(Posted by Rique Seraphico).
Just a note to pass on MY observations, a reminder, and a warning.The “Dollar” ends on 12/13/2013. (more later) It is my opinion that nothing going on in DC makes sense the last 10 months, and the DISDAIN and Hatred for Americans shown to US by our “elected representatives” on BOTH sides has been palatable and punitive. These people who are supposed to REPRESENT US don’t even act like they want to get “re-elected’ or even re-selected like they truly are.
Pelosi, Reid, Boehner, McCain and the rest on “Both sides” inflicted Billions of Dollars Damage on the American public for no reason whatsoever, and Laughed about it!

BTW, November 1st, 2013, all Food Stamp deposits reduce by 10% across the board Nationwide in the USA!
Today that same 1oz. of silver at $23 buys THE SAME 10 loaves of bread.
In 1913, 1oz. of gold was only $26, and today it is over $1300. That is over 200% DEPRECIATION of the DOLLAR as the GOLD never changed, ONLY the DOLLAR DID. (ON Purpose and Planned)
**This is why other nations like China, Russia, Brazil, India and Iran are trading in THEIR money or Gold. They KNOW our dollar is WORTHLESS and do not WANT to use it!***Because I think the PTB HAVE TO replace the “dollar” on or by 12/13/2013, or face the problem of extending it’s charter, I believe that this scenario is about to play out right now, and this is my opinion and warning, and it is based on my belief that they really don’t need any of us anymore.That we as humans and Americans are just “worthless feeders” and that all we do is “service” each other like one big “drive thru at Wendy’s”. They are almost correct, we really don’t “produce” much anymore if you think about it.

But the “ending of the dollar” on 12/13/2013, the ramifications I believe are already in play.
Best Wishes,”Gunny”
Would have a lot more credibility if you would quote the correct web site for the National Security Agency (nsa.gov).
thx didnt catch that. Credibility has its uses but once you develop inner discernment the risk due to credibility dissolves. All data has truth which can be distilled for the reality contained therein.