(Ethan Huff) A report put together by Department of Justice (DoJ) adviser John Lott shows that upwards of 368,000 “excess votes” across multiple swing states resulted in Joe Biden fraudulently “winning” the 2020 election.
No Plans to Yield: Texas Stands by Claim that Biden Win “Statistically Impossible”
(Ramon Tomey) Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton defended a statistical analysis claiming that Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s victory was “statistically impossible.” Paxton stood by the analysis by economist Charles Cicchetti that said Biden had “less than one in a quadrillion” chance of winning in a clean election. The attorney general’s defense of the claim on Dec. 11 followed his now-dismissed lawsuit against four battleground states.
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Wisconsin GOP Lawmakers Join Federal Lawsuit to Overturn Fraudulent Elections in Swing States WI, PA, GA, MI, and AZ
(Jim Hoft) Wisconsin lawmakers signed onto a federal lawsuit to overturn the fraudulent elections in several swing states.
How Many Of 178,000 Wisconsinites Illegally Voted Using This Loophole?
(M.D. Kittle) If the state senator was in the field working, she certainly was not ‘indefinitely confined’ under the meaning and intent of state statute. So, did she break the law? How many others did?
Statistician in Texas Lawsuit Against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin Says Probability of Biden Winning Election Was One in a Quadrillion!
(Joe Hoft) USC and former Harvard statistician determines that the possibility of Joe Biden winning the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were basically statistically impossible.
Wisconsin Supreme Court Takes Up Trump Case Today After Circuit Court Judge Dismissed It
(Joe Hoft) The Wisconsin Supreme Court will hear a case today about the corruption in the election process in two of Wisconsin’s largest and Democrat led counties.
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Now the Democrat Attorneys General Align with Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia – Nearly Every State Has Picked Sides
(Joe Hoft) The Texas case against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia has exploded. Now nearly the entire country is picking sides.
Missouri Is Latest State to Join Texas in SCOTUS Lawsuit Against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin
(Jim Hoft) Missouri is the latest state to join Texas in their lawsuit against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin at the US Supreme Court.
Wisconsin Recount Observers Given ‘Poop’ Emoji Wristbands
(Joseph Curl) Official observers watching the Wisconsin recount of the 2020 presidential election were given wristbands covered with smiling poop emojis on Tuesday.
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Emergency WI Lawsuit: “We’ve Identified Over 150,000 Potentially Fraudulent Ballots in WI, More Than Enough to Call Into Question the Validity of the State’s Reported Election”
(Patty McMurray) Joe Biden allegedly got 20,608 more votes than Donald Trump in Wisconsin in the November election. The Milwaukee County Election Commission completed its recount Friday evening, Nov. 27. The results showed that Joe Biden’s vote count increased by 257 votes, for a revised total of 317,527, and Donald Trump’s vote count increased by 125 votes, for a revised total of 134,482.
Wisconsin Electors are Trying to STOP Trump RECOUNT! (Video)
Wisconsin Electors are Trying to STOP Trump RECOUNT! (Video)
VOTER FRAUD: System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden
(Joe Hoft) We’ve reported on numerous events identified in the 2020 election already which are being referred to as ‘glitches’ by the Democrats. Tonight we just uncovered another ‘glitch’ in Wisconsin.
What is Going On? Minnesota and Wisconsin BOTH had 89%-90% Turnout — Something That Is Highly Unlikely
(Jim Hoft) Minnesota and Wisconsin, two states controlled by Democrats and which were forecast to be competitive in the 2020 presidential election, had anomalously high turnout relative to nearby states and other competitive states.
A Riot In The Suburbs: Inside The Changing Face Of Wisconsin 2020
(Chris Bedford and John Daniel Davidson) Dale Kooyenga is emblematic of how the new populist, working-class shifts in the Republican Party can cut both ways. Trim and handsome at 41 years old and the father of four children, he’s the sort any local political party would want to run: a former college basketball player, an Iraq War veteran, and a major in the Army Reserves. Yet in the once button-downed, middle class, solidly Republican stretch of suburbs and farm country bordering Milwaukee, two things have shifted — and with them, the political fortunes of the local GOP.
Rioters in Wisconsin Smashing Businesses — Brandishing Guns and Attacking Homes (Video)
(Cassandra Fairbanks) It is unclear why they decided to smash the windows of people’s homes, a clear escalation from what we have seen in previous riots. The homes they targeted did not even appear to have any political signs.