(Justin Deschamps) Why is the rule of law so important? Why is May 1st such a significant occult holiday? Why does Q and the patriots talk about the rule of law and God so much? What is the connection between God, Law, and the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence? The answers to these questions are some of the most significant things we could discuss, especially during this time of transition between the old way of tyranny and the new way of freedom.
by Justin Deschamps, April 30th, 2020
Historically, the dark occult groups who created the deep state use May 1st to worship Ba’al, a dark solar god that demands the sacrifice of innocents. But Q and the alliance, through Trump, proclaimed May 1st as Law Day. This is huge development.
The deep state satanists believe in the power of occult holidays and they believe that they need to use sacrifices on these days to effect their agenda. They want us to abandon the truth, justice, and the law in favor of selfish indulgence. To do this, they use mass trauma and fake flags to drive the people into a traumatized state. They then use that energy in their dark rituals because they believe they can influence events by invoking the will of Ba’al on May 1st and other days.
Whether you think this is all nonsense or not doesn’t matter. The cabal believe in these things and as such, what the alliance effectively did was ruin and destroy the underlying black magic basis of the deep state by asking us to pay respect to the rule of law. Instead of people spending the day indulging in consumerism, we’re asked to pay respect to the laws of freedom that the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence speak to.
Book Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology by Michael Tsarion
Do you see how powerful this is? I would say, this is a positive spiritual “attack”—for lack of a better term—on the dark occult satanists of the deep state.
I am going to lay out some of the principles of what a true lawful system is. And once you understand this, you’ll see that the current systems of justice and legal systems we use on earth are not truly lawful.
Axiom of Law: To be a true lawful system, the law must coherent, consistent, and apply to all equally.
Because ultimately, the law is a system of rules that does not change.
To understand this you can think of the law like the rules of a game.
For instance, to play baseball one needs to follow the rules of baseball. If they don’t, they might be playing another game, but it isn’t baseball. And, the rules of baseball have to apply to all, equally. For instance, if one player wants 5 strikes at the bat instead of 3, then this player wouldn’t be honoring the rules of the game. And if you were playing with someone who tried to assert that different rules apply to them, you’d likely feel the sentiment of unfairness and tell them that their suggestion is unfair.
The takeaway here is that, like the rules of a game, to be fair and just, the law has to apply to all equally, as I said. The other takeaway is that humans possess innate systems in their brain that seek to make social life, civilized life, fair for all people. As such, deep within each of us is the urge, the instinct, the passion for justice, honor, and fairness. But to make a truly fair society, we need, as humans, to seek for the ultimate fair system: the laws of existence.
Now that we’ve established why a law system has to be consistent to be truly lawful, we can make the connection between law and God’s will.
Let’s begin by exploring the evolution of law and the concept of god in history.
For as long as humans have been alive on this world, we’ve explained the events we observe in our lives and in nature in as the will of this or that god. This seemed random and chaotic to our primitive minds, as such, the gods we invoked to explain these events were whimsical and inconsistent. We assumed that if we believe in a god, we were subject to being judged by the rules coming forth from that god.
And so, tribes and societies formed around their chosen versions of gods. Each society had a different set of laws founded on their belief in their chosen deity.
But as time went on we began to see that the same basic set of rules were at work everywhere; and that, no matter what god you chose to believe in and worship, the rules of life were essentially the same. Eventually, the logical aspect of humanity reconciled this recognition into a concept of a singular set of natural laws that explain events in reality, which helped ancient humans discover the idea of a singular monotheistic God.
Book Law from Within: Principles of Natural Law Principlia Ius Naturalis
When it comes to a theory of everything, which is a scientific pursuit, a universe centered around a monotheistic God is a better theory than a pantheistic universe of many gods because the laws of the universe are consistent. The logic is, if a lesser god can change their will then the rules that govern lesser gods must, themselves, be consistent, and therefore, there must be a higher all powerful God that rules over these lesser gods.
The old idea that men and women can be judged by different laws because of different gods was replaced by a belief that there was a single set of rules and laws for all people, due to the fact there was truly only one God of all creation. And this means that all people had the same rights and set of laws they were subject to.
This concept became the basis of an enlightened society. And when this idea of the laws of the “one true God” applying to all was accepted, something truly remarkable happened.
Heretofore, those who claimed a divine right to rule, kings and queens, made up the laws as they saw fit. And this means that during that time law was constantly in flux, a whim depending on the mood of the king in question. And the same problem was as at work. The laws coming from these despots were not consistent.
Once the people started to understand the grander truth that the laws that govern their lives don’t come from a king but God itself, the all mighty power of royals and despots began to dissolve.
Eventually this gave way to the first nation in history that formed their society, not on the might of a king, or the letters patent from the church, but on the Creator itself—the United States of America.
This is the foundational concept expressed in the Declaration of Independence when it is said, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights …”
This is the punchline: the true laws of existence are literally the will of the Creator in action.
The Creator, who is a perfect, infinite and eternal being, has will. And unlike human beings, the true Creator is all knowing and all wise. Thus, when this infinitely perfect being does something, that thing is perfect and that action remains perfect in all times and all places. The creator doesn’t make mistakes. When the creator’s will is expressed it is, for humans, perceivable as a law of existence. This categorical definition is conceptually valid because it properly describes what kind of being would be required to create a universe with consistent laws.
And, as a side note, modern atheistic physics and science has never explained where the laws of existence come from. They avoid that question because the only explanation that makes any sense is that these laws come from a being. Thus, the superior theory that explains where these laws come from is a theistic theory.
The first critical point of this writing is that: you know a true law system because it is fair and it applies to all equally and fairly.
The second critical point is that the only theory that explains where laws come from is a theistic theory.
The third critical point is that a people or society that recognize these facts and enshrines in their society a respect and reverence for the source of law as the Creator is the foundation of an enlightened society.
Why, might you be wondering, does a society have to acknowledge the Creator as the source of law to be enlightened?
Because if you don’t say that the source of rules come from the Creator, then you have to say they come from another being, which is either a lesser god or a king. And these other sources of rules are inconsistent. And since what makes a society fair and prosperous is that it has consistent and fair laws, we would do well to found society on the recognition. Go look at history. Ask yourself, what society lasted the longest and was the most free and prosperous. And the answer you’ll come to is that only societies that recognized a true and valid higher power lasted over time.
Thus, if you want to form a society that is constantly becoming more free, prosperous, and defends the rights of all people, consistently, you need to form your society around the source of all perfection and consistency, which is monotheistic God concept.
And since no one knows exactly what the will of God is, each person has to have the freedom to worship as they see fit, and in doing so, bring their unique perspective to the table to form a society that is itself perfected as a result of each individual contributing to that enlightened society. In this way, we the people become the protectors and upholders of society, inspired by our contact with the divine Creator.
This is the dream of the founders, in its purest form.
Hopefully all of this has helped you understand why the founders of the US enshrined these rights and acknowledgements the way they did. They weren’t done by accident or randomly. They were carefully thought out and were itself an evolution of many minds working to form a perfect society.
Now let’s consider May 1st.
May first is a day of occult significance, called Walpurgisnacht. Historically, it represents, “fertility, the emergence of life, and an offering of sacrifice of some kind to ensure a bountiful harvest).”
The reason why is that in the ancient system of astrotheology, the day when the sun is accelerating the fastest to reach the solar peak of June 21st is May 1st. You can get a sense of what this means in the below image.
Notice that Taurus, or the sign of the Bull, is the midpoint between the first day of spring and the first day of summer. The dark god of Ba’al can be represented as a bull. Hence, Moloch, which is another representation of this dark solar deity, is also represented as a bull.
Without going into all the details, the astrotheological school of thought is a divination system wherein it is believed the will of the Creator can be partially gleaned by understanding the story of the sun and planets as they move in the heavens.
Whether you believe that or not isn’t important. What is important is that the Cabal believe it, and for this reason, their fake flags and mass ritual events often take place on occult holidays and points of astrotheological significance. Specifically, they believe that if they venerate Ba’al using blood sacrifice and engage in mass sin to offend the true divine creator, lessor gods, like lucifer will protect them from divine justice and favor their works. This is an aspect of the satanic philosophy, which you can see for yourself by studying the Sabbatean cult.
Book 1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance
There’s a much deeper meaning behind May 1st that I’ll explain now.
For humans, in the past, we invoked a reverence and recognition of the laws and rules that help us manifest success by paying homage to a deity, such as a god of nature. It was believed that gods favored the work of man, and that we earned favor with the gods by performing sacraments.
Within the more enlightened view of a divine Creator, which the founders believed in, sacraments and rituals are not to change the will of God, because that is an arrogant and fruitless effort. The God of all existence doesn’t change its mind because we burn sage or sacrifice a chicken, or even a human being. No. In truth, a sacrament is for us. It’s for human beings to come to terms with the truth that to be successful in life, in any respect, one has to use knowledge of the rules of existence.
And therefore, the true purpose of May 1st, astrotheologically, is for humans to personally and socially pay respect to the rules they use to manifest prosperity. It might sound like a strange and overly religious idea, but it’s pretty simple.
When you want to be successful at something you should identify the steps required to be successful. And if you take this idea to its ultimate end then paying respect to the God of all success, the Creator, you also open yourself up via humility and open mindedness to receive more wisdom for success in the future.
Taking all this into consideration, POTUS issued a Proclamation declaring May 1st as Law Day:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, in accordance with Public Law 87–20, as amended, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2020, as Law Day, U.S.A. I urge all Americans, including government officials, to observe this day by reflecting upon the importance of the rule of law in our Nation and displaying the flag of the United States in support of this national observance; and I especially urge the legal profession, the press, and the radio, television, and media industries to promote and to participate in the observance of this day.
Given what I just described, that May day has historically been associated with invoking respect for the laws of success so as to ensure a good harvest in the fall, Trump’s proclamation deals a blow to deep state dark occultists.
Because, for hundreds of years, dark occultists have hijacked these days of astrotheological significance and used them for fake flag events. I wrote an article breaking all this down, which you can read here. And many other respected researches have correctly identified the fact the cabal use these days to further their agenda.
They believe that if they invoke Ba’al, or other dark versions of deities, that dark forces will favor their works. But more than this, these dark occultists believe that insulting the divine creator by using these sacred days to dishonor life and law, helps elevate them over the divine Creator.
This writing isn’t meant to detail what the deep state religion is, but you can learn more about that in this article: Deep State Religion Exposed: Do You Realize You’re Being Initiated Into the Dark Occult?
The point of this article is to tell you that the alliance against the deep state is most likely aware of everything I just described.
And that by invoking a national day of observance of the law on May day is, in effect, it’s the alliance’s way of taking back these sacred days. What’s more, that if we as a people pay respect and honor to the law, we’re also, by extension, paying respect to the Creator. And this goes directly against what the dark occult groups do when they perform rituals on these days in secret.
When this is done on a massive scale it has a palpable effect in consciousness. Specifically, it will infuse within the people a remembrance of the core truths that made America what it is. That, to speak to the beginning of what we discussed in this article, when we revere and acknowledge that all people have the same rights due to the fact we’re all subject to the same laws it means all are equal. And that we should remember this as events unfold with respect to the deep state takedown operation unfolding now.
If major disclosures about the deep state are finally going to emerge, which appears to be happening right now, given the release of the Flynn documents, then we’ll need to remember these truths to avoid toxic and destructive reactions.
The cabal will try to use the fear and upset about these truths to their advantage. They’ll try to incite mob mentality to ensure we don’t remake society in honor of the founding principles of truth, justice, and equal treatment under the law.
But if we honor and respect the rule of law, then we won’t use injustice in our quest to restore justice to our cabal-tained world.
Update – A reader informed me that Law Day was also proclaimed by Obama. Upon further research, Law Day was originally proclaimed on April 7th, 1961. So what’s so special about Trump’s proclamation? The big difference is that, I would argue, through the efforts of the Q alliance and other actors, the dark occult groups who normally use this day for dark occult rituals have been systematically under assault. As such, these dark occultist are likely unable to perform their rituals in secret as freely as they have before. What’s more, the person who is proclaiming Law Day this year, Trump, is an actual man of God. Obama, is, by all accounts, a crypto-satanist. He was flying “$65,000” worth of “hot dogs” (which is a pedophile code word) to the White House during his administration, which many researchers believe means he was engaged in twisted pedophilia practices and rituals. As such, with respect to a mass sacrament, the figure head invoking the rite acts like a conductor, suffusing their intentionality into the rite for the people who participate. Therefore, given this logic, Trump can be thought of as invoking the true rule of law and the divine will for the people to venerate. Whereas Obama was invoking the “Laws of Ba’al”—in secret—asking the people to venerate these darker “laws.” This might seem like an immaterial point, however, if you were to discover that your trusted priest at church was actually a satanic pedophile, it would unquestionably make you doubt the basis of their ability to lead the congregation in true prayer. Thus, this is, in my view, the big difference between Obama’s Law Day, and Trump’s Law Day.
In closing, this is a major event of huge significance for the deep state dark occultists. The positive forces of spiritual power on earth are putting a stop to satanic influence. The proclamation, in this sense, is a spiritual sword of truth.
It’s a great time to be alive!
Much love,
– Justin
P.S. The above writing is a brief discussion of complex systems of thought and conceptualization. I wrote this fairly quickly to get the ideas on paper and share them so these ideas would help others comprehend the significance of these events. As such, the writing is hardly perfect. And a much richer discussion and exposé of these ideas will come in time.
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Justin Deschamps has been a truth seeker all his life, studying physics, psychology, law, philosophy, and spirituality, and working to weave these seemingly separate bodies of information into a holistic tapestry of ever expanding knowledge. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some, sharing what he has discovered with those who are ready and willing to take responsibility for making the world a better place. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work. Check out his project Stillness in the Storm to find some of his work. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and minds.com.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Several researchers, insiders, and alleged whistleblowers have reported that an alliance within various sectors of human life is working to overthrow the Deep State, restore the rule of law, and stop environmental destruction. There are several indications that this alliance does indeed exist but nothing totally concrete. The preceding information discusses updates from someone who claims to have contacts within this alleged alliance. This information is helpful because it provides a bit of hope in an otherwise bleak situation. However, one should not cease in their personal efforts for freedom upon the hearing of these updates. This is one of the potential harms of information of this sort; it tends to make people inactive because they feel someone else is going to do the work of gaining freedom and ending the tyranny of the Deep State. To be sure, these Great Works cannot be done by one or two people, but it also can’t happen without an active population capable of recognizing positive changes and rallying to support them. Indeed, without the spiritual support of the people, any such effort on the part of an alliance will only produce temporary results. True freedom, prosperity, and goodness can only come about because a majority of people in a civilization recognize their role in maintaining that society through intelligent and coordinated participation with other like-minded lawful custodians and wayshowers.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammatical mistake? Send an email to corrections@stillnessinthestorm.com, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.
May 1st 2020: A minor grammar correction was made to this article.
Embedded Throughout This Article
You sir have an elegance in your writing that gets across the explanation so simply that even my feeble mind can comprehend the message.
you are a natural at writing and teaching.
Thank you for what you do. you are well placed and have met your calling.
Bill Maguire
You honor me friend. Glad to be of service. thanks for reading
Thanks for the kind words Bill!
Ba al or Moloch – can be representative of a bull – a dark solar deity?
Joseph is withal blest by his father [1331] after this form: “His glory (is that) of a bull; his horns, the horns of an unicorn; on them shall he toss nations alike unto the very extremity of the earth.” Of course no one-horned rhinoceros was there pointed to, nor any two-horned minotaur. But Christ was therein signified: “bull,” by reason of each of His two characters, — to some fierce, as Judge; to others gentle, as Saviour; whose “horns” were to be the extremities of the cross. For even in a ship’s yard — which is part of a cross — this is the name by which the extremities are called; while the central pole of the mast is a “unicorn.” By this power, in fact, of the cross, and in this manner horned, He does now, on the one hand, “toss” universal nations through faith, wafting them away from earth to heaven; and will one day, on the other, “toss” them through judgment, casting them down from heaven to earth.
Great article, Justin
But Obama did the same in 2015, the last part even with same wording. Why is this so different this time?
Great point. As I said at the bottom, I quickly wrote the article. Upon further research, courtesy of your comment, I reviewed Obama’s Proclamation and the original act passed in April 7th 1961. I have updated the post toward the end with more to consider. Thanks again for your comment.
Thanks for your reply and the update, this cleared things up. I am glad i could help.
This Moment’s Stillness
Magnificence Knows NOW
Abounding Hearts Feel
Quantum LOVE
=GloryKu… from The NOW Moment~~~esl
Thank 💜 You
What’s the latest on the
Heather situation…
Quantum LOVE
Not sure I think she’s still in jail, last I heard. I hope she’s weathering that situation with good cheer.