(M M) Little is known or been written about an enormously significant event that took place just over three decades ago involving a bizarre cult called the Finders. This presentation will examine all available documented evidence that includes recent, never before released public records from the police and US Customs investigations.
Related Three Factions of the CIA that Control the World — The Legal Framework for Secret Control
by M M, January 15th, 2018
Little is known or been written about an enormously significant event that took place just over three decades ago involving a bizarre cult called the Finders. This presentation will examine all available documented evidence that includes recent, never before released public records from the police and US Customs investigations.[1] Other than a couple conspicuous mainstream media articles from February 1987 and a final follow-up in 1994, the critical importance of this “mysterious” group sometimes called “Finders Keepers” and its operation have largely been lost to the public. Despite the name – Finders Keepers – denoting procurers or finders of children kept as pedophile slaves, the CIA front that trafficked children for the elite has by careful design remained an obscure, strange footnote in history. But this gross omission conveniently disregards the compelling evidence acting as tangible proof that the Finders was a CIA front organization caught in the act of abducting and moving very young children across both US state lines as well as international borders, functionally serving as a first conduit link to the highly organized child sex slave trafficking pipeline controlled by the most powerful evildoers on earth. And it’s no accident that this scandal centered in Washington DC was operating at the exact same time and place as the very much related Franklin scandal occurring throughout the Reagan-Bush years of the 1980’s. The Franklin scandal is directly linked to the Vice President and President-to-be, pedophile drug lord and international child pusher George H.W. Bush,[2] and will be taken up in full detail in Chapter 13.
Both of these two scandals, the Finders and Franklin from 30 years ago, along with the temporally co-occurring high profile daycare scandals already covered in Chapter 8, are the pedo-forerunners having direct relevance and connection to today’s Pizzagate turned PedoGate scandal. During the ensuing three decades the worldwide child trafficking network at least in the United States simply submerged a little more underground, but never ever stopped flourishing. Chapters 4-7 dealt with the centuries old sodomy committed regularly by the Catholic Church that willfully kept their sex crimes tightly under wraps until this century. Chapters 10 and 11 further exposed the ongoing globalized child trafficking network typically entrenched in combat zones during the 1990’s Bosnia and Kosovo Wars as well as the more recent CIA-State Department-USAID run pedophile havens for the booming child sex tourism industry most blatant in Pacific Asia. And of course this century’s nonstop Empire wars in the Middle East and Ukraine provide yet more fertile ground for illegal movement of guns, drugs, body parts and children around the globe.
So be mindful that to this very day the global pedophile Empire has never ceased operating but as the cancerous blight it is has only spread its expansive predatory tentacles to every corner of the globe, every year abducting more missing children, and raping, torturing and killing yet more innocents every single day. But thankfully 2017 is the pivotal year that the world population is finally beginning to catch on for the first time the absolute urgency of challenging this mammoth criminal enterprise. Mass awareness offers humanity the chance to not only further expose the puppet master pedophiles and their puppet minions, but also finally hold their cabal accountable for their continual atrocities. With our growing collective effort to shine light on this dark scourge now beginning to pay off, we finally have our best chance to reduce and purge the elite’s sexual slavery and Satanic ritual abuse of our innocents off the face of this earth.
A Chronology of Irrefutable Hardcore Evidence
On February 4th, 1987 two white men in their 20’s, each dressed in coat and tie, were seen at a Tallahassee, Florida park playground with six white children aged 2 to 6 covered with insect bites and appearing very unkempt and improperly cared for.[3] An anonymous tipster contacted the city police to report the apparent child neglect and potential abuse. The police officer dispatched on the scene questioned the two men who claimed they were teachers traveling to Mexico to start a school for brilliant children. When asked about the children’s parents, the one adult willing to respond became evasive after stating the children “were being weaned from their mothers.”[4] When the police officer informed the two men that they were under arrest for suspicion of multiple counts of child abuse, the man refusing to answer questions fell to the ground feigning unconsciousness. At that point, after tentatively identifying themselves as Michael Houlihan (whose real name was later determined to be James Michael Holwell[5]) and Douglas Ammerman (who had no ID on him), both failed to cooperate any further in answering police questions. Later at the station Holwell pulled out two business cards with each of his two names on one side and the statement written on the other alluding to know his constitutional right to remain silent. In the park their nearby 1980 blue Dodge van displayed Virginia license plates. Upon closer inspection, police found a foul-smelling mattress in the back of the van along with maps, books, letters, 20 floppy computer disks, a device that can be hooked into a telephone line for computer transmissions,[6] a US passport and a pack of condoms. After all eight persons were taken into police custody, a spokesperson described the half dozen kids as “hungry… and pretty pathetic.”[7]
A female witness alleged to have carried on a 5-7 minute conversation with one of the men at the park later came forth and testified that she believed the man she spoke to was on drugs. In the middle of winter in northern Florida she said that he had asked her if she knew of another local “park with a swimming pond,” presumably to bathe the visibly filthy children.[8] After the oldest child, a six-year old girl named Mary Houlihan, possibly Michael’s biological daughter, reaffirmed that they were being transported to a school in Mexico, informing the police that they had been living at a commune in DC later determined to be the Finders, and that the cult leader referred to as “the game caller” (later identified as one Marion Pettie) would not allow the children to sleep in the house with the adults but relegated to living in outside tents.[9] Mary claimed that they were only given food as a reward. They were also kept out of school and appeared unfamiliar with such basic household items as television sets, telephones, typewriters, staplers and even toilets. This anomaly stands in stark contrast with the adult Finders. In early 1987 prior to the internet and private citizens even owning personal computers, the Finders members possessed numerous computers, and were highly skilled at utilizing the latest state of the art technology. This night and day difference between adults and children clearly attests to the lowly status of the young kids as subjugated, abusively exploited sex slaves. Though Mary was the only child able or willing to verbalize responses to police questions, the children were inadequately able to even identify themselves by name or the names of their two male custodians, which increased law enforcement suspicions that the two adults had kidnapped the children.
One day after the arrest the Tallahassee Police Department contacted US Customs and the Washington Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) to assist determining both adult abusers’ and the children’s identities and learn more about the Finders group that they represented. US Customs was included due to the expressed intention of crossing the international border into Mexico as well as suspected violations of the Child Protection Act of 1984.[10] And since within the US Customs Department a Child Pornography and Protection Unit was already in place, that federal agency along with the FBI also became involved. Based on initially seized evidence, the two men were suspected of “supplying children for the production of child pornography.” Adding weight to these charges, an examining physician found that the two eldest children – Mary and a five-year old boy named Max – had been sexually abused. Additionally, Mary had become somewhat agitated prior to the physical examination when asked if she’d been inappropriately touched by adults.
The joint US Customs-intercity police investigation not only centered on the already firmly established physical evidence of gross neglect, sexual abuse and crossing state lines with abused trafficked children, but also sought to determine if the children had been kidnapped and reported missing.[11] The Florida arrest gave probable cause to attain search warrants for two Finders locations in Washington, a duplex townhouse in NW DC where members lived and a nearby warehouse where alleged Finders’ businesses were conducted in NE DC that apparently also doubled as a place of lodging for some. Search warrants were also secured to inspect a number of Finders’ properties (totaling 600 acres) that included a 90 acre farm owned by leader Marion Pettie located 90 miles outside DC via state highway 666 in the sleepy, little quaint town of Culpeper, Virginia in rural Madison County.[12] Also true to demonic Illuminati-like organizations, a local attorney in town representing a former Finders member in a messy divorce case received threatening, profane letters of harassment from Finders, had his tires slashed, and was forced to obtain a legal restraining order just to get the cult to cease aggressions.[13]
Assigned US Customs special agent Ramon J. Martinez joined the Washington Metro police lead detective James Bradley who had already begun investigating Finders in December 1986 and with fresh search warrants they inspected the two DC Finders’ properties.[14] Two months earlier an informant had divulged that the Finders cult regularly engaged in “blood rituals and sexual orgies involving children, and an as yet unsolved murder.”[15] Officer Martinez conducted a search of the Finders residence in NW Washington (three short miles from the future Pizzagate epicenter Comet Ping Pong) and found several individuals on the premises but only one a Finders member – Stuart Silverstone, located in a computer room filled with computers, printers and Finders documents that all proved very incriminating, confirming suspicions that the cult was in fact directly involved in global child sex trafficking and sexual abuse of children. Straight from Martinez’ US Customs report:
Cursory examination of the documents revealed detailed instructions for obtaining children for unspecified purposes. The instructions included impregnation of female members of the community known as Finders, purchasing children, trading, and kidnapping. There were telex messages using MCI account numbers between a computer terminal believed to be located in the same room, and others located across the country and in foreign locations. One such telex specifically ordered the purchase of two children in Hong Kong to be arranged through a contact at the Chinese Embassy there.[16]
‘Bank secrecy’ situations… high-tech transfers to the United Kingdom, numerous properties under the control of the Finders, a keen interest in terrorism, explosives, and the evasion of law enforcement.[17]
Also hugely significant is the fact that within hours of the Tallahassee incident, Martinez discovered the confidential arrest records of the two Finders and six children taken into custody the night before.[18] This unequivocally proves that intelligence insiders (i.e., the CIA) privy to on-the-ground actions in Florida tipped off the Finders in real time that instantly relayed warnings around the globe. A sophisticated worldwide computer network immediately had broadcast instructions advising “participants to move ‘the children’ and keep them moving through different jurisdictions, and instructions on how to avoid police attention.”[19] In the immediate aftermath of the Tallahassee arrests, Lt. Lee Hart from the Culpeper police department where the Finders leader Marion Pettie owned real estate, stated that Pettie “would go to Andrews Air Force Base and get a military plane flight to China.”[20] This telling statement reveals that Pettie enjoyed an intimate relationship with intelligence forces that included both the CIA as well as the US military and was doing business with Red China procuring two children in Hong Kong at that time.
The Finders was definitely not the operation of some 1960’s, pie-in-the-sky, hippie commune holdout as initial press had concluded based on the government’s official false narrative[21] but a highly advanced CIA government proprietary criminal operation. The Finders’ mastermind Marion Pettie also rented rooms out in his house to foreign nationals, one allegedly a Tianjin, China born grad student at Georgetown University[22] (the same school that longtime CIA operative Dr. Sue Arrigo refers to as CIA U[23]). Was this Chinese national residing at Finders’ residence and the Finders’ purchase order of two kids in Hong Kong arranged through the Red Chinese embassy a pure matter of coincidence? Seems highly doubtful.
On the next day February 6th, Martinez joined Metro detective Bradley at the Finders warehouse location. There they found loads more documents describing “explicit sexual conduct between members,” including an enormous collection of photos believed to be both nude Finders adults and nude children, at least one depicting “a child ‘on display’ and appearing to accent the child’s genitals.” A photo album exhibited “a series of photos of adults and children dressed in white sheets participating in a ‘blood ritual.’”[24] Apparently photos taken on Pettie’s Madison County farm showed two goats – often the symbol for Satan[25] – being ceremonially executed, disemboweled, skinned, dismembered (including a male goat’s testes and a female goat’s womb containing dead babies), and one photo of a crying, traumatized child being presented the goat’s head by an adult Finder.[26] Throughout ancient occult history, the goat’s head has long represented Baphomet, yet another Satanic practice symbol for the devil.
Back in 1987 both the Northwest residence and the Northeast warehouse had installed large sophisticated satellite systems. Each location also included a hot tub Jacuzzi and sauna,[28] no doubt for “relaxing” with the kids (not unlike the WikiLeaksrelease of last year’s Podesta/DNC emails[29]). The Finders warehouse contained a large library, two kitchens and a video room that served as a “training area for children” and “indoctrination center.” The organization possessed the capacity and equipment to make their own videos, and based on volumes of nude photos, their own child porn videos as well.[30] Additionally in the residential section of the warehouse there was also an altar set up for occult rituals. Several more US passports were collected during the search. Bizarrely in this same section were stored jars containing urine and feces,[31] disgustingly popular ingredients for satanic rituals with children. Recall that in both mind control torture as well as the satanic rituals at daycare facilities, kids were forced to eat shit, drink piss and have excrement smeared on them as standard occult operating procedure. Over the next three to five days the Washington Metro Police Department was tasked with sorting, reviewing and logging all the confiscated evidence.
Apparently through a leak at the Tallahassee Police Department, the press in both Florida and the nation’s capital were tipped off and snooping around asking questions as Martinez left the warehouse location.[32] As the authorities carried scores of large plastic bags out of the warehouse as gathered legal evidence, reporters were quick to notice all the:
… Color slides, photographs and photographic contact sheets. Some showed naked children involved in what appeared to be ‘cult rituals,’ bloodletting ceremonies of animals and one photograph of a child in chains.[33]
And the very next day on February 7th, just three short days after the Tallahassee arrest, while Ramon Martinez was signing his 5-page US Customs report, the Washington Post was also breaking the big sensational story with the following headline “Officials Describe ‘Cult Rituals’ in Child Abuse Case.” Unlike nowadays with WaPo’s blind denial and conspicuous silence on any pedophile ring still operating in our nation’s capital,[34]three decades ago the CIA owned and controlled MSM rag[35]openly asserted that something satanically sinister was lurking within the Finders confines. The 1987 article reported that prior district court records indicated that a police source reported that the 40 adult membership of the Finders cult conducted “brainwashing” techniques at the warehouse as well as at the duplex. The source claimed that cult recruitment promised “financial reward and sexual gratification” as well as “explore Satanism.” A court affidavit from the source also maintained that members of the group used children in “rituals” and that “the children’s grandparents feared for their safety.”
But despite all this clear evidence of child pornography, Satanic ritual child sexual abuse, and global child sex trafficking, from the get-go the writing was already on the wall because less than a week after the two pedophile traffickers were in custody in Florida, the CIA controlled DC Metro Police Department and CIA controlled Washington Post were declaring that the Finders were not criminals. WaPo’s February 10th headline read “D.C. Police Finders Odd, not Criminal.”[36]The day before at a press conference the DC Police Chief Maurice T. Turner, Jr. told the world the boldface lie that:
The lifestyle of the so-called Finders organization may differ from the societal norm, but so far the Metropolitan Police Department has not uncovered any evidence of criminal wrongdoing by members of the group.
Again, what we have here are the complicit stooges readily in place simply doing what they’re told – reading from a preplanned script written by the perps in charge of the worldwide trafficking network conveniently covering up their own heinous crimes. And lo and behold, those “three to five days” that the DC Metro Police would purportedly analyze the piles of confiscated evidence turned into more than three to five weeks. Not until March 31st, 1987 was Customs Officer Martinez contacting MPD’s lead detective Bradley to assess evidential findings and presumably resume the joint investigation with a meeting arranged for April 2nd or 3rd. But when Martinez showed up, that lead MPD investigator was nowhere to be found. Instead his surrogate was instructed to only “discuss the case on a strictly ‘off the record’ basis.”[37]
Martinez was told that after all the Finders members’ passports were handed over to the State Department, the DC police were told that they were all legal and that since no improprieties warranted any further action, they were returned to the Finders. Incredibly, this whitewashed response belied the fact that the Finders passport records showed that they had made frequent trips to Moscow, North Korea, China and North Vietnam throughout the cold war era from the late 1950’s through the mid 1970’s.[38] In other words, despite Finders being allowed to freely travel behind enemy lines during wartime years fraternizing and making business deals with America’s so called Communist enemies, the State Department [and CIA] obviously had no problem with their espionage activities. This fact indicates yet more blatant evidence the Finders was a covert CIA operation. This unbelievable turn of events was just the beginning. Officer Martinez’ final report described what the Washington Metro Police spokesman told him next:
The individual further advised me of circumstances which indicated that the investigation into the activity of the Finders had become a CIA internal matter. The MPD report has been classified secret and was not available for review. I was advised that the FBI had withdrawn from the investigation several weeks prior and that the FBI Foreign Counter Intelligence Division had directed the MPD not to advise the FBI Washington Field Office of anything that had transpired. No further information will be available. No further action will be taken.[39]
So just like that, the Finders investigation was suddenly closed. Once again evoking the “national security” card, the Department of Justice ordered the immediate shutdown of the joint police-Customs-FBI investigation and was conveniently turned over to the CIA as a sensitive “internal security matter.”[40] All the blatant crime evidence was suppressed and denied, the half dozen abused children were returned to their two freed adult perps and the CIA-Finders operation was back in business.
Despite the indisputable proof that the Finders was an obvious CIA front trafficking and abusing children worldwide, because they were pawns serving the likes of pedophile kingpin George H.W. Bush[41] and his evil ilk, the Finders were allowed to go scot free and resume operations as if nothing had ever happened. Despite angry protest by the Tallahassee police, the pedophile kidnappers in custody were promptly released from jail.[42] That is simply the power of the pedophile Empire in action that existed in 1987 as it still exists today.
But because in this last year the pedophiles have been stripped naked again, caught in the act against children like never before, simply whitewashing tons of evidence surfacing daily under the MSM carpet and pretending the Luciferian mob running this planet isn’t raping and killing our children en masse will no longer wash. The guilty this time around are finally paying for their crimes. With all the sexual predators now falling one by one from their no longer safe perch,[43] the Weinsteins, Spaceys, the Charlie Roses, John Conyers and the Al Frankens are all going down.[44] This is just the beginning – debaucherously hardened pedophiles atop their crumbling, wretched crime cabal will undoubtedly be next.
Because rumors of the foul truth surrounding the Finders as a CIA pedo-front lingered on for years afterwards, one more mainstream media attempt to gain full closure to put to rest any vestige of what actually occurred arrived seven years later in a 1994 article from US News and World Report designed to finish the job suppressing the ugly inconvenient truth once and for all.[45] No sooner did the piece admit the litany of evidential findings of child sexual abuse years earlier, albeit cloaked behind the qualifier merely suggesting abuse may have taken place, the next sentence delivers the entire message payload:
None of the allegations was ever proved, however.[46]
Of course it wasn’t – all evidence was immediately squelched and forevermore sealed tight from any further public exposure. But again, the pedo-cat had already been let out of the bag, no matter how hard the pedo-power-crazies try to gloss over their crimes ever since. Like it always does, the corrupt and totally controlled Washington Metro Police Department predictably followed its marching orders, “admitting” that Marion Pettie and his gang may appear a bit “eccentric,” but they were never criminals. The article goes on to explain that a couple of Congress members in 1994 wanted to reopen the case, believing that criminal evidence had in fact been overtly covered up.[47] But of course nothing ever came of their inquiry. US News reported that Pettie in 1994 described the Finders as a “communal, holistic-living and learning arrangement,” all harmlessly benign. After the 1987 fallout that resulted in many of the women and mothers leaving the group, by 1994 the number of Finders had fallen by half to 20.[48] Pettie stated his members did “freelance journalism, research and ‘competitor intelligence’ for a variety of mostly foreign clients,” but never for governments. And despite admitting that his late wife was a CIA employee and his son worked with the CIA front Air America, notorious for smuggling opium into the US from the Golden Triangle during the Vietnam War,[49] Pettie insisted he had no ties to the CIA, claiming he sent his wife in to spy on the CIA.[50] Recall also that the Finders were actively doing business with North Vietnam. And Pettie also has stated in his interview that over the decades he rented rooms out to intelligence and counterintelligence personnel, including foreign operatives. And law enforcement has disclosed that a number of Finders members have been listed in the FBI’s classified counterintelligence files.[51]
The CIA has even admitted that “a few Finders members” were employed by a company that trained CIA personnel in computer software. However, standard CIA protocol calls for CIA or one of its numerous proprietary companies to customarily provide the agency’s in-service training, rarely if ever outside private entities with “no ties” as Pettie claims.[52]Despite the CIA and Pettie’s feeble denials overtly attempting to distance each from the other, far too glaring proof has shown that for many decades Finders was an active CIA front operating a global child sex trafficking network.
Per US Customs in the US government’s own conclusive words:
During the course of the [Finders] search warrants, numerous documents were discovered which appeared to be concerned with international trafficking in children, high tech transfer to the United Kingdom, and international transfer of currency.[53]
Again the London link to central banking is alluded to in the financing of a worldwide child sex trafficking operation as documented by US Customs Special Agent Ramon Martinez 30 years ago. But most importantly, this confirmed reality was the US government’s own foregone conclusion based on initially available, highly incriminating and increasingly overwhelming evidence that clearly demonstrates the CIA-Finders’ criminal guilt.
An incisive Voxfux article with unnamed author drew this all too accurate conclusion:
The story of the Finders cult is the story of the development of child/assets to be used to entrap politicians, diplomats; corporate and law enforcement officials; to sell child/victims to wealthy perverts to raise money for covert operations, to train some of the child/victims to be professional operatives and assassins of a totally cold, multiple personality, mind control nature.[54]
Longtime mind control sex slave, spy, remote viewer and CIA operative Dr. Sue Arrigo’s knowledgeable, credible contention is that the Finders kids were the throwaways of the CIA throwaways from its MK Ultra mind control program.[55]Murdered CIA director for his “loose lips” William Colby once explained to Sue Arrigo that Finders was a CIA front program recruiting and training expendable children as targeted procurers of peers to push CIA drugs, arms and fellow sex slaves as a cost-effective measure designed to cut down liability of an inordinate number of CIA KIA’s.
Career G-man and Memphis, Dallas and Los Angeles FBI station chief Ted Gunderson had this to say about the “eccentric” cult:
The Finders are a CIA front established in the 1960’s. It has top clearance and protection in its assigned task of kidnapping and torture-programming young children throughout the US. Members are specially trained government kidnappers known to be sexual degenerates who involve children in Satanic sex orgies and bloody rituals as well as murders of other children and slaughter of animals.[56] They are then used in their Satanic Ceremonies for body parts, as sex slaves, and some are auctioned off.[57]
To further expound on what Ted Gunderson, post-FBI private investigator, found in the evidence of the Finder’s criminal operation, educate-yourself.com editor Ken Adachi adds:
The kidnapping of children for purposes of prostitution, pornography, high tech weaponry experimental abuse, mind control abuse, child slave labor for underground alien-controlled facilities, white sex slavery, and the satanic ritual murder of untold thousands of American children snatched from the streets and playgrounds of America by agents working for the CIA is the principle reason for the existence of a covert CIA operation called ‘The Finders.’ The Finders is one of the most alarming and despicable covert operations against America’s children that Gunderson’s investigations helped to uncover, but it’s only one of many covert Gestapo-like acts committed against American citizens by government agents under directives issued, not by Congress or the President, but rather by international Satanists collectively known as the Illuminati, who control the Secret or Inner government of the United States as well as every other major government in the world. The ‘Finders’ operation began in the 1960’s and continues kidnapping children to this very day.[58]
Finders was nothing less than a CIA front organization caught red-handed specializing in international terrorism, worldwide child procurement and global child sex trafficking while practicing Luciferian ritual sexual abuse, mind control and systematic torture of children… all highly illegal, nefarious criminal activities independently confirmed and corroborated by hundreds of other well-documented sources. The child victims were supplied by both childbearing Finders breeders as well as through global abduction and the clandestine slave trade. The Finders delivered readily disposable children to be sodomized by the pedophile elite as well as those serving the elite. Beyond any question or doubt, Finders was protected by Washington’s powerbrokers, including US presidents and Congress, financed by the City of London and as such, enjoyed globalized outreach support, protection and concealment in virtually every State Department embassy throughout the world.
The same names keep popping up ad nauseam – the CIA, the FBI, the Bushes, the Clintons, the royals and their same secret societies, the CFR, the Pilgrims, the Skull and Bones, the Knights of Malta, the Freemasons, and on and on it goes. The dots are no longer dots needing to be connected but emboldened ratlines spread from Washington to London to Brussels to Rome, literally from one end of the earth to the other. The so called ruling elite are cannibalistic, Luciferian worshipping sodomizers and soulless child killers and that sadly is neither sensationalized exaggeration nor more internet fear porn. Time to face the cold hard reality of how the planetary controllers have both maintained and increased their earthly power.
Still not quite convinced yet? Next comes the biggest pedophile scandal ever recorded in American history – the infamous Franklin scandal that operated a trafficking ring straight from Omaha’s Catholic Boys Town orphanage directly to the pedophile Bush White House during the 1980’s and early 1990’s, fully covered in the next chapter.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected] with the error, headline and url. Thank you for reading.
Andy Brooksher says
Hi, Looking into the connection between the finders, the october surprise, and the “octopus” being investigated by Danny Casolaro when he died mysteriously in the early 90s. Micheal Riconoscuito was the man who alleged he rebuilt the promis computer software system for use to spy against foreign governments in the inslaw case. I could swear that he also has some connection to the finders org (reports on that story seem always to be rife with state-of-the-art computer equipment, at least for the time, like mci mail) and/or the epstein case. However, i can’t locate where i would have heard that Riconscuito was connected to all this. Thought I would reach out as you do great work and I remembered reading this post about the finders a few years ago. May be nothing but doesn’t hurt to investigate.
-Take Care – Andy Brooksher – Host/Producer winnipegalternativemedia.ca