Benjamin Fulford is one of the more popular alternative news sources in the awakening community. Some of his reports and predictions are highly accurate, while others seem to be way off base. As a result some have been tempted to completely dismiss anything Fulford reports, but is this a valid discernment process?
Clearly we cannot blindly accept the reports offered as fact, but conversely we can not blindly dismiss them either. Fulford seems to have access to intelligence sources throughout the globe. Reporting on data as it is received, letting the cards fall where they may.
For our part, he serves as a valuable tool to see inside the intelligence appariti on earth – as do other news outlets – what he shares can sometimes be an indicator of what our would-be masters are planning and thinking.
The financial system is an elaborate illusion of debt, fiat money and confidence. We never really needed any intermediary to facilitate creative undertakings. Long ago, in ages gone past, humanity forgot about the abundance through which they sprung into being. We began to focus on what we didn’t have and with this scarcity thought form pandemic in the minds of men, a deceptive and manipulative third party entered the scene to rule the incompetent masses.
Related How and Why “The Money Masters” Took Control (Full Documentary)
Neil Keenan’s work helps reveal one part of a grand tapestry of financial manipulation. Many in the awakening community look to RV’s, Global Collateral Accounts, and hidden treasures as a solution to the insanity we find ourselves in now. But all these money based solutions are only a stop gap measure.
When a people forgets the principles of interconnectedness, when we loose faith in our fellow humans and begin hoarding material goods against an illusory storm of scarcity, money can come in and rule over the people. The Cabal know this all to well, and the so called Babylonian Money Magic system is principally focused on keeping people separate and uncooperative.
When a people fails to work together for the benefit of themselves, posterity and life in general, then money will be needed. Consider that most people, plagued by ignorance and lack of knowledge about their connection to life on earth, would never work together to end environmental destruction, but if they are paid to do so, then they willingly comply. In our world, nearly every atrocity suffered by humanity is justified by getting a pay check, a symptom of separation and the divide and conquer tactics used for thousands of years. This is the power that we have given money, and those who create it.
The lasting solution for this worlds woes can be achieved temporarily with money, but only knowledge of the truth will set us forever free. And the data offered by Fulford, Keenan and many others can be one piece of the grand puzzle revealing what money really is: a tool for facilitating co-creation. Eventually we will remember that abundance is at the heart of all things, and on that day the need for artificial representations of value will cease to be needed. The faith in our fellows to work together to provide for all life, a service to others modality of being, will end this limited liability mindset and restore honor and justice on Earth.
In this below video you get to hear what Benjamin Fulford wants accomplished on a global scale, timelines are not as important as the overarching goal. His claims for changes to occur in global governance did not come to pass in the year 2012 but this alone does not negate that actions are being taken by multiple groups, apparently including the White Dragon Society, to spur positive changes.
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