(Activist Post) Joe Biden announced that the US would give the World Bank $450 million to start a pandemic preparedness fund, which will be run in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO).
world bank
World Bank Cuts Global Growth Forecast Due to War in Ukraine
(Sophie Mann) World Bank President David Malpass is proposing a 15-month, crisis-financing plan of as much as $170 billion
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Raiding the World Bank: Exposing a Fondness for Dictators
(Jim Bovard) I have always had a bad attitude toward official secrets regardless of who is keeping them. That prejudice and John Kenneth Galbraith are to blame for an unauthorized withdrawal I made from the World Bank.
The Dark Past Of The Bank For International Settlements
(Patrick Wood) Although written by Patrick Wood in 2005, nothing has changed to the historical fact of the Bank for International Settlements. It has nefarious roots and is the tap-root of modern globalization.
Deep State Takedown Updates: More Undeniable Signs that the Global Criminal Cabal is Going Down
(Geopolitics) There are now a number of undeniable signs that the Global Criminal Cabal is going down big time. This is in addition to previous events that saw the panic of the Bushes, Clintons and the Bidens.
CEO of JP Morgan Chase: ALL Cryptocurrency Will Be Under Government Control
(Matt Agorist) Late last year the Chairman & CEO of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon became the laughing stock of the crypto world when he came out railing against bitcoin and the blockchain. On Tuesday, however, he seems to have changed his mind and during an interview with Fox Business, he left viewers with an ominously cryptic message—punn […]
Bolivia’s Evo Morales Declares Total Independence from World Bank & IMF
(21Wire) Since Bolivian leader Evo Morales came to power in 2006, the country’s overall standard of living has risen. Related Article: AIIB Partners with the World Bank, New World Order? Source – Humans are Free by 21Wire, July 24th, 2017 Since Bolivian leader Evo Morales came to power in 2006, the country’s overall standard of living has […]
AIIB Partners with the World Bank, New World Order?
Related Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Formally Established (New Rival To The World Bank) Related Analysis of BRICS, Putin, the IMF, The Chinese Yuan and much more | The Fall Of America Signals The Rise Of The New World Order Source – Operation Disclosure Chinese Mega-bank Partners With World Bank for New World Order by Alex Newman […]
COBRA Interview (Brief Analysis) March 21st 2016: Sphere Being Deception Not True, 9th Planet is Not Planet X, Nibiru is Sitchin Disinfo, Stasis Beings, Soul Transfer Tech, Magic Explained, Personality vs Soul, and more
I had some time this morning to pull highlights out of the below transcript between the Prepare for Change team and COBRA. I offered commentary when I had insights to share from my own experience or research, as well as offering an explanation of some of the answers provided by COBRA. According to COBRA…. The so-called […]
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Asian Development Bank Launched | “This is a historical moment”: Xi at launch of new China-led Bank
Thanks Kauilapele for sharing this. Here is a highlight from the below article detailing some points of interest: “The new lender is expected to name its first lending projects in mid-2016. The China-backed multilateral development institution is tasked with financing infrastructure development across Asia. With an authorized capital of $100 billion, the AIIB will finance […]