(David Livingstone) Jacob Rothschild, the current head of the Rothschild dynasty, has intermarried with the Sinclair family, forging an important alliance between the head family of the Illuminati, and the supposed descendants of the Grail family.
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by David Livingstone, March 9th, 2019
As has been popularized recently by Dan Brown in the Da Vinci Code, or before him by the Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the Stuarts of Scotland are supposedly descended from King Arthur and Jesus Christ. These families are of course not descended from Jesus. The idea is preposterous. But they are related to the Holy Grail, and they are not Christians, but Kabbalists.
In reality, they, like all the aristocratic bloodlines that form the core of the Illuminati, are descended from Guillaume de Gellone of the eighth century AD. Guillaume’s father was Rabbi Makhir, among the Exilarchs who ruled the Jews in Baghdad, who was sent West after a dispute over the successorship.
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Narbonne then became the heartland of the Medieval Kabbalah. The Kabbalists of Narbonne seem to have been responsible for instigating the Crusades, in order to retrieve sacred texts that had been buried there, but which had been inaccessible because of first the rule of the Romans, and then the Muslims.
Once Jerusalem was conquered, a Kabbalistic order of knights known as the Templars conducted excavations, and discovered the text of the Sepher ha Bahir, which revived the lost mystical tradition, and set off the cultural revolution of the Medieval Kabbalah.
Another aspect of the penetration of these Kabbalistic ideas was the heresy of the Cathars.
The Cathar foothold was in the region of Tolouse, the bastion of the descendants of Guillaume, also known as the family of the Guilhemids, several of whom were ardent defenders of the heresy.
However, the Cathars have been idealized by numerous Illuminati propagandists as having been innocent victims of Church persecutions, but the Cathars rejected the God of the Bible, in favor of the worship of Lucifer and practiced witchcraft. It was the Cathars who influenced the heretical aspects of the Templars, for which the order was disbanded in 1307.
Part of this Kabbalistic revolution was the legends of the Holy Grail, which included Cathar and Templar themes, and formulated in the region of Aquitaine, another stronghold of the Guilhemids.
The Holy Grail, or San Greal, should have been translated as Sang Real, or Royal Blood, because it referred to the sacred bloodline that supposedly issued from Guillaume de Gellone, and ultimately King David, but which in reality, was understood to represent the descendants of the Fallen Angels, and their leader, Lucifer.
The Sinclairs were descendants of Guillaume de Gellone, through his great-great-granddaughter, Poppa of Bavaria, who married the Viking leader, Rollo Ragnvaldsson. Among Rollo’s descendants was William the Conqueror of Normandy. The Sinclairs, or St. Clair, were given various other castles around France.
However, they all went to England with the Conqueror. One Sinclair, though, named William, did not like the Conqueror, so with some other discontented barons, he went to Scotland and placed himself in the service of King Malcolm III of Scotland.
Malcolm III King of Scotland was the father of David I “the Saint” King of Scotland. In 1128, soon after the Council of Troyes, Hugh de Payens, the Templars’ first Grand Master, met with King David I of Scotland. King David later surrounded himself with Templars, and appointed them as “the Guardians of his morals by day and night”.
David married the grand-daughter of Lambert II, the brother of Godefroi de Bouillon, leader of the first crusade, and the sister of sister of William the Conqueror. Godefroi’s younger brother, Eustace III, married David’s sister, Mary Scots.
Their daughter married Stephen I King of England, the son Adela de Normandie, the daughter of William the Conqueror. Adela’s brother, Henry I King of England, married David’s sister, Editha of Scotland. Their daughter, Mathilda Empress of England, married Geoffrey V, Comte d’Anjou, whose son Henry II married Eleanor of Aquitaine.
King David granted Hugues and his knights the lands of Balantrodoch, by the Firth of Forth, but now renamed Temple, near the site of Rosslyn. And, legend has it that, when the Templars came under trial, their leader de Molay arranged for the Templar to return to Scotland, where they assisted Robert the Bruce at the Battle of Bannockburn.
Robert the Bruce claimed the Scottish throne as a great-great-great-great grandson of David. Walter Stewart, the sixth High Steward of Scotland, also played an important part in the Battle of Bannockburn.
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Walter Stewart then married Majory, daughter of Robert the Bruce, and their son Robert II of Scotland was heir to the House of Bruce; he eventually inherited the Scottish throne after his uncle David II of Scotland died.
In Scotland, the Templars served Robert the Bruce as members of the Scots Guard, of which two prominent families were those of the Stuarts and the Sinclairs. Henry Sinclair was a supporter of Robert the Bruce, and one of his descendants, William Sinclair, designed Rosslyn Chapel, a church in the village of Roslin, replete with occult symbolism, and believed to be one of the sites where the Grail might be buried.
Finally, the Sinclairs became the Hereditary Grand Masters of the Masons of Scotland.
After Queen Elizabeth died without an heir, she was succeeded by the son of Mary Queen of Scots, James Stewart I of England, also known as King James. It is for this reason that the Freemasons of the eighteenth century conspired to back the Stuart cause, after their last monarch, James II Stuart, King of England, was deposed, and replaced by William of Orange.
The Stuart cause then became the essence of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which regarded the Stuarts as the inheritors of the Templars, who had rescued the secret tradition of the East, otherwise known as the Kabbalah.
Since the late eighteenth century, however, the Illuminati have come under the leadership of the Rothschild family.
The founder of the dynasty, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, ordered his sons to marry only their first cousins, continuing the careful intermarrying practiced by their predecessors.
However, the first exception was Hannah, the daughter of Amschel Mayer’s son, the notorious Nathan Mayer Rothschild, who married the Rt. Hon. Henry Fitzroy, a direct descendant of Charles II Stuart King of England, the father of James II.
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More recently, however, is the great-great-great grandson of Nathan Mayer, Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, who married Mary Serena Dunn. The mother of Mary Serena was Lady Mary Sybil St. Clair-Erskine, who was the daughter of James Francis Harry St. Clair-Erskine, 5th Earl of Rosslyn.
Jacob Rothschild is the current head of the UK Rothschild family, having inherited the fourth baronetcy from his father, Victor, an eminent zoologist, and sometime MI5 agent and friend of KGB agents Anthony Blunt and Guy Burgess.
Jacob resigned from the family’s bank NM Rothschilds in 1980, run by his cousin Evelyn, and started RIT Capital Partners
Jacob Rothschild resigned from the family’s bank NM Rothschilds in 1980, run by his cousin Evelyn, and started RIT Capital Partners. He is chairman of Yad Hanadiv, the Rothschild foundation, which built and gave the Knesset government buildings and the Supreme Court to Israel, and chairs the Jewish Policy Research, dedicated to promoting issues affecting Jews worldwide.
Jacob Rothschild is chairman of Yad Hanadiv, the Rothschild foundation, which chairs the Jewish Policy Research, dedicated to promoting issues affecting Jews worldwide. Yad Hanadiv was also responsible for building and granting the Knesset government buildings, and the Supreme Court of Israel, which prominently features Masonic symbolism and the pyramid and all-seeing eye of the Illuminati.
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In a recent interview, Jacob Rothschild admitted that his family created Israel.
Jacob Rothschild was a close personal friend of the Princess Diana, and maintains strong personal and business links with Henry Kissinger. He knows Rupert Murdoch well, having been friends since the Australian newspaper proprietor first came to the UK in the 1960s.
His country estate has been a regular venue for visiting heads of state including Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Margaret Thatcher received French President François Mitterrand there at a summit in 1990.
He hosted the European Economic Round Table conference in 2002, attended by such figures as James Wolfensohn, president of the World Bank, Nicky Oppenheimer, Warren Buffet and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
By David Livingstone from ConspiracyArchive.com
About the Author
David Livingstone is an historian who lives in Montreal, Canada. He is the author of The Dying God: The Hidden History of Western Civilization.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The Rothschild family is infamous in certain circles for their connections to some of the most nefarious acts of corruption in modern times. They allegedly modernized the fractional reserve banking system, imploded the Europian economy in the 19th century, played a part in the creation of various socialist-communist movements, engineered the modern medical and taxation system, and destablized many governments leading to countless wars and loss of human life—which is only a short list of their alleged dirty deeds. To be sure, this family is blamed for almost everything—which we as truth-seekers should guard against. They are likely guilty of much, but we should not sidestep due process in the effort to satisfy our desire for revenge or justice. The preceding information reveals some aspect of the Rothschild dynasties malevolent influence in this world. Comprehending the fact dynastic families, occult orders, and powerful intelligences interfere with the natural evolution of consciousness is vital for many reasons. Firstly, to properly understand the realities that exist so as to play a part in changing things for the better. Secondly, so that your false beliefs, worldviews, and manipulated thought patterns—as consumed through culture and the media—can be identified and reexamined. And finally, so that we, as a people can unite to face our common enemy—the agents of tyranny, oppression, and slavery. Some say to wage any battle is itself part of the Deep State agenda. But make no mistake, complacency, and passivity in the face of harm is the response of a well-trained slave. History teaches that truth, freedom, goodness, and justice must be protected by good people willing to take responsibility for doing so. When good people stop doing this, the world slips back into darkness for an age. Let us, who care about goodness, find the courage within ourselves to fight those who love selfishness, for the good of ourselves and posterity.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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I loved this and cleared p a mystery that was bugging me as I have seen the infiltration and reverse of the original grail mystery line and didn’t know when it happened. Very provocative.
Very informative!
Thus “The Great Awakening” that we are experiencing in this 21st century. Trump must be from the ‘Bloodline of the Holy Grail’.
I didn’t realize until now how this all relates to the history of humankind on earth.
No they steal blood from the Holy Grail Catholic’s, why do you think the need blood transfusions so often. Diana had here blood swapped as she was not a Spencer but a Goldsmith hence the marriages recently to the Goldsmith to hush them up.
Sarah Edwards wife is Holy Grail nearest. St Clair’s no so. Kate, Fergie had blood swaps