(Will Justice) Here’s the latest of what is going on. Keep hope alive, because the best truly is yet to come!
by Will Justice, January 20th, 2021
DISCLAIMER: The following list was quickly compiled. The theories are shared as is, after a brief initial evaluation.
If you have or want to share a theory or words of encouragement of your own post it as a comment or send us an email ([email protected]). If you think one of the theories is invalid or want to add to it, also please send us an email.
Above all else: Don’t Lose Hope. There’s never a reason to think doing what’s right is foolish.
The situation appears grim—but is it really?
Q and the patriots never promised anything. For all we know, things are moving according to plan.
Keep in mind the battle for truth and freedom never truly ends. The truth doesn’t stop being true because corrupt forces seemingly gain power.
The truth lives in our hearts and is made stronger in our minds. The truth makes the world better when we act on it.
No matter how dark things seem to be, we always have the power to fight for what’s right, joining together in the common cause of justice and freedom.
William Wallace (the historical hero from the Braveheart movie) didn’t just give up when all seemed lost. He kept fighting and inspired generations to come.
Jesus and countless other prophets didn’t lose hope as their lives were ended. They kept the light of God in their hearts knowing He who made the world is near to us, he is always with us and inspires us to work for goodness—especially when it is dark.
1 Biden represented the corporatized government, that replaced the true American Republic in 1871 (via the Organic Act [this link provides a summary of the theory but isn’t totally valid in what it says], after the Civil War. Some believe that the inauguration was for the corporation of the US, and not the true republic, which will be reinstalled in the coming days and weeks.
2 Since Biden stole the election and elected officials in office to “defend and protect the constitution” failed to honor their oath, there was no substance to the inauguration—it was an empty ceremony. Trump didn’t hand off the nuclear codes because Biden is a traitor. How the military plans to deal with the situation remains unclear, but the fact is Biden didn’t win the election he stole it. And those in government who took an oath to defend and protect the constitution failed to honor their duty. This means there is a valid cause in law to initiate a military take over to restore the rule of law. The question is when.
The AZ Maricopa County Board agreed to release the election evidence an hour after the inauguration.
The idea is that over the next few days and weeks, huge amounts of evidence will be released. And this will make the people demand action—which will make the military option more acceptable once it happens.
4 Via Gab:
President Trump declared February 1, 2021 Freedom Day. General Flynn on Dec. 31, 2020 posted the speech from General Washington asking his troops to give him one more month of service. Both of those facts would seem they understood this would take until the end of the month to play out. Also, would make sense if we count 10 days of darkness starting now.
[Correction: 10 days from January 20th is the 31st, not February 1st. But the general premise is still valid.]
5 From X22 Report’s Telegram:
From all the comments I see, people are now at the precipice of destruction, think about what you know, think about all those who know absolutely nothing, they are hearing mask mandates, forced vaccinations, censorship etc… This is the precipice of destruction. Q gave two watches. The first was on the 19th @4:59, Trump declassified the information, the 2nd watch is the 27 @ 3:06. We all knew this was going to go [sic] on for days after the 20th. For those who cannot handle this I can understand, taking back the country was never going to be easy, people must understand the true meaning of freedom. Our founding fathers had to fight a war with the most powerful force in the world, most of the people thought it was over before it began, but the war turned in favor of the patriots. Hold The Line is not just a phrase. Patriots have faith, they understand the cost of Freedom. Patriot (A person who loves his country, and zealously supports and defends it and its interests.).
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. MT
6 We still haven’t seen on Twitter: “MY FELLOW AMERICANS, the Storm is upon us…….”
7 Biden was sworn in at 11:50 am not 12:00 pm. This is a breach of inaugural procedure. And could indicate no valid transition took place.
8 A Tale of Two Q Watches
1st Q watch is on the 19th at 4:59
As it turns out, it was in the late afternoon of the 19th when Obamagate docs were leaked. So that lines up.
2nd Q watch is on the 27th at 3:06
Not sure if that means Jan 27 or Feb 27. Either way, there are two possible scenarios panning out right now.
Scenario 1: Biden was sworn into office to preside over a defunct corporate “United States” and the whole inauguration was just theater — a sham.
Scenario 2: The military has what they need — as a consequence of Trump’s first 4 years — to initiate military tribunals (or some form of intervention), and will do so some time after the “inauguration” of Biden.
If Scenario 2 is correct, it would account for the possible fallout of any optics leading people to think that Trump had committed a coup. Both legally and in the public mind, it’s necessary for Trump to appear to have clean hands. The situation today, bleak as it seems, may actually give Trump the advantage of clean hands, and this could be important if the military option is used and Trump needs to participate in proceedings in any capacity.
America will be unified again 11.11.18. Know that this Sunday, January 24, 2021 is 11.11.18 on the Hebrew calendar. The 11th day of the 11th month in the year 5781, which abbreviates as 18 because Hebrew read from right to left. It will be BIBLICAL
10 The Emergency Broad Cast System will be a sign that major things are happening.
1 From Techno_Fog Telegram:
Remember that an inauguration is nothing but a public relations spectacle. The attempt to continue momentum from an election. Their chance to promise to make your life better, to bring the country together. They praise democracy today but will try to pack the courts tomorrow. They ask for unity from the stage but will use their powers to resume targeting their political enemies. They say they will “heal” the nation as they crush dissent. Don’t focus on their empty words but, instead, concentrate on their acts.
2 From Forcast 432Hz Channel Telegram:
The moment we lose hope is the moment our spirit dies. Put on the full ARMOR OF GOD so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Trump is now officially isolated, and optics are critical.
3 Q Post 4095
4 Save America
5 From Re5iGam Channel Telegram:
Ask yourselves this question. Would POTUS45 really leave everyone hanging knowing what he knows and have himself lifted off the WH grounds in M1 at 8:17 then to hop over and speak in front of 17 flags?
It’s counterintuitive I know – but it’s the only way to make people see. He’ll be back as he said. I believe that.
Only at the precipice…
“(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)”
– 2 Corinthians 5:7
7 From Joe M Telegram:
A majority of freedom-loving Americans just watched their country get stolen by radical communists in real-time. The same satanic ideology responsible for the deaths of 100 million people in the past century just wiped away our constitution and completed a Bolshevik revolution using their tried-and-tested playbook of street violence, fraud, censorship and mass brainwashing. This same majority of freedom-loving patriotic Americans, civilian and military, swore an oath of allegiance to the very constitution they just watched be criminally subverted. Do you honestly think they are going to lie down and let it happen? I don’t. Not for one little bit. If we do, we don’t deserve the blood shed by our founders. We don’t deserve freedom. My faith is not in Q, or “The Plan”. My faith is in red-blooded, proud and tenacious Americans and everything they have always stood for. No matter how dark today may feel, that faith is unbreakable.
8 Via Cozy Pond FrogGang:
Advice for our community:
For the next few days, commit to humility, the charitable interpretation of our frens’ posts, the extension of mercy, etc
People are going to be angry & carelessly emoting
Give people space if they’re lashing out or doomposting, it will all be ok
EDIT as people are misinterpreting this:
This post was nothing to do with “Q”, specifically, and wasn’t even really a comment directly on our political situation. I was referring to our communal bonds and frenships. I didn’t intend a deeper meaning beyond what I said.
I think our community risks fracturing, real frenships might be irreparably damaged because people are angry. Note that I didn’t say “inexplicably angry and carelessly emoting”, I said “angry and *carelessly emoting*”. People have every right to be angry, sad, disillusioned, etc. But, for the purposes of this post, I am concerned about, and have seen some examples of, misdirected anger and do not want to see good people separated because no one was willing to take a breath and extend a little charity.
All that said, if you want a deeper message, read Romans 8:28. Yes, I believe in the words of my sovereign LORD. But it is His sometimes inscrutable will, not mine, that will be done.
9 From CJTRUTH (OFFICIAL) Telegram:
A prayer for today (1/20/2021)
Heavenly Father, we thank you for who you are. We acknowledge you as Almighty God who is an all powerful, all seeing and knows all things. You have done so many amazing things we have read in the Bible and you have done some amazing things these past 4 years.
This is a very difficult day for all of us because we have been holding the line for a while. We have sacrificed a lot financially, relationship wise, health wise and many other things to fight for truth and this nation that was founded upon your principles. This is your country and it has been overtaken by very evil people in nefarious ways where we have not been able to take control. We know you hear our prayers and cries for this country and we know you have put people in charge to take this country back for you these past 4 years.
Today’s inauguration makes no sense to the Christian Patriots and we thought that “the Plan” was the way we would take this country back. Many of us still believe “the Plan” is still intact but I want to turn this plan totally over to you. Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts and your ways are higher than our ways.
We are truly at a tipping point within this country and we ask you to intervene and move in a supernatural way that only you can move on. We will see this move and give you glory at the end of the day.
Strengthen those who continue to fight for this country and the Constitution. Help to take care of our families as we continue to fight for righteousness. Give us understanding and wisdom this day. Help us to know how to proceed forward. We ask these things in Jesus Christ Name. Amen.
I have prayed today for peace of mind for all of you who have supported truth and may be in turmoil after the events of the day.
We each have to now make a decision whether to continue to speak truth and believe in it or whether to accept the lie and live with it. I choose truth. God is real and God is truth. I put my faith in Him and I will remain patient and wait on the Lord. I will continue to search for His will, find it, and do it. Today does not change my faith. It only makes it stronger.
Consider how many people in America and around the world have been praying in the past few weeks and months. So many more people have been praying and I believe many have been praying more often. I hope that you will keep praying and never give up on God. If we stay strong in our faith, the difficulties we have faced and the persecution we will face going forward will only make our faith grow stronger. We do not control the outcome. We only control whether we have done our imperfect best to achieve a good result. If we did not, then we commit to trying harder. We never give up.
Stay strong in your faith. Continue to speak truth. Continue to be fearless.
The best is yet to come.
God bless each of you.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
– Will Justice
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Will Justice is an independent researcher, writer, and truth activist dedicated to sharing his groundbreaking findings with the world. Over the course of several decades, he discovered the causes of worldly corruption, human suffering, and spiritual decline, which gave him the eyes to see the solutions hidden from view. He is passionate about unity, authenticity, and healing the world by forming effective grassroots initiatives.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (The Best is Yet to Come? The Latest Theories and Encouraging Words) originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The preceding information is an update from one of the many alternative media persons driven to help humanity by providing important information. Updates of this sort, as cursory as they are, help individuals feel connected to the greater works taking place at this time as well as providing a personal glimpse into the mind of a content creator. It also serves to humanize such individuals and reveal to the public that alternative media is largely populated by people that work long hours providing information usually for free or for little financial compensation.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
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Mike Yo says
All i see is the dangling of the Carrot….1 week than 2 weeks than 3 week. before you know it we’ll be in concentration camps reading Q’s post to trust the Plan,,,,
Justin Deschamps says
Trusting the plan never meant passivity.
Scott Ishma says
Wheres the guidance on how to do something then?
If its given it is not apparant. Give the common person somethjng to do to help if your the leader. Goals, petitions, events to go to.
NO, ALL Q AND YOU PREACH IS PASSIVITY. Then you all say DO YOUR PART! ITS NOT JUST Q. Yet the whole message is trust the plan, Patriots in control, you just pray and be positive AMD wake ppl up.
Get real! We all see through Q and we see through you too JUSTIN
Justin Deschamps says
No, Q and “Trust The Plan” is Nothing Like OPERATION TRUST, It’s not a Pacification PSYOP and Here’s Why.
Check that out
Derek Q LeGrand says
This is either the catalyst for good or evil. Either way we no longer have the luxury of sitting back and watching it like a movie.
Some good questions initially are ‘why did POTUS fumble? He had it all.’etc- but in reality we need to start talking about how long Venezuela went before they had to bbq Fluffy to survive.
They feel like they have won a color revolution and looks like they have.
Everyone is talking about how we need to remain peaceful in all this.
Yeah that will help. Lets see how the communists do with us peacefully rejecting them
That ought to end “peacefully”🙄
Learn how to grow food this summer Patriots and please help wake up as many complacent citizens as you can.
Its our collective complacency that has begotten the evils that we now face. Continue to fight Patriots. We have no other option ❤
Mike Yo says
PEOPLE this Q thing is a ONE BIG FAT PSYCHOLGICAL OPERATION so we the people don’t fight the criminal in The District of Colombia. .How do We know that Trump wasn’t in on it, remember the old trick LOOK OVER HERE while thing are going on in the back ground.. At the end of the article it says We ask in the name of Jesus Christ name. that should tell you it’s a lie, His Name was Emmanuel..
Scott says
William Wallace died because he ACTUALLY did something other than spout BS from a computer screen.
Same with Jesus.
The fact all of you people continue to spout this nonsense with zero facts zero basis is dishonorable. STOP. Stop wasting ppls time. You are disgusting.
Having hope And morals is Great but dont spout these false military moves and mass arrests for months on end and then just make excuses like a child when it isnt reality.
Your theories are embarrassing. You are grasping at pathetic straws. I cant believe your work is even posted on a semi main stream website. Which I’m beginning to think is also disgraceful.
Your last post prior to this saying maybe the show was the fake inauguration…..seriously! Do you think before you write this crap. Does this website read it and THINK how embarrassing and pathetic it is before they post it.
Yoh jerk offs have wasted enough of my time and everyone else’s as well.
Go get get a life in reality.
And by the way spirituality and meditation and all that is wonderful and very potentially the true reality but this Q ba needs to get curbed.
Justin Deschamps says
You don’t know what you’re talking about. If you think Q and Trump patriotism hasn’t had a huge impact then you need to read this.
No, Q and “Trust The Plan” is Nothing Like OPERATION TRUST, It’s not a Pacification PSYOP and Here’s Why.
Coleen says
What kind of idiots would believe this crap!!!
Justin Deschamps says
The same idiots that fought the British and won… You know the true patriots?
Writerrhino says
That prayer was just what I needed to hear. Thank you, Will! I think that expressed the Father’s heart.