Related The Russian Secret Space Program (Part 1/16)
by Christi Verismo,
Many different factions were/are at work with US, Russia and Israel influence to try to dominate the world politically. Initially the Bolsheviks (Zionists) were funded by the Rockefeller cartel in 1917 and after being kicked out by the Kremlin, flocked mostly to USA.
By the last half of 1980, they began to regain power in Russia, so the decision was made to go ahead with the space shuttle mission. The American Bolsheviks-Zionists operating from New York and Jerusalem planned a nuclear first strike against Russia. The Americans knew the manned cosmospheres would destroy the Columbia shuttle, but they had a satellite on board with a charged particle beam, ready for it.
The American Bolsheviks hoped the shuttle would get enough targeting info to launch a first strike. It carried a satellite capable of fighting back, which produced infra red radiation with 1 megawatt power. The pilots would launch secretly, release the satellite, then drop down to the Pacific the same day by space capsule. Fake pictures would show, though it was operated by NASA in Houston. Another shuttle would land in California.
There were still 3 more shuttles hidden. Synthetics or genetic replicas of the crew. (Clones were first created in the late 70’s in USA) It was shot down, but with no satellites it could give no instant information for this.
Americans also had made ready ground based high power lasers to shoot down the cosmospheres. The Russians had Psychoenergetic Range Finding, which detected the atomic signature of the target, so aimed accurately and a new anti-ballistic missile system. Russian physicists involved in magnetic and plasma physics were also said to have been able to develop a ground based proton beam weapon, between 1980 and 83.
By 1980/81 the Russians had built their 7 jumbo cosmospheres, using electromagentic propulsion and they used them to destroy the Columbia space shuttle, launched in April 1981. 5 Russian jumbos with special grappling equipment and 2 with neutron particle beam weapons, fired on the Columbia killing the crew. They intended making it land in Russia, but instead it blew up. US Bolsheviks sent a 3rd ‘Columbia’ up and this too was shot down by cosmospheres. It has been armed for battle in space. A special airplane with it was also shot down by a charged particle beam.
In 1981 the Russians shot down a US electronic warfare jet. In 1982 Russia started weather engineering and artificial earthquakes. Cosmospheres hovering high over USA created air booms along the coasts and numbers multiplied. They were unseen and invisible to radar, except at close range. However the Americans invented Computer Enhanced Infra Red. By Jan. 1982 a ground based high power laser finally shot down a cosmosphere.
The pilots were under orders to never let them fall into non Russian hands. It plunged into the sea near Atlantic city. The Pentagon was told it would pay dearly if repeated. The next day an Air Florida Boeing 737 jetliner crashed with laser warfare specialists onboard. More unexplained crashes followed.
On June 27 1982 space shuttle no. 4 took off and moments later a jumbo cosmosphere fired 2 quick blasts at the falling boosters, a warning. Next came the Aeroflot crash at Moscow and the Pan AM in LA on July 9 1982. On July 16 a United Airlines DC-10 took off from Boston with key members of the Bolshevik ruling group in USA. A blast from a cosmosphere made a huge shockwave, but it made it to LA. On July 22 a test flight of a Pershing missile was hit by a cosmosphere.
So the Reagan-Begin axis of Bolsheviks and Zionists prepared the nuclear first strike against Russia. In 1982 a US stealth aircraft invisible to radar was made, with surrounding magnets creating an invisibility field. This ‘phantom’ was encased in an electomagnetic bubble. Light and radar both passed around the plane, joining again at the other side. They were also immune to lasers, which were intense light.
But the Russians had developed anti invisible shield technology. The Americans found a way to avoid Russian neutron beams, but the pilot couldn’t see outside, he was only guided by computer. They expected an operational fleet by summer 1982. The Bolsheviks planned to sacrifice USA, in this nuclear first strike against Russia. 4 out of 5 Americans would die. 40-50 million Americans may survive a nuclear blast, the rest dying of injuries or diseases. Russia would probably have 50 million deaths.
The Americans had PROMIS software, stolen from Inslaw, which allowed them to hack into secret computer data in software sold to other govts. A backdoor program had been inserted to relay data to the program creators. The US Pentagon was then controlled by Bolsheviks, who formerly controlled Russia. Their agent, Casper Weinberger. They were opposed to the Rockefeller cartel, whose agent was Alexander Haig.
Neither the Rockefellers nor the Kremlin wanted nuclear war or they’d lose everything so formed a military coalition. Russia had the capability of destroying by first strike, the majority of US ICBMs. Most of the US nuclear force was on German soil. Japan for the first time had ordered its armed forces to prepare defense plans to protect itself from foreign attack. Reagan based these ‘first strike’ phantom war planes which would attack Russia, (crashing unmanned in a kamikaze style) in N Norway, E Turkey and NW China.
Reagan had cozied up to China to target several cosmosphere installations in central Siberia. High powered lasers all over USA would shoot down avenging cosmospheres. US, having no civil defense was not expected to survive, unlike Russia who built shelters. America would die a thousand Hiroshimas. US govt. war bunkers were at Camp David, Mt Weather, Pine Gap, China Lake and dozens of other locations. (there are said to be about 129 underground bases in USA and according to Al Bielek more than 1,400 alien underground/sea bases around the planet as well)
In Feb. of 1982 3 main power factions struggled to dominate the world.
- The Rockefeller cartel – big oil, big banking, big business.
- The Bolshevik-Zionist axis – headquarters New York and Jerusalem.
- The new rulers of Russia who had expelled most of the Bolsheviks formerly in power.
The US has been locked out of the military use of space from 1977-1981. Since Oct. 1977 the moon had been a Russian outpost.
They had 7 manned long range particle beam weapons on the rear and at least 1 large base on the far side. Their spaceships frequently shuffled back and forth. They planned to colonize the solar system and had settled on Venus, starting in 1975. In 1982 the Russians had sent 2 spaceships to Venus, while the US space shuttle was trying to become operative. Russian Viking ancestor urges were strong.
USA had to bring Russia to her knees economically. In Aug. 1982 another cosmosphere was shot down over NY city, but said to be an asteroid. The Carter admin had to strike cosmosphere bases, so dumped Taiwan and announced full diplomatic relations with Peking, China. The revenge of shooting down both US and Russian planes continued. The Rockefeller cartel operatives within the CIA fed updates about the Pentagon war plans to the Russians.
There was a switch at the top in US. Boshevik operative Inman was forced out as deputy director of the CIA and replaced by Bolshevik-Zionist George Shultz as head of state. Sept. 17 1982 had been the target date to strike at Russia. But on Sept. 1 1982 China no longer allied itself with USA, with conciliatory language against Russia. Nixon had been cooperating with the Rockefeller cartel and had tried to fix things up with China, but they wanted no part of a nuclear war between USA and Russia. By Sept. 9 the Chinese base was shut down.
Russian cosmospheres could not be destroyed, the Kremlin told Rockefeller channels that day. On Sept. 10 1982 the Indian Ocean satellite launched from space shuttle no.4 was shot down by a cosmosphere. It had been linked to Air Force Space Command in Colorado Springs. The Russians had left it there to shoot it in a surprise attack. Now USA could no longer attack Russia.
The cosmospheres had brain scrambling transmitters to confuse pilots. This ends this section of a summary of Fire in the Sky by “One Who Knows”.
Excerpt from TECHNOREALITIES: The Fake Second Coming
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
According to several respected researchers, alleged insiders and whistleblowers, the Deep State has been advancing secret space programs for decades, developing technology that most would consider otherworldly. The preceding information alerts the public to the fact these programs likely exist, by providing documents, testimony, and conjecture in support. This information is helpful to dispel the false reality pushed by the Deep State as well as catalyzing the mind for truth-seeking.
– Justin
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