(Stillness in the Storm Editor) How do we as a people solve the problems of government corruption? This is a question that people have debated for likely all of human history. In the following article by Joe Martino, he suggests that a referendum would be a viable solution. And it is, from a lawful and spiritual perspective, as I will explain.
Martino also asserts that in order for this solution to work, we as a people have to address how we’ve bought into our own enslavement. Freedom, in this sense, was hidden behind a veil of ease—we believed that we could blindly outsource protection of our freedoms to experts and officials who can represent our interests.
But clearly, we can’t blindly trust the government or anyone. Trust can’t be blind. Instead, it requires vigilance on all fronts.
Realizing that corruption is seemingly a staple of modern-day governments, this raises the question: is a representative form of government possible?
In principle, yes it is.
In law, representation of any kind is a form of fiduciary trust.
An individual (called a grantor) gives another (a trustee) the power to manage their affairs in some capacity. The trustee pledges to honor the will of the grantor, to represent their interest as if the grantor were there themselves.
In order for the trust to be valid and real, both parties have to be on the same page and work to form agreements about all aspects of the trust. If done well, the foundation of trust between any two or more individuals enables them to accomplish almost anything.
Looking back in history, every noteworthy accomplishment you can think of emerged through a human association of some kind that was founded on some measure of trust. The more trust that exists in a group, the more they can work together to do things they value—that’s what a society or community is. The prosperity of any society can be measured by how well trust is maintained within it between all individuals and the whole.
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Trust and representation are so fundamental to human life that it is arguably the most sacred institution.
The “problem” is that trust is delicate; it can be broken or violated by one who is untrustworthy.
This is where we find ourselves today.
The elected officials we give the power to represent our interests have breached our trust, as Martino makes clear below.
This leads to the question is it even possible to trust someone to represent our interests? Generally speaking; yes, it is.
Trust and representation are tools. The fact that these tools have been poorly used doesn’t mean that the tool itself is the problem.
We use trust and representation all the time in our lives. If you have any kind of human relationship, you’re dealing with trust.
How are trust relationships maintained? With honesty, integrity, and proper maintenance.
Trust is maintained because each party holds the other to account. When one person in a trust agreement violates the trust, it is the right and duty of the others to confront them in an effort to diagnose what happened and determine if the trust can be repaired.
If someone violates your trust, you approach them with your grievance and try to work it out. The goal is to restore trust in the other person. But if that isn’t possible the trust has to be dissolved because the nature of the breach of trust is so severe.
Point of fact: a trust only exists where there is good faith, clean hands, full disclosure and, most importantly, a pledge made by all to honor the trust and maintain it.
The thing that makes a trust what it is, at a consciousness and spiritual level, is a meeting of the minds.
When two people are “on the same page” about an issue, they each have the same information in mind. This ubiquity of information or knowledge held in each person’s mind across all parties is what allows each participant to work together to achieve some goal.
A trust, like any contract, has a purpose. It does something. But the thing it does can’t occur if trust isn’t really there.
This is a rather abstract way of saying that when someone in a trust agreement violates the trust, because they deceive the other parties (like our elected officials) then there is no real trust. As soon as a breach of trust occurs, no matter how minor, the lawfulness of the agreement evaporates. At that point, it isn’t an honorable, harmonious, mutually beneficial situation. It’s a situation where the deceiving party has taken advantage of the good faith of the other parties, turning it into a parasitic and destructive relationship.
This is true for the relationships between people or the relationship between a people and its government.
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Again, it should be clear to most that this is precisely the situation we’re in. Elected officials gain our trust by making promises and then violate that trust by breaking those promises or by doing things that go against our interests.
The founding fathers and various other pioneers of representative government knew that maintaining trust in elected officials is an age-old problem. Power corrupts, as the adage goes. Thus, they acknowledged, rightly so, that the people always have the right to overthrow and reform the government. And that should a government break the people’s trust, the people must take up this mantle of change, or live under the yoke of false governance—slavery.
An awake, aware, and lawfully responsible people are the best defense against corruption.
Here are five quotes that demonstrate this right of the people:
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” – Thomas Jefferson
“When a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming tyrannical, the people have no choice but to exercise the original rights of self defense – to fight the government.” – Alexander Hamilton
“The ultimate authority resides in the people, and that if the federal government got too powerful and overstepped its authority, then the people would develop plans of resistance and resort to arms.” – James Madison
“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” – Thomas Jefferson
“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.” – Abraham Lincoln
So how does a referendum solve anything?
It is a step toward an ultimate solution but isn’t a complete solution unto itself.
A referendum is itself a trust document. It draws upon the power of the people to organize, get on the same page, and decide how they want to do something. In this case, the referendum would address the breaches of trust of the government and put forth some solution to deal with that.
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This is precisely what the founding fathers and other wise men and women of old intended for us to do. It is part of a lawful process of airing grievances as an attempt to restore trust in government.
The referendum is effectively an indictment made by the citizens directed to the government regarding crimes against the people. Having issued it, the correct lawful response on the government’s part is to address the situation, to reform and remove the corruption.
It doesn’t overthrow the government, the referendum acknowledges its power and makes an appeal to people within it to clean up their act and get things back on track. In essence, it is one last attempt of the people to convince the powers that be to do the right thing.
We could completely overthrow the government using violent means. But this comes with a cost, of course. In an effort to avoid the hazards of open warfare, as well as giving those who’ve breached trust the opportunity to make amends, the referendum acts as an appeal to their senses.
From a spiritual perspective, this is the best course of action because it honors the free will of the powers that be. It also follows divine law insofar as it respects the lawful institution of trust. Should we overthrow the government before making this appeal, it would actually be a breach of trust on the peoples’ part because they didn’t give the government a chance to change. This is an offense against the law, and by extension, the laws of the Creator.
If we employ this strategy, because it respects free will, and the powers that be do not, it puts us at a superior spiritual position. The universe and the systems of cosmic law that govern karma work with those who honor divine law. As a point of proof for that, the powers that be, despite appearances, developed a lawful system of voluntary enslavement to ensure they don’t incur the wrath of the spiritual hierarchy. (Although, as a side note, it’s arguable that various spiritual intervening forces have already taken steps to counter corrupt forces on earth.) Of course, the slavery system, despite how well it was designed, is still that, a slavery system. The reason it works, from a lawful and spiritual perspective, is that we the people agree to it, which literally gives the powers that be lawful and spiritual power to be our masters.
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I am deeply encouraged and inspired to know that someone like Joe Martino subscribes to this lawful and spiritual method of solving these global problems.
As one who has been searching for ultimate solutions for most of my life, the discovery of law was a major step forward in my understanding. As many are realizing, the law is a kind of ultimate guide for manifestation or life itself, particularly related to solving interpersonal and social problems, at small and large scales.
But of course, because the law has been used by the powers that be in nefarious ways, a great many people assume that anything to do with the law must be bad. But this isn’t true in the slightest.
Our ability to progress beyond these challenges is determined by how well we can make contact with—and claim the use of—real and valid solutions. If we throw the baby out with the bath water, we’ll hinder our ultimate goals.
Therefore, as I so often suggest on Stillness, learning the law, philosophy, and psychology are arguably the three best bodies of knowledge you can understand to become a fully competent player in the quest for lasting freedom and prosperity.
In closing, we don’t have a solution problem—we’re drowning in solutions. We have a knowledge and cooperation problem.
People lack knowledge of how to solve these problems and what those solutions are. And we don’t talk to each other in an free and open enough way to transmit this knowledge amongst ourselves. In effect, we’re currently going through a massive global meeting of the minds. We’re sitting in front of a negotiating table, as a human race, bickering with each other instead of forming trust so we can make the world a better place.
I don’t expect the referendum to be the final nail in the coffin but it is unquestionably a great step forward. We’d all benefit from thinking deeply about how it can help and what we can do to participate in the global shift taking place.
At this time, the truth is that there is a binary when it comes to personal choice insofar as whether you support freedom or slavery.
If you never gain knowledge, if you avoid learning how your choices affect others, you’ll accidentally participate in corrupt systems that enslave others. I think this is what Martino means when he says:
I want to say that there are two forms of enslavement that I observe in many today. One is that in which the system imposes, the other is much deeper, it’s of the mind, the ego and our state of consciousness. We are often enslaved by our emotions, thoughts, states of being and more. This is a result of not cultivating a deep relationship with self and emotional intelligence.
The choice is simple. Are you working to educate yourself about how you contribute to either freedom or slavery? And are you working to withdraw your energy from enslavement ideas and consciousness so you can invest yourself in freedom?
Freedom and prosperity are real goals that take work to achieve, just like maintaining any successful relationship.
The more we as individuals take ownership of our freedom and work to maintain the systems of trust that make it possible, the sooner we can have the golden age of prosperity that has always been within our grasp.
– Justin
by Joe Martino, December 22nd, 2018
“We live in a democracy, we are so lucky!” These are the cries from the minds of those who bought the illusion hook, line, and sinker. Allow me to propose a scenario.
People choose an ideology they believe represents them. A few people strongly identify with that ideology and stand up to say “I will represent anyone with my ideology that supports me.” An election cycle begins and by the end, there are 2 candidates to choose from. Promises of jobs, good environmental treatment, healthcare and so forth are all made to the people in order to get the vote. People go to the voting booths, put an X next to the name they like, and the majority gets their person as the leader of government.
From there, decisions are made by those people. If the people aren’t happy with a decision, too bad, they don’t have a say. If the people witness corporations bribing politicians to make certain decisions, too bad, the people can’t vote on an issue being pushed by a corporation. Year after year, as the same poor decisions are made and the people are always dissatisfied and unrepresented, they continue to vote for a single person and their small administration to do their bidding. The people are told they have a choice, they have a voice, they have an impact, but do they? Do they honestly have that impact? What issues did they get to directly vote on? How did they keep politicians accountable? Who tries the politicians who do illegal things and are corrupt? No one, but the people simply don’t have power when they give it away in this scenario.
This is the system we live in today, and we sadly and mistakenly call it democracy.
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The Solution To A Broken System
I haven’t voted since I was 18, I’m 31 now. I do believe that in small ways, municipal or local elections have a greater impact on people directly, but state level, provincial, or federal elections are an illusion of choice. I have come to posit that a single person cannot represent or guide more than 100 people without things becoming impossible to manage in our current system. There are many reasons for this, but to broadly touch on this, the challenge isn’t trying to fix one aspect of our system, it’s all intertwined so that is impossible. The reality is we live in a FULL system of enslavement, and thus to truly fix what we’re in we must abolish it from top to bottom through transitional steps. In order to do that though, we have to wake up to what it is, and who we are.
Before we get into the RIC (Referendum d’Initiative Citoyenne or ‘Citizens’ Initiative Referendum’), I want to say that there are two forms of enslavement that I observe in many today. One is that in which the system imposes, the other is much deeper, it’s of the mind, the ego and our state of consciousness. We are often enslaved by our emotions, thoughts, states of being and more. This is a result of not cultivating a deep relationship with self and emotional intelligence. We can go on about this subject for days, but today I simply want to focus on a physical solution but without forgetting that a HUGE piece to this puzzle is the consciousness piece.
When I first came across the idea of referendums initiated by citizens through the Yellow Vest movement, I was inspired. To me, this was a tool for people to truly take power back in an effective form that does away will our illusion of democracy and instead actually gives us a voice.
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Getting Our Power Back
My mind envisioned a world where no longer were government officials making decisions on behalf of the people, and instead, the people had power -as it should be. The relationship between parent and child (government and people) was abolished and people were now taking responsibility for their lives and choices. Most importantly, we were no longer voting, better said as consenting, to our own enslavement. We instead opted out of that entire outdated game.
This, of course, is a physical systematic solution that can only truly be realized with a shift in consciousness as we will first need to let go of the old ways we view our everyday ways of governance. Further to that, over time as we gain a stronger connection to self and deprogram the old, what we will choose to vote on and how will shift from what you might imagine today to something a lot more authentic as we won’t be operating from all the old modalities of survival, competition, fear and divide as we do today. This might sound like a stretch to many of us but I feel this is the case because we are so disenfranchised by our current system and have come to think very little of humanity as a whole. The ‘negative’ traits we often place on humanity are not aspects of human nature, they are programmed into us by our environment.
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So how does the RIC work? How could this end the need for government? How does this truly give us power back?
I decided to make a video explaining how this work and how the process would unfold. Further, I wanted to express the type of world it would create and how it would end the need for many of the destructive practices we have today that arise from a level of consciousness we are simply outgrowing.
Below the video, I discuss some of the key points quickly.
It Will Help End Politics
The system of politics is an un-evolved, egoic and childish way of operating. It divides, conquers and attempts to simplify people into ideologies that don’t truly represent what is in the heart, only what is programmed in the mind. We won’t need to vote for someone to go make decisions based on ideologies, the people will simply have direct power. Only stewards will be in place. The drama and manipulation of politics now won’t be a distraction we waste all of our energy on.
Enslavement Ends
This is crucially important because many of us might say things about taxes, policies, programs, etc that all come from the old world, the world of today. Like for example, “what do we do about employment and taxation if there is chaos!” Why will there be chaos? When you remove the enslavement of debt, central banking, and high taxation, you begin to see they were only in place to enslave and control the people. They systematically oppress society, they were built that way on purpose. Those people who built that no longer have power. The amount we will have to slave just to survive and how much more efficiently the system will run will be a dramatic shift. We MUST think outside of the world we know today to understand what’s truly happening here.
No More Need For Government, Stewardship Instead
We will still require some level of leadership and organization to make cities and towns operate. Therefore instead of a government, stewards will be appointed or voted upon that can help maintain that organization. Still, though, the citizens make the decisions. This removes the parent-child relationship of government as we become adults as citizens.
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Supports Our Evolving Consciousness
As we evolve as beings, we can outgrow things quite quickly and require change. Instead of rigid solutions, as we have always had in the past, the RIC represents a more fluid way of dealing with change. It allows us to implement change collectively as fast or as slowly as we like. It gives power for people to have a voice in what changes to propose that can ALWAYS be taken seriously.
The Takeaway
What is being proposed here is big, and will take a huge amount of conversation to fully implement as we find how it can transitionally move us from the state of enslavement today to one of freedom tomorrow. I’m not going to sit here and pretend it’s easy, but I’m also not going to pretend it’s impossible or unnecessary. People will try to convince you that this is impossible or that it would never work, but this is coming from limited thinking and a deep mental investment in the system of today.
We are, in some ways, addicted to being enslaved. Our will and our consciousness have been suppressed so much that we have come to accept such a limited way of being, and it’s making us deeply depressed. The good news is, many of us are waking up, sensing our inner power, exploring our consciousness and coming to realize what we’re truly capable of.
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Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
January 14th, 2019: Minor grammar corrections were made to the introduction of this article.
PhStein says
great ! rainbow land – flower-children – greetings from germany (and alpha-centauri)
Claude Lebel says
Aloha !
From my research, we need to remove the word CITIZEN from our vocabulary. It pertains to one who belongs to a political party /part of a political system. ( thats a problem because as it has shown in 2000yrs + it brings more division and separation = that was a cycle of duality. ended 2012 . And we entered a cycle of unity consciousness as of 2013 (start of transition)
Another word to scrap RESIDENT , those who know the word ETYMOlOGY ( the basic word construct/structure)
*** i chose a DOMICILE in a land called Canada, in the province of Québec in a town named Vaudreuil.
Mahalo and happy new year
Justin Deschamps says
Claude, Thanks for sharing your perspectives. What do you think about the idea that all words are merely neutral sonic symbols that are capable of being used to associate conceptual meanings to? That is, words are inherently meaningless, we give them meaning via their usage. As such, while some words in legalese are unquestionably nefarious insofar as their usage within the dark occult legal system. The concept of a citizen, for example is not inherently evil, it merely describes an individuals legal status in a jurisdiction, particularly what rights have been conveyed to the legal person. In this way, a lawfully valid legal system would correctly ascribe rights and responsibilities to the citizen. The fact almost every legal system on the planet fails to do this doesn’t mean the concept itself is faulty.
In my view, the rejection response on the part of some free man and women plays directing into the psychological warfare operations. Think of it. If you can get people to reject good ideas that could help make the world a better place, they’ll continue to stay dependent on the corrupt system. And it works. So many “freeman” cut their noses off to spite their face, never making contact with the true power of a valid and divine guided legal system. It is the restoration of the rule of law, and all the valid legal concepts that embodies, that is the ultimate solution to all our collective problems.
What do you think of that?