(JD Rucker) The increasing popularity of Critical Race Theory in public education has alarmed many parents of all races. Those who recognize the explicit segregation and purely racist edicts of the concept have spoken out. But it’s an issue that is still not receiving nearly enough attention from parents because mainstream media and academia have partnered under the flag of “anti-racism” to bush the blatantly bigoted concept and hide its true nature.
Anti-White Racism: National Museum of African American History & Culture Says Hard Work, Nuclear Family & Christianity are Negative Aspects of “Whiteness”
(Paul Joseph Watson) The (NMAAHC) is a Smithsonian Institution museum located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The museum’s guide to “whiteness & white culture” lists examples of “white dominant culture” that have become “normalized” in America and are used to prevent people of color from gaining institutional power.