Source – Discerning The Mystery
by Shem El-Jamal, October 21, 2016
When I started the Discerning the Mystery website, I had in mind to help others find their own ability to discern truth from fiction. At first I thought that the endeavor was one which was cut and dry, and that I had had enough experiences and insights under my belt to plainly describe the process of discerning fact from fiction. However, as I would learn, the process takes a level of consciousness that often extend well beyond that which many of us have progressed.
As I have learned over time, discernment is not simply a list of steps. Sure, one can frequent the steps of accurate journalism or the proper procedure for fair legal investigation, but discernment is another process entirely. This is a process of self-exploration and introspection. Instead of examining this or that source for the truth of the matter, a person must find their way to the truth within themselves.
It has only been recently that I have been able to remove all of the blockages which hindered me from putting this process of discernment into words. So hopefully, I can finally begin to do what I originally intended to, and I hope that you can benefit from the results in numerous ways. This article is an exploration of the discernment process, or more specifically, the concept of mental flexibility. Within this talk, I intend to show why there is a strong need for us to keep our perspective flexible and open to newness at each step of our journey.
Forgotten Questions
When we first awaken, there are a number of experiences we can have, as well as numerous personal responses to these experiences. Among these is the excitement about what our new perspective has shown us. Our eyes are open for the first time and we are eager to experience everything we can with our new perspective. At this stage, it’s typical that we are unaware of exactly what has changed, but we know within ourselves that somehow—the world seems different.
Mental Health Daily – What Is Cognitive Flexibility?
As we continue, we may realize that the activities we used to enjoy aren’t so enjoyable anymore. We may write off this sentiment, think to ourselves that we are just having an off day and dismiss our dissatisfaction, but we realize that the dissatisfaction isn’t going away. Eventually we realize that this change of sentiment represents a need for the search for new experiences. Along with this realization, we become aware of something else. It seems that now, the information which used to be completely acceptable to us no longer makes any sense.
We realize that most of the conversations, the movies and televisions shows we used to enjoy are only cookie-cutter repetitions of the exact same situations—rehashed so as to appear new. Some may realize that many of these repetitive themes are not very healthy for to be exposed to on a daily basis. More and more we have the a strange feeling that somehow these repeated themes were designed to be distractions and distortions from the new questions we find ourselves asking.
It seems that when we awaken, we become aware that the supposedly factual information that we have been given throughout life was heavily distorted as well. We may realize that even though we were given good grades in school for placing answers on a piece of paper at test time, we didn’t really learn much, and what we did learn didn’t give us the ability to use our own inner power. We can realize that we have grown up with the same story about life, and that while we were busy answering someone else’s questions, we never answered our own.
Liberation of the Mind
There could be as many variations of awakening experiences as there are people to experience them. During this process, there are certain steps that a person must take in order to navigate the mine-field of half-truths and the mostly-truths, along with the blatant disinformation that has been laid out for us by those who originally put us to sleep.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
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