(Roger W. Wicke) Eugene Wigner, who won the Nobel Prize for particle physics in 1963, stated that the two most influential books in his life were the Bible and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by novelist-mathematician Lewis Carroll. Wigner, a self-declared atheist, acknowledged that evolutionary biology is incapable of explaining the complexities of human consciousness, which include the ability to manifest multiple simultaneous realities even though these realities may produce irreconcilable outcomes — which equates to the human ability to choose between good and evil.
Related Oracle of the Illuminati: Coincidence. Creation. Control.
by Roger W. Wicke, August, 19th, 2020
To students, graduates, and friends of RMHI:
The coming 12 months (autumn of 2020 to 2021) will be crucial to the future of humans on this planet.
Opportunities like this demand our urgent action.
If history is any guide, there are thousand-year periods during which it may seem we are all victims of events and of the self-appointed elite who claim to run this planet. During such times, I can understand why most people prefer to hunker down in silent acquiescence.
However, now is NOT one of those times.
I have never considered myself a religious person. Too often, I’ve witnessed the hypocrisy of true-believer types who choose to ignore clear warnings by the Bible and other religious texts that self-declared Satanists not only claim to be in charge of this planet, but have openly declared their intentions in the media. Yet these arrogant creatures constitute fewer than 0.01% of the total human population of earth. We, the normal, non-psychopath humans greatly outnumber them.
During such times, humanity is given a clear choice, and failure to act equates to an unambiguous endorsement of evil.
Special note to Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964):
I was born in the Boomer year of 1954, so this is not only a well-deserved criticism of a generation of adults now in their senior years, but a mea culpa as well. While we were advancing our careers, starting businesses, and making money during the last decades of the 20th century, our generation was guilty of allowing our children to be over-protected, over-vaccinated, and poorly educated by teachers who bombarded them with Marxist propaganda.
If the younger generations are angry at us, perhaps they have some good reasons. We should not judge them too harshly while they protest and exhibit their rage, because we left them a miserable legacy: broken homes and families, outrageously high student debts, high youth unemployment, and a great deal of real environmental destruction. It is now up to us to atone for our sins and gross neglect of their future.
What do you think??
Extraterrestrial manipulation of planet earth’s evolution?
- What if you had the power to overcome many millenia of interference in earth’s evolution by a faction of self-professed Satanists who have enslaved humanity by raping, torturing, and murdering small children and by controlling religion, banking, and economic systems?
- What if this evil, which is described in the Bible and other religious texts, has actually become more widespread during the last 200 years than ever before in human history?
- Who are the Jesuits, Illuminati, the Vatican, Council on Foreign Relations, the international banking cabal, Mafia, Opus Dei, the Masonic Brotherhood, New Age Movement, and why is it so important that you become awakened to the evil that these factions have inflicted upon this planet?
- Could bribery and/or blackmail of politicians, scientists, university professors, media personalities, and Hollywood actors explain why we can no longer trust anything they state publicly?
I was born in 1954, a member of the post-WWII Baby Boomer generation, just in time to participate in the liberal politics of the 1960’s. I was an early supporter of gay rights and medical applications of cannabis, years before these both became trendy political movements. During my college years, I unthinkingly adopted the religion of Marxist scientific materialism promulgated by most of my professors at MIT, though I had been briefly exposed to libertarian ideas via a freshman course in philosophy. Decades later, during my years practicing as an herbalist, I first encountered clients who had been victims of what is variously labelled as Satanic ritual abuse (SRA), Projects MK-Ultra, Monarch, and Artichoke. Many of these clients had begun to recall memories of their abuse. A close friend had learned how to deprogram these victims after her own son had been so victimized and had attempted suicide.
When I began teaching Chinese herbalism, I discovered that several of my students also had direct personal knowledge of this phenomenon and began to systematically document it. The following articles on RMHI’s website, written in 2018, summarized this information:
During the decades following my graduation from university, I began to question the truthfulness of so-called experts and authority figures. How many of them were compromised by the ancient evil of Satanic ritual abuse? At what price could they be induced to lie and perpetrate frauds regarding science, history, medicine, law, politics, religion, and economics? Which of them could be induced to commit high treason?
COVID scamdemic — the perfect red-pilling trigger?
Since the year 2000, RMHI’s admissions procedure has carefully screened our students to ensure that they can think and reason clearly and that their moral compass is fully intact. We have no tolerance for the modern insanities of political correctness and suppression of freedom of speech that have become rampant on many college campuses.
Within the first month of the media’s hyping of the COVID pandemic, RMHInet members and students were able to determine the following:
- Regardless of who or what released the virus, it was not a purely medical phenomenon. The media’s widely divergent opinions and purported facts revealed that it would become impossible to understand COVID without considering the economic, political, and religious angles — the very essence of holistic analysis. The virus scamdemic was being weaponized against the world’s population!
- Worldwide death rates were being fraudulently inflated. The reality was that actual deaths were far less than typical annual death rates from influenza. In many US states, deaths were being counted as “COVID deaths” if the deceased tested positive for the virus even though they died of other causes, including traffic accidents and murders.
- Corrupt national and international government agencies (WHO, CDC, NIAID, etc.) conspired to lie to the public by presenting fraudulent statistics.
- Courageous physicians publicly announced that wearing masks was not only useless but could be medically harmful to the people who chose to wear them. These physicians were massively censored by Twitter, Facebook, and other popular social media, and some were fired from their jobs.
- The COVID scamdemic was being hyped by the MSM to distract the public from revelations by US AG William Barr and the DOJ regarding Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, NXIVM, international child sex trafficking, torture, and murder, and the sordid connections of the preceding phenomena to Hollywood, Ivy League universities, and politicians in both political parties.
About The Author
Roger W. Wicke studied TCM herbology under C.S. Cheung, M.D., and Yat Ki Lai at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, graduating in 1985. Since then his clinical practice emphasizes educating clients about environmental health issues, healthy eating, and escaping from the mass-culture Matrix of robotic behaviors. He is currently director of the Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute and has authored several texts on Chinese herbology, including HerbalThink-TCM, an interactive software package for learning traditional Chinese herbology.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
“You had me at hello… Rather you lost me at the old red flag of “Marxist” or Communist” or “Socialist”. These are theoretical constructs. theories that have no basis in reality. The problem is NOT the Isms, but the A$$h0le$. We are not up against theoretical constructs, just criminals who are breaking laws on the books. It’s not complicated, Even without the illegal Guantanamo bay we have plenty of infrastructure in place and probable cause to arrest and seize assets! Arrest them? It is that simple! Over 17000 police agencies, 708,569 individual agents of the Constitution??? The answer is so simple and is the 8Trilliuon dollar gorilla in the room. Just arrest them! I am an ex cop, i volunteer to assist in serving the arrest warrants. Opps, forgot, I’m censored. Oh well, the truth is in the aethers anyway.