(Neon Revolt) I am so glad Q dropped these posts.
Related Epigenetics of the Coronavirus Mutation: The Virus Changed
by Neon Revolt, March 25th, 2020
I was in the middle of writing a big article; something of a deep-dive into a Q-related topic I think many will find fascinating, when Q suddenly dropped these posts. I had to shift gears a little bit when I saw them, because I knew instantly I wanted to cover them.
Why? Because it was getting to the point where I started to feel like Mugatu in Zoolander, screaming about taking crazy pills, because it was like no one was seeing what I was seeing; everyone was (not literally everyone, but so many) in denial.
And then Q, glorious #QAnon comes along, and basically validates everything I had been trying to say for so long.
Let’s get this out of the way from the get-go.
#Coronavirus is a bioweapon designed by the Chinese to kill and cripple our economy, and prevent Trump from getting re-elected.
It is not “just a flu” and is much more virulent and deadly than the average flu – so much so that China has already lost over 20 million of its own citizens to it, and had covered it up, in order to deflect blame from themselves.
MelBuffington over on Gab was particularly outraged, as he recounted the threads he had read about the sudden burst in emissions over China:
Here’s a bigger version of the image IntelWave included in his thread. Keep in mind these numbers are older now:
Snopes would have you believe that Sulfur Dioxide is not a product of burning bodies.
That is patently false:
The process of corpse cremation generates numerous harmful air pollutants, including particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO[2] ), nitrogen oxides (NO[x] ), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and heavy metals. These pollutants could have severe effects …
The process of corpse cremation generates numerous harmful air pollutants [1–3], including particulate matter (PM), SO2, NOx, CO, HCl, HF, NH3, VOCs, heavy metals, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs)
O2 principally originates from the combustion of sulfur in the fuel source. A CO interference experiment was performed prior to the determination of SO2, which was performed at the highest SO2 concentration and highest CO concentration. For flue gas purification systems, the deacidification device with an alkaline solution can neutralize and remove SO2. In this study, the emission concentrations of SO2 from the cremators without flue gas purification devices ranged from 3.8 to 350.2 mg Nm-3, with an average of 65.0 mg Nm-3. This level exceeded the standard limit by 116.7%, and it was also higher than the emission concentration of SO2 from the cremators with flue gas purification devices.
Each body produced 113 grams of SO2 when cremated by itself.
What’s more, is that if they’re burning sterile equipment along with bodies – concentrations of SO2 would be through the roof.
What’s astounding to me is I’ve had people on Gab screeching at me every time I post about the Coronavirus who still just do not get what’s really going on here. They refuse to accept that, basically, something the size of three, almost four holocausts just happened in China, and that after China was done cremating the evidence, they just swept the ashes under the proverbial rug.
This is a serious illness, and the fact that China was willing to sacrifice so many of its own in order to keep America down, and try to oust Trump from power shows just how much is at stake here.
The question was asked on Gab why China would do such a thing to its own people – just to hit us in the process.
In China, life is largely considered disposable by the powers-that-be. This is reflected in everything from their one-child policy, to their food standards, to their rules on the road. And this is a case where being a redpilled Anon actually comes in handy. On any given day, you can find threads on /pol/ showcasing hundreds of videos of road accidents in China. Why?
Because in China, if you injure someone one the road, the law there basically says you’re responsible for their medical care.
What ends up happening, as a result of this, is that instead of being forced to pay for the long-term care of someone else, many accidents are made deliberately worse by one of the involved parties, in an attempt to literally kill the other involved person. Because if the other party is dead, there’s now no bill to pay.
And you can find video after video of this happening, over and over and over in China, where cars will back up over pedestrians, or just keep rolling over victims, and it’s absolutely horrific.
The one child policy has been particularly devastating to the natural balance of the sexes in China, where, at least in 2018 (according to WaPo), the men outnumbered the women by some 70 million.
That’s very bad. You generally want your society to have a 1:1 ratio of men to women, so that everyone at least has the opportunity to be paired up with someone. But what happens when you have 70 million extra young men who literally can’t find anyone?
Well, if you’re the Chinese government, you unleash a plague on planet that, at least according to initial reports, targets men more than women, and ends up culling the herd.
Frankly, I don’t think the Chinese government sees this plague as a loss at all.
But again, I’m so glad Q posted this:
Firstly, here’s a link to the actual text of the research journal article Q linked:
Before the emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2003, only 12 other animal or human coronaviruses were known. The discovery of this virus was soon followed by the discovery of the civet and bat SARS-CoV and the …
The TLDR is that a bunch of scientists in Hong Kong who were spooked over the Coronavirus way back in 2007.
Meanwhile, a bunch of Chicom scientists based at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were basically splicing Coronavirus from bats with AIDS to create something that could jump the species barrier:
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by the SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV), which uses angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as its receptor for cell entry. A group of SARS-like CoVs (SL-CoVs) has been identified in horseshoe bats. …
Why would you do this, unless you were creating a bioweapon? The answer is: you wouldn’t. This is insane.
Q goes on in his drop to reference the Pence talk he’s previously posted, so watch that if you haven’t already.
And Harvard remains clearly cemented in my mind as a spook-training-ground, given that Q confirms that this arrest back in January is also related to Covid-19:
And we already went over the 21 Million potential death toll somewhat earlier, but the Epoch Times really lays out the case here that the number of cell phone cancellations is actually more representative of the true death total in China, since everyone is required to have a cell phone there:
The number of Chinese cellphone users dropped by 21 million in the past three months, Beijing authorities announced on March 19. Deaths due to the CCP virus may have contributed to the high number of account closings.
Cellphones are an indispensable part of life in China.
“The digitization level is very high in China. People can’t survive without a cellphone,” Tang Jingyuan, a U.S.-based China affairs commentator, told The Epoch Times on March 21. “Dealing with the government for pensions and social security, buying train tickets, shopping … no matter what people want to do, they are required to use cellphones.
“The Chinese regime requires all Chinese to use their cellphones to generate a health code. Only with a green health code are Chinese allowed to move in China now. It’s impossible for a person to cancel his cellphone.”
But to be honest, everyone should know by now that the sudden cap in Chinese cases was total BS, because this:
Does not happen in a country like China, when everyone else’s curves are looking like this:
Such a line as presented by the #Chicoms would be indicative of them having a cure, if those numbers were true. All evidence points to the fact that they’re not.
The Chinese are cooking their books in regards to the virus, in order to deflect and distract from the fact that they released it in the first place.
And I’ll add this other important article by The Epoch Times which details more evidence pointing to the fact that, yes, Corona is a deadly bioweapon developed by the Chicoms. Worth the read:
Recently, reports and YouTube videos have been circulating on the Internet alleging that the deadly Wuhan coronavirus is a bioweapon ignited by the Chinese government on Chinese people. Some media reported that the bioweapon was […]

Q then points us to a video of Tommy Big Guns calling out the pork the dems are trying to cram into the stimulus bill.
My gut is telling me there’s not a snowball’s chance that the Dems give up an ounce of ground here, on the economic front. They want to tank the economy, and they have the numbers to stonewall any kind of bill that would give the American citizen any kind of leg up.
Dems want you beaten and hurting, like livestock on a tax farm.
Sidenote: Fitton and Judicial Watch were recently granted the request to depose Hillary Clinton once again regarding her emails. I pray for their success on this front, but wouldn’t be surprised if HRC suddenly came down with a case of the dreaded ‘Rona.
Q then underscores his point, highlighting this thread from Senator Tom Cotton:
And look, everyone knows this is all to stop Trump. That’s how much of a threat he is to the NWO. And you hate to see it, but I think they’re going to really put our economy through the ringer, still. I know POTUS wants to reopen things, I know he wants to get the economy going again, but let’s look more closely at what these choices entail:
- POTUS reopens everything now, and millions end up sick and infected, and possibly dead.
- POTUS keeps things closed and the market continues to sink, bringing on another Great Depression.
Pick your poison.
Personally, I’d prefer a Healthy Great Depression over being dead. But maybe you disagree with me here and would choose something else.
Either way, brace yourself for things to get worse before they get better. We’re dealing with a bioweapon which is wrecking our economy right now, and exposing, quite frankly, some very big systemic risks. I’ve been saying it for days over on Gab, but even if we found a total cure for Corona tomorrow, we’re in a position now where things could keep tumbling, economically, for underlying systemic reasons. We’re talking about things like corporate bond defaults, big businesses being downgraded, bankruptcies, and more. None of that has happened yet, which means… it’s probably still to come.
This post is self explanatory. It’s just a specific example of how Dems are trying to leave the door open to voter fraud in 2020, by shoehorning it in to the stimulus bill.
POTUS said today during his Fox News townhall that there was no way he would ever pass such a bill.
Talk about a poison pill.
It’s nice to see it getting more traction:
Earlier last week Sharyl Attkisson reported that, based on her sources in the intelligence and law enforcement communities, the authorizations to spy on Trump functionaries such as Carter Page or former campaign manager Paul Manafort were actually pretexts for a much more expansive web of surveillance that could include anyone in contact with Page, or even anyone twice removed from the ostensible target. Hence, thousands of people could have been unknowingly caught up in the Spygate web and are still unaware that their privacy had been violated under the severely compromised FISA process.
This ties into the whirlwind of “unmaskings” during the 2016-17 transition period. Names of people inadvertently caught up in this expansive web, which ordinarily would be classified and their privacy interests protected, were revealed and information sent to Democratic allies in Capitol Hill for “safe keeping.” Judicial Watch has chronicled how Obama’s United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power and National Security Adviser Susan Rice, among others, colluded in this effort to bolster the “insurance policy” to hobble the Trump presidency.
Hopefully the Durham investigation will reveal the true extent of the spying operation, and how many innocent Americans had their rights violated and their privacy compromised. Another important question yet to be resolved is when Spygate started. For example, George Papadopoulos was being targeted by foreign intelligence services like Australia, perhaps at Brennan’s behest, months before Donald Trump was the Republican nominee. This raises the question, were members of other then-still active Republican campaigns being targeted in this time frame as well? Was this part of a general push to begin weaving the Russian collusion story against any potential GOP 2016 nominee, and not just Trump? If the answer to that question is yes, then it will be clear that the entire enterprise was not an intelligence operation at all but a criminal political conspiracy of unprecedented scope and impact. It would indeed make Watergate look like a third-rate burglary.
But I do like the throwback to old Q-lingo.
Book 1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance
Note: “the key” and “The ‘Start.’” It might help to read these in backwards order, but basically, Q is alluding to the fact that we now have enough people to support POTUS once he declassifies the FISA warrant against him, since, again recall: FISA = the ‘Start,’ as per a number of Qdrops, not listed with the ones below. (You guys know how to use the aggregators by this point in time. I trust you’re capable enough to go review those drops on your own, should you have the desire).
Q is once again holding the threat of declassification above the heads of the Cabal. But he’s going to do it on his timetable, not theirs, and certainly not ours.
Which brings me to my last point.
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The preceding information is an update from one of the many alternative media persons driven to help humanity by providing important information. Updates of this sort, as cursory as they are, help individuals feel connected to the greater works taking place at this time as well as providing a personal glimpse into the mind of a content creator. It also serves to humanize such individuals and reveal to the public that alternative media is largely populated by people that work long hours providing information usually for free or for little financial compensation.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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If this writer thinks China started this all I can say is he needs to see what Gates and RockefllerRothchilds CDC have been planning and doing the last 10 years or so towards this FARCE..
Trump is correct zio Potato Head should have told trump it was an EXERCISE
This is a very good article and I’m glad you reprinted it.
I read the whole thing on Neon Revolt and went back over the Q post closely. It clearly does state in that Q post that China did it to themselves in co- ordination with the Dems:
>Delay US/China trade negotiations?
[China pref Biden[+VP] as P?]
Also it outlines how the virus got everywhere so quickly:
“Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at [Wuhan] University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.”
[rapid spread]
This is also the line that really sealed it for me:
Occam’s razor simply states that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, the simplest one is most likely the correct one.
I have to say when I first heard of this virus I reluctantly went along with Fulfords idea it was a Trump administration provocation but I did not agree emotionally with this. This was quite incorrect now from what I understand. I realise the guy is performing a largely free service and his heart is in the right place but some of the things he says seem to me to be so off beam he is a bit of a menace.