disclosure FTW is a power couple of truth, passionately researching every angle we feel important to the main goal of unleashing true transparency and full disclosure. Full disclosure of politics, history, and knowledge of our actual purpose here in these bodies we have landed in. We will be presenting our research through social media platforms such as Patreon, Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram to reach a wide audience. We’ll be creating informative works based on our findings, tutorials on many things we can do to better our lives, and we will be documenting all of our adventures and interviewing many amazing people on the way! We want health. We want freedom. We want our humanity back in full. We want FULL DISCLOSURE FOR THE WIN! Follow me on Telegram, Twitter, Patreon, or donate via Cashapp: $amberjeanw311 (crypto appreciated and welcomed, message for details,) and check out our mineral and art businesses below.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (TRIGGER WARNING: The Pedo Grooming of a Nation) originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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Embedded Throughout This Article
Pedo Teachers
Trans Kids Video
Eric Lucero on Education Bill
Eric’s Video Tearing the Bill Apart
NJ Gender Rules
Parents Accused of “Child Abuse”
Hibbing Drag Queen Story Hour Debacle
Epoch Times
Offenders List
Pelosi Brother Pedo
Pelosi Family Dynasty
Ilhan Omar Race War
Ilhan Omar Voter Fraud
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