An interesting post discussing how there are several legal agreements already in place to recognize the human rights of Extraterrestrial life. Before that article, I will provide some points to suggest these legal systems are inherently dishonorable, and fail to follow the very statements they are codified to represent.
Dr. Salla details some of the points within the below article.
The legal side of our so called ‘justice system’ is a major honey trap for the mind because the true nature of Law, how it relates to reality, and the principles of free will are rarely acknowledged honestly. Legal has become associated with lawful and there is a very precise difference between the two. Dr.Salla accurately suggests this by saying if ET’s landed in New York, they may be subject to certain legalities, but the inherent rights can either be recognized or not – they exist regardless. A legal code is a procedure of operation, how to do things, after trust has been established and agreement is in place. Legal codes imposed, on anyone or anything, without establishing trust, is a failure of law, and a violation of one’s rights; even if no physical harm has been done.
For a detailed explanation of the difference between legal and lawful see these articles.
USA, Inc. Committed Massive Identity Theft | Trust Law Understood – Open Letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Lew — from Anna von Reitz
(Natural Law is the basis for Contract Law and Legal codes) An Overview of the ITNJ
The Sphere beings recognize Natural law and the inherent right to choose, that our free will must be honored and considered when taking actions that might affect others. Anyone who does not recognize freewill and provide for honorable agreements based on trust, reveals either a nefarious intention or lack of moral maturity. If ET races have made treaties with various government or quasi government agencies to abrogate the rights of people and or animals, then they are by their own actions are immoral. And we who are seeking to discern whether a group or race is honest and true to their word, should recognize this. A treaty affecting someone without their knowing consent is a fraud at its creation, and if left unchecked will create chaos and violence.
For example, on earth we have actually made slavery legal: Legalized Slavery: The 13th and 14th Amendment Hoax – Judge Anna von Reitz Exposes the Fraudulent Congress

Without getting into a deep analysis of all this, legal policies which presume our consent, acting without ensuring we have agreed, are unjust and tyrannical. Because consent is not provided honorably, by a knowing explicit statement, it is inherently deceptive and dishonorable.
Related How the Cabal Maintains Their Power And What You Need To Do To Stop It – Un-Consent | Beyond BRICS: Exposing the Rats
Related The Underworld Death Dealing Practices Of The Elite | Birth, Marriage and Death Estate Are Seized and Traded By The Government
The article below helps provide some contextual differences between how the Sphere Beings operate (recognition of Natural Law) and how Cabal run systems operate (deceptive and nefarious). Clearly treaties with other races that allow human beings to be taken against their will are unlawful, and this extends to the treatment of all life, not just human beings. We need not be of high density status to develop a society and social structure based on honor, truth and integrity. I think these principles are the core ideals which will help us transition away from the madness of the past, into the golden age of the future.
READ MORE by Dr. Michael Salla @
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