(NWO Report) Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger has blasted the site for its slide into “leftist propaganda,” accusing it of long since abandoning impartiality and simply becoming an amplifier for mainstream news narratives.
How Google and Wikipedia Brainwash You
(JD’s Curated Links) Internet giants cover-up for Big Pharma, suppress alternative medicine and bury inconvenient facts.
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More Former Wikipedia Employees Call Out The Foundation For Workplace Abuse And Misconduct
(B.K. House) Gaslighting, lying, neglect of misconduct reports, threatening behavior in meetings, lack of inclusion, lack of recognition from mid and upper management…
Stricken From Wikipedia – Dr. Malone’s Concern Of The mRNA Vaccine HE INVENTED Gets His Name Removed From The Leftist Disinformation Site [VIDEO]
(B.K. House) We have now entered the phase where we are a straight-up 1984 ministry of truth style, rewriting history.
Wikipedia’s Founder is Creating New Free Speech Competitor to Website, Citing Leftist Domination
(Richard Moorhead) The man who originally created online encyclopedia Wikipedia is pledging to create a new platform to replace it, citing Wikipedia’s left-wing bias.
New York Times Warns AGAINST Critical Thinking: Says It’s “Snobbish,” “30-Seconds” of Evaluation Preferable, Let Wikipedia Do Your Thinking for You, Less Info is Better
(Ulysses S. Tennyson) One way to make people ignorant of truth and history is to first convince them that hard research into such matters is superfluous. If you can erect institutions to rewrite history and data in order to redefine what real truth is and then force-feed it to people as source material, all the better.
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Wikipedia: Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal is a ‘Debunked Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory’ — By Their Deeds We Shall Know Them
(Ethan Huff) Joining the chorus of evidence deniers, Wikipedia has officially declared the Hunter Biden laptop scandal to be a “debunked right-wing conspiracy theory pushed by Donald Trump and his allies concerning Biden business dealings and anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine.”
Dr. Mercola Reveals How Google and Wikipedia Tag Team to Censor Natural Health Websites While Promoting Big Pharma and Processed Junk Food
(Ethan Huff) Back in June, Mercola.com, the most visited natural health website in the world, was deleted from Google’s search results for supposedly spreading “misinformation” about health, nutrition, and vaccines. However, the real reason that Google went on this censorship purge is because Dr. Joseph Mercola represents a serious threat to the viability of mainstream medicine, of which Google is now a major stakeholder.
Deep State Busted: Jeffrey Epstein’s Wikipedia Page Stealth-Edited To Remove Ties To Democrats
(Zerohedge) In the wake of Jeffrey Epstein’s weekend arrest, an observant Twitter user noticed that someone has edited the billionaire pedophile’s Wikipedia page to remove all mention of Democrats who have flown on the “Lolita Express” – the nickname given to his private Boeing 727 jet which was reportedly outfitted with a bed.
Facebook to Suppress All Websites That Aren’t Officially Recognized by the Corrupt, Dishonest Wikipedia Website
(JD Heyes) Anyone who’s been to college in the Wikipedia era, especially anything above the associate degree level, knows that’s the last reference resource professors will accept from students when writing research papers.
Wikipedia’s Culture of Character Assassination: The Case of Dr. Dean Radin
(Natural News) Many therapeutic modalities in natural and non-conventional medicine share principles in common with parapsychology. This is particularly true of Mind-Body medicine, the power of the mind to initiate and facilitate healing.