(William Henry) “Sounds like you are right on “Q”. Well done William.”
william henry
Pharaoh Akhenaten Of Egypt: The Most Mysterious and Bizarre Ancient Egyptian Ruler
Pharaoh Akhenaten Of Egypt: The Most Mysterious and Bizarre Ancient Egyptian Ruler
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The Rapture Nibiru Booboo Flash : Fake News? Or Golden Threads We Can Use?
(William Henry) I am always intrigued, and a bit suspicious, when fake news like this goes viral, especially in the mainstream mindstream. The reason is, embedded within the obvious ‘stupid stuff’ in these stories there is sometimes a “Men In Black” or ANCIENT ALIENS kernel of truth… and an invitation to pull on the proverbial hidden golden thread to find more truth. In Meade’s case, the ‘stupid’ part of his conspiracy theory is that the ‘planet’ — the planet — Nibiru will slam into earth and that the Rapture will affect anyone other than believing Christians.
The Sin Gularity: Lucifer’s Rebellion and Transhumanism’s Revenge
(William Henry) The Sin gularity is a term everyone should know, but just like the word ‘Lucifer’ (Shining), few understand it or have clue about what it will bring when it arrives. Fewer still understand how they are connected and how we are enmeshed in the connection. What does Lucifer have to do with Transhumanism, the […]
Magi of the Sun, the Blue Avians, and the 2022 New Star Prophecy: From Resistance to Resplendence
(William Henry) Clare and I are thrilled to announce our November 4-5, 2017 “Magi of the Golden Sun” workshop in Nashville. During the weekend we will be sharing our latest research, and pushing the envelope on attaining wholeness and holiness by reconnecting with our essential nature as light beings via the art of ascension. As […]
Transhumanism vs. Ascension | The Skingularity is Near – Free eBook by William Henry
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Update – I have added a downloadable pdf version of Henry’s book below. The following is a video introduction to a free eBook produced by researcher and presenter William Henry. Henry is known for his work in deciphering iconic art from antiquity as well as researching the hidden techniques of ascension […]