(Cristina Laila) A small victory in California…for now.
Top Doctor Calls on Employers To Reinstate Unvaccinated Workers, Apologize for Firing Them
(Joseph Summers) ‘By firing staff with natural immunity, employers got rid of those least likely to infect others,’ Dr. Marty Makary contends.
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Ford Motor Company Bucks Supreme Court – Moves Forward with their Own Vaccine Mandate for Remote Workers
(Jim Hoft) Despite Joe Biden’s vaccine requirement for federal contractors being blocked by a federal judge, Ford Motor Company is still moving forward with requiring COVID vaccination for salaried employees after months of push back or will face unpaid leave.
This Is What Happens When Millions Of Workers Disappear From The System…
(Michael Snyder) We were warned that this would happen. In 2021, millions of Americans either quit their jobs or were forced out of their positions because of various mandates that were implemented all over the country. And as I discussed earlier this week, countless other workers either died or became incapacitated last year. As a result, our society is descending into a state of utter chaos and basic services are breaking down all around us.
Two Georgia Election Workers Fired After Allegedly Shredding Hundreds of Voter Registration Applications
(Cassandra Fairbanks) Two Fulton County, Georgia election workers were fired after allegations that they shredded hundreds of voter registration applications over the last couple of weeks.
Where Did All The People Go?
(Michael Snyder) Why are companies all over the world suddenly desperate for workers? In my entire life I have never seen anything like this. When the labor shortage started in the United States, a lot of people blamed overly generous government handouts, but that doesn’t explain why the exact same thing is happening in nation after nation all over the globe. There aren’t enough factory workers, there aren’t enough truck drivers, there aren’t enough port workers, there aren’t enough employees to properly staff our stores, and the shortage of doctors and nurses is becoming a major crisis in some areas. During normal times, we were always told that the global economy was not producing nearly enough jobs for everyone, but now for the very first time we are facing an enormous worldwide labor shortage. It is almost as if millions upon millions of people suddenly disappeared from the system.
Election Workers Scored Thousands of GA Ballots Rejected by Machines, Hand-Picked Votes: Report
(Mike Landry) Machines act smart. But sometimes they can be really stupid.
117 Healthcare Workers Sue Houston Hospital for Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
(Daniel_g) Could this be the first domino to fall in a long line of lawsuits?
CELEBRATE GOOD DEEDS: Men Break Down in Tears When Residents Surprise Them With ‘Thank You’ Party Attended By Mayor
(Good News Network) Saul and Keon have never missed a day of work picking up trash in Miami Beach—and they’re especially glad they were covering their route this week as a beautiful surprise awaited them.