(Rosanne Lindsay, ND) No one speaks of morality anymore. It’s not sexy.
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by Rosanne Lindsay, ND, February 7th, 2019
Morality – the extent to which an action is right or wrong. Syn. ethics
If we lose our morals, do we lose our minds in the process?
The focus on what to wear, how to style your hair, what school to send your kids to, what college to attend, what to drink, what to eat, how to feel— that’s values.
Values are sexy!
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Building the Hive Mind
Values keep you in a “safe” world. Values keep you on track. You either conform to the “norm” or you stand out as the “odd ball.” And who wants to stand out? Even if you glorify the Hollywood elite because they do stand out, you show by your choices that you prefer mediocrity.
Becoming “the average” coalesces everyone from the edges to the center. Being on the “fringe” is not sexy. But you don’t create the center of the honeycomb.
Creating the center is the job of social engineers who construct the Hive with all the cubby holes for you to fit into. They direct you to accept what you get. Accept the outcome delivered to you and tell you that you are privileged. Note: Values speak to privileges, whereas morals speak to rights.
Thousands gather for the Women’s March on Washington D.C., on January 21, 2017. (Carolyn Cole/Los Angeles Times/TNS)
For instance, the Queen Bee directs a group of women from across the country to come together and march in lock-step wearing pink hats to mock their sexual organs while demonstrating their hatred for a man and his ideas.
Another group is directed to demonstrate about “white privilege,” a concept that uses “whiteness” as a proxy for a new class, while distracting from the deeper underlying problem of labels to divide, whether for racism or reverse racism.
Both groups are drones, doing the bidding of the Queen Bee, coalesced into a victim Hive Mind.
Values coalesce unique people to give up their individual identity to a super organism where everyone suddenly has the same thoughts, same emotions, and same opinions. They are now a privileged class so no one thinks to ask if their actions are right or wrong. If you do ask, prepare to be throttled with criticism and physical attack. Victims do not think.
Drones have chosen “The Cause” to do the thinking for them. And nothing changes because there is no yardstick.
The only thing that changes is where the Queen guides you to fly off to the next demonstration. Where did this diversion from morals to values begin?
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Losing Morality to Consensus
The Behavioral Sciences and the scientific study of psychology left morals behind “for the birds.” Scientific values replaced the morals and ethics of the soul to advance evolutionary biology.
Consensus science took hold.
Consensus: “The process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead.”
Evolutionary Science was an invention of the Brit Charles Darwin who used science to make us all believe that humans advanced from bacteria. We are molds, therefore, we are moldable!
Forget that evolution cannot be demonstrated in real life. If evolution was happening as you read this, you should be able to look outside your window and see the various stages of bacteria advancing into the human form. Do you?
No. Because nature doesn’t work based on Darwin’s assumptions.
You may live with your bacteria, which outnumber your human cells 10:1, but you are more than your bacteria. According to the biology of Nature, each species is distinct, separated by a “species barrier,” which protects the integrity of a particular species so that it has a good chance of surviving to produce more of its own kind. This way a zebra doesn’t find a chicken attractive and change its stripes.
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Morals represent truth and virtue, whereas science is based on assumptions.
When we believe science as truth we lose integrity with our own minds because we take on other people’s assumptions. We become stiff and rigid in thinking, and fanatical, in our actions. When the unique nature of each individual is melded into a consensus mind, humans become a consensus species.
Not sexy! To believe consensus science has unintended consequences.
Consensus Science
An August 2017 study was published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases to evaluate the difference between artificial immunity, via vaccination, and natural immunity via natural infection:
Donated blood was separated into three groups – those who were born before the vaccine was available, those who were born during a time when only one shot was given, and those who were born during a time in which 2 shots were given.
The results were dramatic. The majority of antibodies were observed in the early group, the unvaccinated, who had three more times the antibodies in their blood than those that had received…one shot, and 8 times more than those that had received 2 shots.
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The evidence showed vaccination usurped natural immunity. Natural immunity is sabotaged with artificial protection, that science should call “no protection.” If science had any morals.
However, science derives conclusions, not morals. Under the structure of science, there is no room for discussion of whether vaccination is good or bad, or right of wrong for the human species, or any species. The nature of science creates two sides of an endless debate. When people spend their time debating the science, they are bogged down in value judgments, while morals are lost. Science, as a tool to divide and conquer, has done its job.
If you prefer politics, consensus drives “equality of outcome” which describes fair competition for important jobs and positions so that contenders have equal chances to win such positions. This is illustrated in the novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, when the Dodo tells Alice that “everybody has won and all must have prizes.” The only problem with this idea is that, like evolution, equal outcomes do not exist in a world of individuals. Equity is based on an assumption. In the hierarchy of “the real world,” some people are more equal than others.
The moral of the story? There is no moral. It is lost to the buzz of the Hive Mind.
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Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopathic doctor, writer, Earth keeper, Health Freedom advocate, co-founder of Wisconsin For Vaccine Choice, and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. Find her on Facebook at Rosanne Lindsay and Natureofhealing. Consult with her (Skype or Zoom consults available) at natureofhealing.org. Subscribe to her blog at http://www.natureofhealing.org/blog/, where this article first appeared, and at her podcast Thursdays at 5 pm on Blogtalkradio.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Morality is the secret recipe for personal freedom and social prosperity—two seemingly conflicting values. The laws of existence, what some describe as natural laws, encompass the laws of consciousenss, specifically how two or more free will beings can express themselves without harming each other. In a world where people possess unique perspectives, views, and are at different levels of personal growth and attainment, law and morality coordinate each for the prosperity and abundance of the whole. The laws of existence are the habits of the Creator. The Creator’s will is law. Thus, to seek to be the best you can be (self-mastery) naturally results in a desire to do good deeds (the choice to do the will of the divine), to be honorable and respect the free will of your fellows—this is what morality is. The preceding article discusses some of the psychological and philosophic aspects of how morality functions in human consciousness. With this knowledge in hand, the individual can finally learn how to create harmony in their social lives while at the same time positively contributing to making the world a better place, one day to realize the so-called golden age. When you are moral internally, you create freedom for others externally. We will realize this golden age because each of us choose, in our own hearts, to follow the truth and change ourselves to match it, which includes learning the laws of morality.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to corrections@stillnessinthestorm.com, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.
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