by Justin Deschamps,
Has the truth movement been infiltrated? That is the question explored in the following. In general, the question drew us toward the truth, in all respects, not the rigid answers that have been accepted and pushed blindly by the masses. Likely, if you are reading these words, you are a truth rebel, you dare to question the status quo. Shining our light into all the darkness, even within ourselves, is the hardest task, but one with the greatest potential for making ourselves and the world a better place. Shall we begin?
How important is the truth? What power does it have to make our lives better? Can it make us happier, more fulfilled?
For most, the answer is yes—and no.
The truth is both the source of future happiness and bliss as well as the destroyer of falsehood and incompleteness. As such, when you encounter a new truth, it tends to shake us up. It tends to activate us. How well we let that truth transform us depends on our willingness to grow and change, guided by discernment and wisdom.
Related 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools
The truth—once received in the mind, lived by action in the body, felt in the heart through observation—is arguably the most powerful force in the universe, below the love, which gives truth life in our personal lives. If you love the truth with a whole heart, you will be raised, step by step, experience through experience, to the heights of spiritual glory. But this is easier said than done.
Questioning your truths doesn’t always feel good, and often it can be painful, but only when we fight the rising tide. In such cases, experience itself often humbles us when our incomplete knowledge creates chaos in our lives. Therefore, taking the opportunity to question ourselves before calamity strikes, saves us unnecessary pain and suffering.
The truth movement is a loose term referring to those who’ve felt the desire to make sense of a world that seems chaotic, cruel, and indifferent. Generally speaking, it encompasses conspiracies, spirituality, government corruption, and anything that society, for one reason or another, has deemed untrue or unreal. But more than this, the truth movement is a personal call to claim the treasures of wisdom that all are welcome to take hold of.
Psychologically, the pain, suffering, and uncertainty of life push us to seek knowledge so we can improve our lives. Whole systems of neurology exist for the purpose of rewarding us for seeking knowledge and building skill. And these same systems make us feel negative emotions when we don’t grow.
Without honest reflection, discussion, and a willingness to refine knowledge gained form truth-seeking, the sure result is dogma, stagnation, and devolution.
The truth is an infinite reality. But our minds are limited, by nescience, trauma, pain, egoism, and of course, time and space. Even though the truth is all around us, seeking for it requires an act of will.
“Knowledge must grow or the knowledge keeper will die, smashed against the rocks of willful ignorance.”
The following video asks the question: Has the truth movement been infiltrated?
Some will say that merely asking this question proves you are a shill—an agent of the Deep State or the forces of darkness on this world.
Others will say that to avoid asking this question is a recipe for disaster—for a truism that can’t be expanded and grown is only a dead fact, the foundation of dogma and social division.
If we were to ask the powers that be, the so-called Cabal or NWO, if we should ask this question about the truth movement they would say that you should never question authority, (what is known or accepted) because you are a slave, not a free being.
The fact is, an honest question is more important than a rigid answer because the question has the power to grow into the future. An answer, that should not be questioned, is a dead thing. It can’t grow. It can’t expand. It can’t enlighten the mind, only enslave it with rigid belief.
Buy Book How Do We Know?: An Introduction to Epistemology
This is why an active mind and an open heart is the key to unlocking your full potential. This is why bravery and intellectual honesty are values that give life and impart fulfillment.
In this regard, to bravely question what many believe to be true is arguably one of the greatest acts of self-growth, self-love, and altruistic service.
How can you, and the world improve, if we never dare to question the truisms of the past, no matter how seemingly perfect they are?
The result of honest questioning isn’t the destruction of established truths—instead, it pours life-giving waters into whatever truth has already been discovered. This newly awakened truth, if followed wherever it leads, has the power to consume half-truths and falsehoods that limit human evolution.
The opportunity for growth is always there, whether we reach for it and ask honest questions is up to us.
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What do you think? Has the truth movement been infiltrated?
In closing, the point of this question isn’t to frantically search for spies and “Deep State agents” in our midst—it isn’t the call for a witch hunt. It’s a call to go within, to question your truths to see where you have room to grow, while at the same time, questioning the ways we relate to truth in social circles.
To be sure, there are shills, scam artists, liars, frauds, cheats, and well-intentioned dupes out there. And at times, we’ve all been guilty of close-mindedness and the spreading of half-truths for various reasons. But even the most misguided among us can turn things around if they follow the truth wherever it leads.
If you discover some truth-sharer, researcher, spokesman, whistleblower, journalist or content producer has been less than truthful, take care not to let your rage overwhelm your compassion. Often, people are doing the best they can with what they have to work with.
Ultimately, we’re all united in the quest for truth, we all have to contend with the unknown in our desire to pursue happiness.
Thus, the enemy isn’t a person who believes something you do not. The enemy is the stagnation that comes from not seeking the truth with a whole heart. When those around us dig in their heels, we should compassionately encourage them to loosen their grip, while being patient so they can do the often difficult inner-work of opening their minds and hearts to the possibility they could be wrong or learn something new.
– Justin
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About The Author
Justin Deschamps has been a truth seeker all his life. He studies physics, psychology, law, philosophy, and spirituality, working to weave these seemingly separate bodies of information into a holistic tapestry of ever-expanding knowledge. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some. He humbly seeks those who are willing to take responsibility for making themselves and the world a better place. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work. Check out his project Stillness in the Storm to find some of his work. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and
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This article (The Infiltration of the Truth Movement — Why Should We Ask This Question?) originally appeared on and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The ability to properly discern what the truth is, most people agree is vitally important to human life. But due to the limitations of perception and mind, absolute certainty, 100% confirmation, of anything, is not possible. Instead, human beings have to contend with relative certainty, based on our capacity to gather evidence and make sense of it. The preceding information is difficult to confirm, hard to know if it is really true. In discernment, evidence points to confirmation or invalidation, that something is likely true or likely false. However, in most cases, we won’t really know for sure and have to accept uncertainty with whatever conclusion we make. In order to deal with uncertainty, one of the best techniques is to assume all possibilities could happen, then take the time to contemplate each one to see how you’ll react if it turns out to be true. Furthermore, from a philosophy of knowledge perspective (epistemology), of which pragmatism is a subset, it’s OK and reasonable to pick the possibility you feel the best about and act as if that is true, looking to see what happens, changing your position if it doesn’t seem correct after testing. While the challenges of certainty will likely forever be at the feet of humanity, there are proven and established methods available. The exercise of considering information trains your mind in discernment, if you learn how to think properly. With this skill in hand, arguably a skill of skills, all the challenges of life become a little easier to bear. With discernment in hand, one can propel their growth forward with leaps and bounds, even becoming an emissary of truth that qualifies them for great positions of honor in a world progressing toward true freedom and prosperity.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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It seems you’ve covered all the bases on this topic; very thorough, yet is it complete? Maybe yes, maybe no, so here is a question on the topic of truth, “is there always room for more perspective?”
Of course there is; let’s grow the topic a wee bit.
I went to a thesaurus to look up ‘truth’ synonyms:
Let’s approach TRUTH as a result of experience. The epistemology of this example can be a philosophy of the extra-sensory nature of an action such as using the inner sight /mid-brain capacity/mind to locate an object blindfolded in a large parking lot or perhaps ride a bicycle blindfolded through a city street without harm.
One reads or is told that it is possible yet does one believe it as a truth?
Perhaps ‘truth’ is more a fact (accomplishment) than a principle for this example.
Hence, the person’s ‘perspective’ and attitude that it can be done. It then compels that person to do the act; with focus and persistence manages to accomplish the task.
It may seem like a ‘miracle’ or great feat to accomplish, yet it now becomes that person’s truth. It may not necessarily be the truth of a witness to the act for that is not actual experience of accomplishment for the witness.
Now to make a distinction, does this also work for say a crime? The person experiencing the crime has a different perspective of the act (if they live through it) than a witness to the crime. The victim registers relevant facts and places that as truth in the moment.
Yet it is the same as the ‘inspired’ person who is taught through science and philosophy they are capable with their inner sight and blindfolded; of finding their wallet in a large empty parking lot? (a controlled exercise)
Does this then become a ‘belief’ it can be done versus a veritable, undeniable truth?
No, it is only that for the person who took the knowledge to an experience in the action. It becomes a personal truth.
Therefore, are we talking fact, actuality, certainty as truth?
Is it rather belief, perspective, authenticity, principle, legitimacy, honesty as truth?
Facts can be twisted, taken out of context, emotionally or intentionally distorted. Additionally, actuality can be totally personal in experience, and veracity can become measurable.
There are so many variables to this topic, which is a great one and begs to be explored further.
I personally, prefer to know rather than believe as that is conjecture.
I’ve experienced great truth that is internally emblazoned to the soul that not many others can verify until they too exercise this great work.
That is not connotative I am any greater than another. its just a fact that became my truth that no one can take from me no matter how it gets twisted.
In these changing times there is a tendency to rob others if their personal truth or to distort many aspects of life and its a fine line to walk.
Than you so much Justin for asking the Great Question and daring to question. May it inspire others to do the same and not doubt their own truth that leads ultimately to wisdom
I like the simple formula:
Philosophy from knowledge-> experience = truth ->Wisdom.
I’m so impressed by your thoughts on this subject. Epistemology is rarely a feature of “truther” thinking, even though one would think it would be a staple.
Of course the truth movement has been infiltrated, that should not even be a question. The question should be by whom? A loaded question? Of course!
One can look no further to the Flat Earth movement for such infiltration, and whilst the majority of sane and open minded people would rightly dismiss them for the stupid and ignorant lunatics that many of them are, and thus underestimate the damage their movement is capable of doing, it is doing and has already, done considerable damage to the truth movement as a whole.
Go to any truth site comments section or internet group and you will see their brand of dangerous idiocy in full force. Wreaking havoc amongst legitimate articles that need to be exposed to a far wider audience. However, by association, the legitimate articles get tarred with the same brush as those of the flat earth movement, and thus, lose their potency to even be considered or looked into which makes legitimate articles easy to dismiss.
The problem is censorship. If we censor them, are we doing no more than what the mainstream media is doing and has been doing for years? For me the answer is a simple one. The truth movement is paved with hard evidence and the dead bodies of those who have spoken out or those who are in prison because they became whistle-blowers.
No hard, credible evidence? Then these people should be banned from every forum and cubby-hole the internet has to offer. They should be eliminated from their platform forthwith and cast asunder like the vermin that they are.
I came to the truth many years ago via my own research, now these people are stopping others from finding and researching the truth. The internet is now so full of rubbish that it is a difficult task for even the most seasoned truther to get to the bottom of many issues. Misinformation abounds. It’s everywhere and needs to be addressed and weeded out wherever it is found.