(Jacob Engels) This Gateway Pundit journalist traveled with Roger Stone to Washington, DC as the longtime Trump. confidante and veteran political strategist went before the J6 Committee on Friday, which of course, is full of Trump-hating Democrats and Republicans.
Witch Hunt
‘Here We Go Again’: Roger Stone Slams 1/6 Committee ‘Witch Hunt’ After He’s Served With Subpoena
(Andrew White) Former Trump Campaign advisor and veteran political operative Roger Stone issued a statement after he was subpoenaed by the Democrat-controlled January 6 select committee.
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BREAKING NEWS: Dems Announce Yet *ANOTHER* Partisan Trump Witch Hunt — 120 Days Into Biden’s Presidency
(Kyle Becker) The Democratic Party, having apparently solved all of America’s problems, are going back to the well at least one more time: It is announcing yet another partisan Trump “witch hunt.”
BREAKING: Roger Stone Slams ‘Baseless Smears’ From Media Attempting To Tie Him To January 6, ‘It’s A Vile Lie’
(Andrew White) “The despicable effort to defame me in order to use my name and visage is clickbait,” said Roger Stone.