(Nick Monroe) The folks at the publicly-funded National Public Radio (NPR) outlet recently put out a piece that attacks the usage of the standard yellow-skinned emoji as being potentially symbolic of racism and white privilege. This has led to a reignited debate by some on the relevancy of the dilemma, in the social media commentary space.
white privilege
The Myth of White Privilege
(Stephen Kershnar) Throughout academia, the corporate world, and government, leaders are pushing the notion that American society advantages whites and disadvantages blacks. The notion of white privilege, though, is mistaken, thereby rendering worthless much of the teaching and underlying research.
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Racist Bank Of America Seeks To Impose Its Anti-White Extremist Views On Its Employees – Their Training Program Teaches That Even Toddlers Are Guilty Of White Privilege And Racism [VIDEO]
(B.K. House) According to Tucker Carlson, Bank of America has been turning over private customer information to the Federal government for the alleged purpose of “defeating extremism”.
Outrageous! Here’s a Look at the Shocking White Privilege, Gender Equity Lesson Plans Used To Indoctrinate Your Kids
(Alicia Powe) Parents may not be able to vet or opt out of the social justice, ideologically skewed educational regimen being taught nationwide in K-12 classrooms.
Outrageous! Here’s a Look at the Shocking White Privilege, Gender Equity Lesson Plans Used To Indoctrinate Your Kids
(Alicia Powe) Parents may not be able to vet or opt out of the social justice, ideologically skewed educational regimen being taught nationwide in K-12 classrooms.
American Marxists, Take Your Fictitious Systemic Racism and White Privilege and Shove It
(Steve McCann) Over the past fifty years, the Marxist-inspired American Left has been hellbent on trying to convince the citizenry that the United States is and always has been a malevolent nation due to “systemic racism” and “white privilege.” According to their agitprop, the European branch of the Caucasian race (or more contemptuously, “Whites”) has, since the dawn of recorded history, been the principal promoters and beneficiaries of slavery and repression throughout the world. Those members of this villainous race who settled in this country over the past 400 years are responsible for imposing never-ending racism and inequity on the American continent.
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Did Amazon’s ‘White Fragility’ Training Lead Worker to Assault White Woman For Her ‘White Privilege’?
(Chris Menahan) In the midst of the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos went before Congress to hail the “much-needed race reckoning” America was going through and reportedly hired Robin DiAngelo to teach employees about “white privilege” and “white fragility.”
When Everything Is Attributed to ‘White Privilege,’ It Ceases to Have Meaning
(Natural News) Today, the phrase “white privilege” is used by leftists as often as they wear face masks, which is to say constantly. They use it because it is (or was) a powerful method to guilt Caucasians into doing stupid things like physically bowing down to people of color for the sake of false reconciliation over sins from the past. As hard as it is to believe, there really is such a thing as “white privilege” and it remained common in certain circles until very recently. The left has created a problem by using the phrase as the go-to tactic in every possible situation. They’ve denigrated its meaning and brought it into the realm of Cultural Marxism.
Winner of Food Network Show Charged with Child Abuse Murder of White 3-Year-old Foster Child. She Criticized ‘White Privilege’ on Social Media.
(Carlos Garcia) She was the winner of the ‘Worst Cooks in America’ show