(Kristinn Taylor)A young woman upset over the recent Supreme Court ruling returning abortion decisions to the states posted a video to TikTok claiming she mailed her period blood to Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The video was reposted by Libs of TikTok.
First Woman Cured of HIV Following Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Transplant, Report
(Sophie Mann) The case is the first of a woman being cured of the virus, and third person to date.
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Autopsy Reveals Death of a 68-Year-Old Woman Was Due to Allergic Reaction from COVID-19 Vaccine – Family Plans to File Lawsuit
(Jim Hoft) A 68-year-old woman from Kansas died a day after receiving the Moderna vaccine due to an allergic reaction.
Woman Who Came Into Accidental Contact With Escaped CDC Monkeys Shares Update
(Adam Wilson) Yesterday, we reported that three CDC test monkeys escaped from a truck during a crash on the interstate highway in Pennsylvania. Roughly 100 monkeys were inside the truck when it crashed. The CDC reported that it was monitoring local residents for cold-like symptoms. Today, a woman who came in to contact with the monkeys shared an update about her condition and a firsthand account of the incident. The Epoch Times Reports–
UPDATE: Pennsylvania Woman Who Came in Contact with CDC Monkeys After Crash Is Experiencing Cold-Like Symptoms, Pink-Eye and a Cough
(Jim Hoft) As reported earlier — A truck and trailer carrying about 100 monkeys collided with a dump truck Friday afternoon along Route 54 just off Interstate 80 near Danville, Pennsylvania.
WATCH: Boston Cops Threaten, Harrass the THE WRONG WOMAN Over Vax Card: ‘We Don’t Enforce Mandates, We Protect Rights’
(Alicia Powe) After the employee of a Boston pizzeria allowed five unvaccinated women and a girl to order food and bottles of water, the store manager intervened and called the police on the group for not presenting proof of Covid vaccination.
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HOLIDAY HORROR: Woman Smiles in Mugshot After Killing Boyfriend with Sword on Christmas Eve
(Cristina Laila) A 32-year-old Missouri woman was smiling ear-to-ear in her mugshot after killing her boyfriend with a sword on Christmas Eve.
Gross: Maskless Biden Spits on Woman at McAuliffe Rally (Video)
(Kristinn Taylor) Joe Biden spoke to a crowd of about 1,500 to 2,500 Tuesday night at a rally for Virginia Democrat candidate for governor Terry McAuliffe held in Arlington, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. After he spoke, Biden bounded down the stairs in front of the stage and started working the crowd. Biden, who was not wearing a mask, leaned over to get close to a maskless woman supporter as she spoke to him. As Biden pulled back spit flew from his mouth as he said something in reply to her.
Afghan Migrants Gang Rape Mentally Disabled Swedish Woman
(Paul Joseph Watson) Cannot be deported due to political situation.
Taliban Kills Woman For Not Wearing A Burqa, While News Outlets Continue To Echo False Narrative From Taliban
(The Scoop) On the same day that the Taliban proclaimed a new commitment to women’s rights, militants shot and murdered a woman because she was not wearing a burqa.
Feds Arrest California Woman For Fake Covid Vaccine Cards, False Statements ‘Related to Health Care Matters’
(Cristina Laila) Juli A. Mazi, 41, of Napa became the first person to be federally charged for fake Covid vaccine cards and making false statements ‘related to health care matters.’
Democrat Delaware State Lawmaker Arrested For Punching Woman in the Face at Restaurant
(Cristina Laila) Delaware state police arrested a Democrat state lawmaker for punching a woman in the face at a restaurant on Saturday evening.
“Uncomfortable and Embarrassed” – Third Woman Comes Forward and Accuses Gov. Cuomo of Sexual Harassment
(Cristina Laila) A third woman has come forward and accused New York Governor Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment.