(Harrison Kirk) Up in the mountains of Thailand, members of a group known as UFO Kaokala say they’ve been communicating with aliens and extraterrestrials on a regular basis, and their claims are drawing thousands of people via the internet, with group founder Ajarn Wassana Chuensumnaun telling Vice that she has personally been having regular chats with her alien friends for more than two decades, and has learned many facts about them. For example:
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by Harrison Kirk, September 10th, 2019
“The aliens don’t have defined sexes, and eat just energy capsules ‘because they have small mouths.’”
Oh, and while some may worry that extraterrestrials could be planning to annihilate Earth and all of humanity, the Kaokala group says aliens are actually coming to rescue the planet from annihilation.
However, those conversations with the aliens have been rudely interrupted. Last August, the government of Thailand raided the isolated location of the communication portal the group uses for their extraterrestrial chats. Not to worry, though, Wassana assures a reporter:
“The Kaokala members were forced to regroup, but were keen to take me to the scene of the raid to show me that they’ll survive the setback. After all, the fate of our species depends on it. ‘I want to inform the public that aliens will be here for people on Earth,’ said Wassana, under the black-eyed gaze of a painting of two grey aliens.”
Calling Pluto – Do You Read Us?
It all began in 1998. Wassana and her sister, Somjit Raepeth, claim they started having direct communication with beings from Pluto and a planet known as Lokukatapakadikong:
“According to them, aliens from Lokukatapakadikong are your standard humanoid large-headed greys: super-intelligent The X Files sorts. Those from Pluto aren’t in solid form: they’re more like gas.
“Twenty-one years ago, out of the blue the sisters’ father claimed to have received alien contact whilst meditating. Initially skeptical, they tried meditating alongside him. ‘My father received the wave and it passed to me—it was like a phone line being switched,’ Wassana said. ‘I felt a kind of motivational energy pushing me.’”
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Duck, Duck, Boom!
The purpose of the portal and the messages coming from the extraterrestrials is simple, the group asserts: They want to help save humans from the pending nuclear war which threatens to destroy every trace of humanity:
“Once this ET hotline was established, conversation focused on a forthcoming World War III and nuclear apocalypse. The sisters heard how ETs wanted to speak to humans so they could one day provide them with technology to survive this, before forging a ‘new generation’ of humans. This inspired the duo to build a community of believers to help get the message out.”
Why Thailand?
Perhaps you’re wondering why exactly the extraterrestrials decided to place their portal in Thailand. Wassanna said that’s simple: Because the country is mostly Buddhist, the aliens knew they could reach out better there via meditation, a feature of Buddhism:
“According to Wassana the aliens chose Thailand as their contact point because the country had many Buddhists, who could use meditation to communicate with them. As well as talking to aliens through such meditation, Ploy believes she can ‘see people’s karma,’ and has been active with Kaokala for nine years. ‘At first my mom thought it was crazy,’ she said. ‘But I explained that we don’t do anything bad. We’re just trying to help people.’”
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No Portal? No Problem
Whatever you do, the UFO Kaokala members insist that you shouldn’t feel sorry for them because they no longer have access to the portal the government so rudely booted them away from. You see, they don’t need any portal to continue their conversations with their alien friends:
“Communicating with ETs was not, they explained, reliant on one location—portal or no portal. ‘We can stay in our homes and receive contact,’ Ann said. ‘You never know where you’ll be at the time of World War III.’
Their plan was to continue meditating until the aliens tell us how to tool up and survive Armageddon. ‘They’ll visit us over different generations,’ Wassana said. ‘Before the nuclear disaster, during the disaster, after the disaster and for a restoration period. When it will begin, we don’t know.’”
Not long ago, the late Carl Sagan suggested how we might one day communicate with alien life:
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The preceding information presents information that builds a case for the existence of extraterrestrial life in the universe, which some claim has already made contact with humanity. While these claims remain largely unconfirmed, in a substantive and comprehensive way, an individual can contemplate their meaning, and in the process, catalyze the mind for greater awakening. This information also helps dispel the false reality pushed by the Deep State, which is essential so as to liberate the individual from the fetters of disillusionment related fundamentally myopic and depreciated view of cosmic realities and ultimate identities.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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While this may “build a case” for the existence of ET’s. I call bullshit on their so-called contact! They (ET’s) are NOT here to “save” us and there is no need to build up arms to survive Armageddon (or Nuclear holocaust) because we passed both those markers! You’d think that this would have been updated by their ET “friends”. I think it’s more likely that they have been infiltrated by MK Ultra and don’t even know it. Same for “Cosmic Agency” and Robert via “Swaruu”. TRUE ET’s know better than to interfere with our freewill by telling us what we should be doing. Why even post this CRAP?!!!