Related The Dulce Papers — Complete Series
by Orbman, November 10th, 2012
1996: The Dulce Papers – Forward
The Dulce Files
- Above Top Secret Military-Industrial Black Projects?
- Headquarters for a Bavarian-backed New World Order?
- Vanguard for Alien Infiltration and Invasion?
- Massive Intelligence Agency Disinformation?
- Collective Mind Control or Mass Hallucination?
All of or a Combination of The Above?
For several decades, researchers of “paranormal phenomena” have devoted themselves to specialized fields of “fringe scientific” investigation. Some of these various fields of ‘borderline’ research — which have surfaced in order to document or attempt to explain a wide divergence of phenomena — have included:
Aerial or UFO phenomena, Psychic or Psychotronic investigation, Cattle, and Animal Mutilations, Vampirism, Men In Black, Conspiracies, and Assassinations, Secret Societies, Underground Anomalies, Quantum Mechanics, Legends and Mythology, Ancient Civilizations, the ‘Mothmen‘ and other ‘Crypto-Zoological‘ encounters, Energy Grids and other Geo-Magnetic anomalies, Bio-genetics and Cloning, Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Abductions and Missing Time, Hypnotherapy and Mind Control, Missing Persons… There are no doubt many others that I have not mentioned.
In the 1950s, experts in some of these areas of investigation began hearing the first faint hints that ‘something’ was going on in the American southwest, near the “Four Corners” region of the United States. First, these hints and rumors were brief, vague and confusing, yet they sparked enough interest to provoke further investigations as the years passed.
At first, these fringe scientists who concerned themselves with the mysteries and anomalies of this region began raising more questions than answers, as they continued to probe into an ‘enigma’ which seemed to eventually focus itself in and around a small desert town lost amidst the mesas of northwestern New Mexico.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the mystery — and subsequently the interest — deepened as reports began to slowly emanate from the area suggesting that something significant and horrifying had taken place there, near the small town of Dulce [pronounced “dul-see“], New Mexico. The many different ‘phenomena‘, those previously mentioned, seemed for some strange reason to converge and coagulate into one vast enigmatic scenario of high strangeness in and around this seemingly insignificant and small New Mexican town.
Researchers commenced to analyze and categorize their respective phenomena, looking for patterns and concentrations, and came to the realization that several of these phenomena apparently converged in the American southwest… the charts showed the largest concentrations of UFO sightings — Northwestern New Mexico; the epicenter of Cattle Mutilation Phenomena – Northwestern New Mexico. Other experts in their fields began to find similar patterns merging and linking with other ‘phenomena‘ at underlying levels.
Researchers into Conspiracies, Secret Societies, Underground Anomalies, Legends and Mythology, Ancient Civilizations, Energy Grids, Geo-Magnetic anomalies, Bio-genetics, Abductions and Missing Time, Missing Persons and investigators of other specialized ‘vanguard‘ fields of research began looking toward this small desert town. These unusual convergence’s of phenomena in a singular locale sparked even more interest and investigation.
From that point on, it was as if some ancient seal had been broken, as if an ancient cloud of darkness had begun imploding in upon itself, broken apart by the piercing light of human perception and the relentless probings and scrutiny of brave and daring souls. Sensing that something very wrong and unnatural was going on here, something ancient and evil, some of these brave souls — who by choice or chance found themselves battling-it-out on the front lines against ancient forces that were determined to keep themselves from being exposed — continued to wage their all-too-often personal battles against the enigma… some of these inevitably losing their minds if not their very lives in the process.
As these brave souls were worn down by the intensity of this psychic warfare in their efforts to expose and defeat this ‘mystery of iniquity’ [to coin a Biblical phrase], they sent out desperate calls for ‘reinforcements‘. Many answered the call, and the ancient and formerly invisible ‘beast‘ that had managed to hide below the deserts of the southwest like a dragon in its lair, began to stir in rage and terror at these new exposures and to lash back at its new-found enemies. The repercussions began to be felt throughout the whole country, through which the beast had reached out its deadly tentacles — which were also in the process of being exposed along with the black ‘heart‘ of the beast itself.
The walls of the ancient fortress concealing the ‘beast’ or the ‘enigma‘ began to crumble and fall with increasing intensity. From the murky blackness within, a faint collective cry was ‘heard‘ as if from another world — the voices of multitudes who were desperately calling out for help to the only ones who could hear them, those who were beginning to ‘see‘ yet had not yet become the slaves of the ‘enigma’ itself.
Many of ‘us’ who have continued the battle have sacrificed our comfort, our social and economic welfare, and in some cases even our very lives to fight the Enigma because we have caught a brief glimpse of the potential threat that “the enemy within” poses to the future of Liberty and to this great Independent nation of America. What you will see throughout these pages is the collective results of our efforts and — I’m not ashamed to say — the results of more than a little Divine Intervention as well. Many of us, such as yours truly, have been ‘victimized‘ by the enigma for the greater part of our lives, and have decided that the only way to be ‘free’ from its grasp is to practice the old military rule: “The best Defense is a Good Offense…”
So there you have it. Like those before us, we send this work forth as a warning and a call to arms, to others who value truth and freedom. For those who may not believe everything that follows, I challenge you to become personally involved [however using caution in the event that these collective reports DO turn out to be true] and PROVE the claims made herein point-by-point, one way or another. This is the challenge that those of us who have contributed to this work leave with you. I remain…
DEDICATION: To the woman of my ‘dreams‘, whose distant cries have reached me in the night. Whoever you are, wherever you are, this ‘book‘ is for you.
by Orbman, November 10th, 2012
The Dulce Papers – Introduction
DISCLAIMER: Much of the information in this volume is of an incredible and, some might say, an unbelievable nature.I have decided NOT to hold back ANY information or claims regarding the Dulce enigma and related scenarios, the reason for this being that underground or earth-based anomalies are always there for anyone who is interested or daring enough to probe and investigate.
UFO events often appear and disappear [along with the evidence] when the object or objects depart. Underground or earth-based anomalies, on the other hand, cannot and do not ‘disappear’ at will, and because of this, they are far more vulnerable to being exposed — as legitimate or not.
Throughout this volume I have nevertheless offered my own ‘opinions’ and ‘perspectives’ based on circumstantial evidence [two or more reports from different sources which relay identical themes, and so on]. These admittedly are my own opinions and can be received or discarded according to the reader’s own perceptions in regard to the nature of reality. I have formed these opinions based on my own perceptions of the overall data, and since these are my perceptions, they are not infallible but are subject to change or revision with the revelation of new information. The reader is free to form his or her own conclusions and opinions based on the accumulated data, just as I have done.
Whether you consider the information which follows science fact, science fiction or perhaps a little of both [“science faction”, you might say], this should not detract from the fact that these reports — which have arrived from HUNDREDS of different sources and have been condensed within this one volume — make for fascinating reading, either way, one looks at it.
So with this, there is nothing else to share in the way of introductions, other than to say…
Sit back and enjoy the ride!
Branton — October 1996
by Orbman, November 10th, 2012
“Those conspiracies that are too incredible to be believed, are by the same right those which most often succeed.”
The following article comes from the ‘TC TECHNICAL CONSULTANT’, Nov.-Dec., 1991 issue:
“The death of a journalist in West Virginia, plus the jailing of an alleged CIA computer consultant in Washington State may be elements of a much wider scandal that could have serious implications…
“What started out as an investigation of an apparent case of pirated software has grown to be a project involving hundreds of journalists all over the world.
“The dead journalist, Joseph Daniel ‘Danny’ Casolaro was found dead August 10th in a motel room in West Virginia. His wrists were slashed seven times on each wrist and a suicide note was found nearby. The only manuscript of his book, with accompanying notes, WAS MISSING.
“The book, provisionally titled ‘The Octopus’, was meant to be an explosive expose of misdeeds by the Justice Department under the Reagan administration. Time Magazine also reported that Casolaro’s research centered on gambling and attempted arms deals at the Cabazon reservation near Indio [California].
“Indeed, the scope of Casolaro’s investigation was so large that anyone of a large number of areas of research could have been the trigger for a possible hit.
“While authorities declared his death a suicide, his relatives definitely stated that Casolaro’s mental state was sound, indeed upbeat, after the completion of his book.
“Casolaro started his work nearly two years before, investigating the bankrupting of a small computer software company called Inslaw, allegedly by the U.S. Justice Department. INSLAW, a company headed by Bill and Nancy Hamilton of Washington D.C., (no connection to researcher Bill Hamilton, whose writings on the Dulce enigma appear later in this volume. – Branton) had developed a package known as PROMIS — short for Prosecutor’s Management Information System — to act as a case management tool for the Justice Department’s unwieldy workload.
“Inslaw President Bill Hamilton has claimed that Ed Meese associate EARL BRIAN was given control of pirated versions of the PROMIS software by Meese to sell back to different U.S. government agencies for great profit. Two courts have so far agreed with Hamilton, awarding an 8 million dollar judgment, but a higher (‘Justice Dept.’? – Branton) court of appeal has quashed the award and the verdict, declaring that it was not the jurisdiction of the lower courts. As of October 9, the case has moved into the realm of the Supreme Court.
“According to a Washington man, who claims to have modified the COBOL-based software for the CIA and other intelligence agencies, the software was a reward for Earl Brian’s role in arranging the so-called ‘October Surprise’ gambit, the alleged conspiracy to withhold the American hostages in Iran until after the 1980 election which saw Carter removed from power. The ‘October Surprise’ scandal has taken some time to emerge.”In a Paris meeting, President Bush is alleged to have met with Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the speaker of the Iranian Parliament, Mohammed Ali Rajai, the future President of Iran and Manucher Ghorbanifar, an Iranian arms dealer with connections to Mossad, according to Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher who claims to have flown Њ Bush, William Casey — the CIA chief — and Donald Gregg, a CIA operative to that location. Russbacher, who made these allegations in May is now in jail on Terminal Island, convicted on the charge of impersonating a U.S. Attorney.
Book UNDERGROUND BASES: Subterranean Military Facilities and the Cities Beneath Our Feet
(Note: Russbacher ‘defected‘ from the CIA with 12 Navy Seals under his command, and was on at least two occasions the target of attempted CIA hits. The would-be assassins attempted to drive Gunther and his wife off of roads and down the side-cliffs to their deaths, however, according to Russbacher his SEAL-team agents who were watching over him unbeknownst to the intended assassins, moved up quickly from behind and sent the CIA “hitmen” to THEIR deaths instead. – Branton)
“The Washington man is MICHAEL RICONOSCIUTO who is now waiting for a trial in a Washington jail on conspiracy to sell drugs charges, charges which Riconosciuto claims are manufactured. Indeed, the charge made against Riconosciuto were made one week after Riconosciuto authored and signed an affidavit describing his role in modifying the pirated software.
(Note: It is interesting what connections we can find here. Michael Riconosciuto was a Wackenhut-CIA employee who told researcher Michael Lindemann that he had attempted to get a whole helicopter full of documents and evidence detailing illegal biogenetic activities and non-Congressionally sanctioned projects involving ‘illegal aliens‘ out of the Nevada Test Site. The chopper was blown out of the sky, killing all five personnel on board. Michael’s father happened to be Marshall Riconosciuto, a fascist and a supporter of Adolph Hitler who was a very close friend of Fred L. Crisman. Crisman was involved in the Maurey Island ‘UFO‘ sighting incident in 1947 near Tacoma, Washington, which researcher Anthony Kimory believes involved the test-flight of hybrid. CIA – PROJECT PAPERCLIP NAZI aerial disks. There are several sources which claim that by the early 1940s the Nazi’s had succeeded in test-flying wingless lenticular craft powered by rotary devices, rocket power, and DONUT CONFIGURATION jet turbine engines — rather than cylindrical — with the cabin stabilized by gyro, the compressors rotating in one direction and the expansion chambers and vectored exhausts rotating in the opposite direction.
In fact, the movie “THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE” correctly implies that this, one of the largest military battles during World War II between American and German forces, was an attempt by the Germans to buy time and prolong the war just a little while longer, for within a few more months the Germans would have been mass-producing jet fighters, bombers and other super-weapons that would have been invincible to the turboprop fleets of the Allies. With the Allied invasion of Germany just before mass-production began, many of the prototypes and plans of the Nazi military machine were captured. However, most of the most sophisticated prototypes, plans, and even scientists mysteriously turned up missing following the war. We will reserve further discussion on this subject until later in this volume.
This is the original insignia of the Bavarian Illuminati.
It pictures the owl of Minerva – symbolizing the wisdom – on top of an opened book. This version of the owl comes from an early pamphlet, printed around 1776. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
After the war had ended several of the Nazi scientists who WERE captured — and who had helped to develop the revolutionary aircraft — were recruited by the CIA as a result of a secret deal that had been made between Allen Dulles, a member of the Bavarian Illuminati; and Nazi S.S. General Reinhard Gehlen, a member of the Bavarian Thule Society. The deep connections between the Bavarian Illuminati which sponsored the CIA and the Bavarian Thule Society which sponsored the Nazi’s allowed for the upper covert-ops levels of the CIA to be manned by nothing less than the core of the Nazi S.S. itself, with the help of fascist sympathizers and fifth column double-agents working within American intelligence, although some leading Nazi’s were ‘sacrificed’ to the Nuremberg trials to appease the Allies and establish the illusion that Europe had been de-Nazified. Fred L. Crisman incidentally was a ‘witness’ to the Maurey Island event and had helped two Army G-2 agents acquire ‘slag samples’ which fell from one of the six DONUT-SHAPED ships observed.
On their way to deliver the samples to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, their plane crashed and both G-2 agents were killed. Some people at the time insisted that the plane had been sabotaged. Two of the reporters who investigated the incident lost their lives, and Kenneth Arnold who investigated the incident after being commissioned by AMAZING STORIES editor Ray Palmer claimed that his conversations with a high Air Force official concerning the subject were electronically monitored. Also, strange government agents in dark suits were seen in the area. Shortly after his investigation Kenneth Arnold, during an air-search for a crashed plane over Mt. Rainier, saw 9 crescent-shaped discs which he called ‘flying saucers’. The news media publicized the incident and the term stuck and became a media catchword ever since. Also around this same time — 1947 — Arnold escaped a near-fatal crash when his airplane mysteriously lost power.
The connections do not end here. Fred L. Crisman was a close friend to Clay Shaw, whom Louisiana District Attorney James Garrison — see the movie ‘JFK’ — accused of being the CIA-Mafia go-between in the John F. Kennedy murder. Garrison arrested Shaw in an effort to charge him and the CIA with the JFK assassination, however only a few days before the hearing Garrison’s star witness David Ferry was killed, and Garrison’s remaining evidence was not enough to bring about a conviction. Fred Crisman was the first man Clay Shaw called when he heard that Garrison intended to implicate him.
Garrison also believed that Clay Shaw himself was involved with PROJECT PAPERCLIP, the secret operation to bring Nazi war criminals into the United States by the hundreds — some say thousands — and give them immunity and new identities in such institutions as U.S. Intelligence, the Military-Industrial complex, the Space agencies, and the various Rockefeller-connected oil cartels such as ARCO, STANDARD [EXXON], ZAPATA, etc., corporations that were supported by the Bavarian-based secret-society lodges, corporations that had actually sold oil to the Nazi’s during World War II and helped keep the Nazi “war machine” operating.
According to Garrison, Crisman worked as a middle-man between the fascist policymakers and the lower echelons of the Military-Industrial Complex. “Oh what a tangled web…” These American mega-bankers and traitors to freedom had supported the Nazi’s in an effort to initiate a Bavarian-backed “New World Order”, under the cover of the “Third Reich”.
Read the book NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY, by the late Gary Allen for more on the Rockefeller connection, and also the various works by Dr. Antony Sutton. – Branton)
“The affidavit also claimed that he [Michael Riconosciuto], had been contacted by phone and threatened by PETER VIDENIEKS — a Justice Department employee and Customs official who Riconosciuto alleged had intelligence ties — as to the possible consequences of his going public with certain information.
“According to Riconosciuto, Videnieks was a frequent visitor to the Cabazon Indian reservation near Palm Springs and visited with tribal manager, John P. Nichols. Nichols was in essence Riconosciuto’s boss in a number of enterprises conducted on reservation land and the PROMIS modification was just one of these projects. According to Riconosciuto, in an interview with T.C. conducted from jail, the PROMIS software was modified to install a backdoor access for use by American intelligence services. The software was then sold to 88 different countries as a sort of ‘Trojan horse’ package enabling us to access their intelligence systems. According to Riconosciuto these countries included Iraq and Libya.
“Correspondence between Nichols and other companies, if authentic, indicates that Riconosciuto’s claims of his expertise in the area of electronics and armaments appear to be true. Marshall Riconoscuito, Michael’s father, is a reputed former business partner of Richard Nixon.
“According to Riconosciuto, the fuzzy status of reservation land as ‘sovereign’ allowed elements of the CIA and organized crime to conduct business uniquely.
“Among the projects worked on during this time were joint projects with WACKENHUT, a company loaded with former CIA and NSA personnel and business ventures with the Saudi Arabian royal family and other unusual projects.
Watch Documentary Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers
“A joint venture with Southern California Edison will soon be generating power for bio-mass drawn from local waste outlets. Biological warfare projects were investigated with Stormont laboratories looking into the creation of ‘pathogenic viruses’ and enhanced fuel-air explosive weapons were created and tested in league with Meridian Arms at the NEVADA TESTING RANGE which matched the explosive power of nuclear devices.
“These enhanced weapons gained their power from polarizing the molecules in the gas cloud by modification of the electric field, a technology developed from exploring Thomas Townsend Brown’s suppressed work, a knowledge which Riconosciuto claims he gained from working at LEAR in Reno, Nevada.
“Riconosciuto is said to have worked on the enhanced fuel-air explosive weapons with Gerald Bull of Space Research Corporation. Bull, now deceased, later became an arms advisor to Saddam Hussein. It is said that HUSSEIN POSSESSES THE FAE TECHNOLOGY.
“In July, Anson Ng, a reporter for the Financial Times of London was shot and killed in Guatemala. He had reportedly been trying to interview an American there named Jimmy Hughes, a one-time director of security for the Cabazon Indian Reservation secret projects.
“In April, a Philadelphia attorney named Dennis Eisman was found dead, killed by a single bullet in his chest. According to a former federal official who worked with Eisman, the attorney was found dead in the parking lot where he had been due to meet with a woman who had crucial evidence to share substantiating Riconosciuto’s claims.
“Both Eisman’s and Ng’s deaths were declared suicides by authorities.
“Fred Alvarez, a Cabazon tribal leader who was in vocal opposition to the developments on the reservation, was found shot to death WITH two friends in 1981. Their murder remains unsolved.
“The leader of the House, Thomas Foley, announced last month that a formal inquiry will be initiated into the Inslaw case. Foley appointed Senator Terry Sanford as co-chairman of the joint congressional panel. Prior to his election, Senator Sanford was the attorney REPRESENTING Earl Brian in his 1985 takeover bid for United Press International and was instrumental in appointing Earl Brian, a medical doctor, to the board of Duke Medical School, of which Sanford is President.
“However, despite repeated requests from journalists to produce photographs showing Riconosciuto together with Brian, and requests to produce his passport showing his alleged trip to Iran, he has not yet done so. Also Riconosciuto failed to be able to describe Peter Videnieks to CNN’s Moneyline program, claiming a medical condition prevented him from remembering clearly.
“This led one former intelligence operative to speculate that we may be witnessing a very sophisticated intelligence operation being played out in public.
“Former F.B.I. Special Agent, Ted Gunderson, speaks FOR Riconosciuto’s credibility. Gunderson, who lives in Manhattan Beach, has worked with Riconosciuto for many years in his capacity as private investigator.
“Together, according to Gunderson, they were responsible for thwarting a terrorist operation during the Los Angeles Olympics. According to Gunderson, Riconosciuto was well known in certain circles as a genius in almost all sciences.
“The so-called drug operation broken up in Washington State was an electrohydrodynamic mining operation claimed Gunderson, using Townsend Brown technology. A videotape viewed by this journalist revealed metallic powders and apparent processes unrelated to drug manufacture. Indeed, a government analysis of soil samples revealed the absence of drug contamination, but a high concentration of barium. Barium is often found in high voltage related work.
“Unsubstantiated information from an intelligence source claims that the current situation is THE VISIBLE EFFECT OF A WAR CURRENTLY GOING ON IN THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY between a group centered in the CIA called AQUARIUS [around a powerful center known as MJ-12] and a group known as COM-12 centered around Naval Intelligence. COM-12 is reputedly trying to sustain a rearguard action to sustain and preserve constitutional government and is deliberately LEAKING INFORMATION damaging to the former group.”
In the same publication, same issue, there appeared a follow-up article just following the one given above. Written by Thomas Zed, the article, titled “WACKENHUT’S CONNECTION WITH THE BLACK PROJECT WORLD” stated:
“The Wackenhut company has a very close connection to the world of BLACK BUDGET PROJECTS. Besides being connected with the Cabazon venture mentioned in this issue it is also responsible, according to jailed computer consultant Michael Riconosciuto, FOR THE SECRET PROJECTS BEING UNDERTAKEN IN DULCE, NEW MEXICO where the JICARILLA INDIAN RESERVATION IS BEING SIMILARLY USED.
“After sending two of my colleagues there recently AND RECEIVING CONFIRMATION THAT THERE WAS A TOP SECRET MILITARY TYPE INSTALLATION, I decided to call the newspaper office and make an educated bluff.
“I identified myself as a freelance reporter from Los Angeles — and told the newspaper that I was doing a story on the Cabazon reservation biological warfare projects that had been undertaken there on behalf of the CIA. I told her that I had heard that there were similar things being done in Dulce and would like to know what was going on.
“The official I spoke to BECAME FRIGHTENED and said, ‘I can’t talk to you about that! It would be very unprofessional of me to talk to you about that. You’ll have to speak to the President of the tribe.’ She then hung up.
“I have yet to call back and ask the President of the tribe, but will report on that in the next issue.
“Wackenhut is also responsible for security of a lot of UNDERGROUND FACILITIES in California and Nevada, including the notorious S-4 or AREA 51 in Nevada where Townsend Brown flying disk technology [written about in a T.C. recent issue] has been flying and developing for decades.
“A recent helicopter crash at the area, where two pilots and three security guards from Wackenhut flying in a Messerschmidt BO-105 helicopter were killed was not at all accidental claimed Riconosciuto, who said that the individuals aboard the helicopter were traveling with sensitive documents.
“Groups are now investigating Riconosciuto’s claims…”
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Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
According to several respected researchers, alleged insiders and whistleblowers, the Deep State has been advancing secret space programs for decades, developing technology that most would consider otherworldly. The preceding information alerts the public to the fact these programs likely exist, by providing documents, testimony, and conjecture in support. This information is helpful to dispel the false reality pushed by the Deep State as well as catalyzing the mind for truth-seeking.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
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