Greetings Friends,
Today is Stillness in the Storm’s 7th birthday.
It also happens to be the Ides of March, as well as National Day of Prayer, as declared by Trump.
The Ides of March is the day marking when Julius Caeser was assassinated, which has become indicative of when the people overthrow their leaders.
Not only that, but it does appear that the Storm (as predicted by Q) is finally at our door.
Justin and I decided, in light of all of these things, to collaborate on an article today. With events ramping up all over the world right now — pandemics, quarantines, stock market plunges, rallies, mass arrests, you name it — it’s worth it to back up for just one moment and take stock of how we got here, what the Great Work is all about, and, most importantly, how we all may proceed into the Storm with TRUE optimism and readiness to help ourselves and others!
Related 4 Ways Coronavirus is Helping to Takedown the Deep State
I call myself “Conscious Optimist” for a reason! I am the “Conscious Optimist” because I’ve made it a point of my life to study the art of how to optimize consciousness. It is my one and only goal in life to share the fruits of this journey with anyone who has the inkling to listen…
Years ago, Justin and I struck up a very deep friendship in large part because he also lives by this very same mission (although he may use slightly different terminology to describe it). The story of how Stillness in the Storm came to be is worth retelling because it contains lessons that are of undeniable and tremendous benefit to us all — particularly at this moment in history.
A couple of days ago it occurred to me that the very name of this site, “Stillness in the Storm” is nothing less than a synchronistic premonition for events happening today. There has rarely been a time when achieving Stillness within has been so important as today — indeed, at the time of the Storm!
Did Justin plan this out back in 2013 when this site was first created? No, in fact, the name came as a flash of insight seven years ago.
Was this a message from Justin’s higher self — a kind of symbol of things to come, passed directly from the higher self to the physical self? At this point, we’d have to say that this is most likely the case.
Likewise, it is also most likely the case that a part of you, dear Reader, has been receiving guidance from your higher self as well — often in the form of flashes of insight, premonitions, etc.
I want to propose to you all an idea — one which you’ve most likely already considered, but hey let’s put it in writing shall we? — that your higher self may indeed have a sense of the future that your physical self, by virtue of certain 3D limitations, cannot perceive in totality at any one time. Many of you have probably done your best to follow this guidance, but have been met with resistance by your friends and family, and perhaps also by parts of yourself.
Frankly, in my own awakening journey, I had to get past many forms of resistance both within myself and outside of myself. I had doubts, fears, and even a sense of shame and embarrassment — who was I to question the authority structure of the world around me? Is it actually possible that the world is run by a giant satanic cult that trafficks children? Are aliens harvesting human pain for their own selfish drug supply? And are elites facilitating their access to innocent people?
Well, as a matter of fact, Justin’s latest project, Into The Storm on dives into these topics with mindboggling detail and evidence of support. Reviews continue to come in that show that free people everywhere are craving a wholistic picture they can use to gain empowerment and bring calm to their lives through the saving power of the truth.
“I absolutely loved this. It is spot on with what I try to impart to others as a psychotherapist. I also work in my practice with a neuropsychologist and these tenets are absolutely correct. Love that you discussed the work of Bruce Perry -maybe not mentioning by name but definitely in line with brain plasticity/neuronal pathways. Can’t wait for your next one.”
“Wow. Am floored again Justin. Am only at 21 minutes into this and had to write something to praise this work…its top shelf stuff. Only an extremely short list of lifes subjects are more impoortant than the info given here in this episode. The episode is helping me greatly.”
I share this not in the name of shameless promotion, but merely to highlight the fact that knowledge of the truth is the thing that brings calm to the storms of our lives. Our work here at Stillness in the Storm is only a small part of the work of many the world over. Point of fact, all those who love the truth, and seek to advance it in their lives are part of this positive force for good and healing.
Well, hey, it looks like my higher self was trying to tell me something important after all! It was not I who was crazy — no, the crazy ones were those unwitting foot soldiers for “polite society” who refused to ever give me or my information a serious hearing…
These people are the very same people who think the world is ending today, while those of us in the “know” are aware that humanity is on the cusp of sweeping and profound change for the better.
Book Lebor Klann Glas: Volume I: 10,830 BCE to 365 CE [Secret History of Earth]
If I did not practice “Stillness” within myself, then I would have ignored the voice of my higher self. But instead, I chose to listen, and behold, my entire life has been flooded with synchronicities, clues, and premonitions that have guided my growth and research — simply as a result of my willingness to be receptive to the universe, in combination with an ability to decisively question the programming foisted upon me by teachers and media.
The point? YOU CAN DO IT TOO.
In fact, if you’re one of the fine ladies and gentlemen who have found your way to this article, then you’re probably doing it already — and you know it.
And guess what? Your wisdom and insight are needed today more than ever. Just like how Justin’s higher self gave him the insight to name this project “Stillness in the Storm”, so too are there numerous synchronicities in your own life that have no doubt prepared you for this great transition humanity is currently experiencing.
Indeed, the entire point of Justin’s work, as well as my own, is to help ourselves and others become nodes of Stillness within the maelstrom that is the life of a truth seeker. In doing so we make our lives better and help those around us by embracing the order-making power of truth.
Make no mistake about it, humanity’s ONLY safeguard against tyranny are those brave men and women who are willing to tell the truth. YOU are the reason why humanity has EVER stood a chance against the cabal.
Justin and I are not your gurus, we are your equals. The Great Awakening belongs to ALL of us! Every bit of effort you’ve made to learn the truth and share it has had a profound impact on the fabric of reality itself.
Indeed, Justin’s work fundamentally altered the course of my own life, well before the two of us ever met in person.
That said, I’m going to hand the microphone over to Justin, so he can share in his own words the impetus and the mission behind this work — and how you all are a part of this mission…
Justin Deschamps: To be clear, I’m hesitant to engage in any of this rhetoric because it can easily be construed as shameless self-promotion. But our objective in penning this writing is to share personal nuggets of wisdom so we all can enjoy the powerful benefit of living a life centered around truth.
Stillness in the Storm began in March 2013, when a dear friend and colleague, Jeremy McDonald, told Julian and myself that we should start a radio show to talk about the research we were doing. Three years earlier, Julian showed me The Gerson Miracle film, which reveals the story of Dr. Max Gerson, a man who claimed to have cured cancer in 1928. I was so blown away by the science of what was presented, I couldn’t ignore the implications.
I went to school for physics and have been a science buff all my life. As such, I’ve managed to carve out a good degree of firsthand knowledge when it comes to science, and what makes good science. The practice of discernment is something I’ve honed for years, and I couldn’t escape the fact Dr. Gerson’s treatment made sense, at many levels. After a harrowing three months of researching, wherein I tried to debunk his cure, I did the opposite. I proved that it was indeed a viable method and that it was suppressed by the government in 1946. Dr. Gerson was likely killed for his work, like many other natural as holistic doctors are turning up dead these days.
Once that truth took hold, I had a crisis of belief that unraveled the nest of lies and Deep State deceptions that kept my eyes from the truth. From late 2010 to early 2013, Julian and I quit our jobs and focused exclusively on answering two questions: What is the truth? And how can we use it to make things better?
We began Stillness in the Storm merely as a place to reveal our research and engage with others who were on the quest to discover the truth. We had no idea that our seemly small and humble perspective would explode in interest as time went on. Later, we realized the great responsibility placed on our soldiers and began to carefully refine and improve our discernment so we could ensure we provide the most honest and transparent picture on the site.
As always, we share information and our opinions, clearly stated, so you the reader has the freedom of thought to make up your own mind. To be sure, this is no small task. But it is a supreme labor of love.
Today, I, Conscious Optimist, and a very small but dedicated crew of truth-seekers and world-healers work to make this site and other projects possible. We are funded by readers and the ad revenue we receive from this site (which, to be clear, barely pays the server costs and basic necessities needed to keep a roof over our heads).
I share all this not to ask for sympathy points or tokens of praise. I share this because I want to show you how devoting ourselves to the truth and defending it with our speech makes life better for ourselves and others.
And now, we’re in the Storm! By all accounts, the Deep State is finally being taken down and we’re here for the greatest show on earth!
As always, nothing is certain. There is much work to do. But, in my opinion, having kept an eye on global trends for over ten years, it is my opinion that grand sweeping changes are indeed taking place. Pedodphilies in government are being exposed.
Here is a list of books and articles to fuel your inspiration.
The saving power of truth cannot be ignored. As a psychology study, study upon study suggests that spirituality founded on truth literally calms our nerves and makes life’s challenges more bearable.
4 Ways Coronavirus is Helping to Takedown the Deep State
What Is Q? For Those Who are New to the Great Awakening
Think Nothings Happening? Last Week, 10 Events that Show the Deep State is Going Down
Book Revolution Q [Understanding the QAnon Operation to Takedown the Deep State]
– Conscious Optimist & Justin
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The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Authors
I am a researcher, writer, and, mostly, a guy who wants to see the cabal’s presence wiped clean from the face of the Earth. I’ve spent my whole life learning how undo the evil spells of the Satanic elite; I know a thing or two about hypnosis, and how to undo curses, and I structure my writings deliberately to accomplish this aim. Many blessings to you and yours — and to those who have swallowed the kool-aid of MSM propaganda, I sincerely hope you ditch your mental training wheels and learn how to think for yourself. Wake up!
Justin Deschamps has been a truth seeker all his life, studying physics, psychology, law, philosophy, and spirituality, and working to weave these seemingly separate bodies of information into a holistic tapestry of ever expanding knowledge. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some, sharing what he has discovered with those who are ready and willing to take responsibility for making the world a better place. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work. Check out his project Stillness in the Storm to find some of his work. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (The Storm Is Here! On the 7th Birthday of Stillness in the Storm, Let’s Bring the Stillness) originally appeared on and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Inspiration is spiritual nourishment that helps regulate mood and maintain personal integrity. The preceding information offers some words or stories of inspiration. With the power of inspiration in hand, all of life’s hardships can be weathered with greater cheer, without the destruction of a positive and constructive outlook on life. A positive attitude is critically important to avoid trauma, lashing out toward others, and making poor health choices. It is also important for building fellowship, unity, and working toward making the world a better place.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at Thank you for reading.
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great article, it truly is the great awakening ive been noticing more and more things these past days mainly from twitter and how there is a large population who differ from the rest “normal” population almost like a bot / hivemind. they know whats going on and it seems they’ve went down a similar path of life multiple times, they talk in code some are more cryptic then others and some more negative, over all though it seems they are into most of the stuff the cabal is in to, maybe thats the reason they can experience this physical world over and over?