(Anthony Matoria) The Second Amendment is again being scrutinized as the recurrent gun control/gun rights debate heats up. Gun control advocates emphasize the words “well-regulated militia,” and gun rights–supporters highlight “shall not be infringed.” The significant meaning and philosophical foundation of the amendment, however, is found in a phrase that gets relatively little attention: “necessary to the security of a free State.”
Fatherly Wisdom You Might Not Like Hearing But Need to Hear (Video)
Fatherly Wisdom You Might Not Like Hearing But Need to Hear (Video)
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Perspectives on Wisdom, as a Concept
(Exploring Your Mind) People usually understand wisdom as something you can only gain from experience, but it’s actually much more than that. In this article, we’ll share definitions from different authors and debunk some of the myths about this important idea.
Knowledge Does Not Automatically Equal Awakening: Take Action on What You Know
(Catherine Cates) Being awake or conscious does not mean having a lot of knowledge about the universe, manifesting, psychic phenomena etc. You may well have such knowledge, but that does not necessarily mean that you are awake. It’s great to know about universal laws, but can you apply them? It’s interesting to know about angels, but does that help you wake up?
6 Keys to Unlocking Your Body’s Wisdom
(Aquaria Star) Below is a selection of various modalities geared towards resetting the energy body and nervous system back to its natural state with an emphasis on building a deep heart connection and compassion with yourself. Though many of these modalities are systematized in their approach they gear the practitioner in the direction of intuitive […]
Shamanic Perspectives On Disclosure With Lujan Matus
by Simon Esler, The following article offers an interview with expert shaman Lujan Matus over a series of emails, with a focus on his perspectives on disclosure. Described on his website as having been “initiated at the age of seven and instructed in parallel realms,” his offerings lend a glimpse into the capacity we all […]