(Ryan Saavedra) The U.S. Secret Service released a statement on the shooting that occurred on Monday afternoon outside the White House, saying that the suspect told authorities that he had a weapon and that he motioned as if he was about to “fire a weapon.”
white house
Military Personnel to Handle Coronavirus Patients at Facilities in NYC, New Orleans and Dallas
(Brett Samuel) Military personnel will begin treating coronavirus patients at new medical facilities that have popped up in the cities of New York, New Orleans and Dallas, the White House said Thursday, marking a shift in policy for how the Pentagon is aiding in the medical response to the pandemic.
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Senate Rushes to Approve $2.2 Trillion Coronavirus Bill After Landmark Agreement with White House
(Erica Werner, Mike DeBonis and Paul Kane) The Senate is aiming to vote as soon as Wednesday evening on a $2.2 trillion emergency relief package that is designed to flood the U.S. economy with money as households and businesses continue to reel from the coronavirus outbreak.
Latest Coronavirus Updates: White House Coronavirus Task Force Delivers Status Update
(Zero Hedge) Update (1235ET): As has become custom following every meeting of the White House coronavirus task force in the situation room, President Trump kicked off the press briefing, celebrating yesterday’s “record” market rebound (we’re not exactly certain about the record, but the market was clearly pleased), and insisting that the national emergency declaration and the new economic bill that has been passed by Congress and is awaiting Trump’s signature would give the government all the tools it needs to combat the virus, and enough economic support to ensure that all Americans will receive paid leave and coverage for any treatments related to the virus.
BIG NEWS: White House Asks Scientists To Investigate Whether 2019-nCoV Was Bio-Engineered
(Zero Hedge) A week ago, we published details that raised questions about the source of the Wuhan novel coronavirus, specifically questioning the official theory for the spread of the Coronavirus epidemic, namely because someone ate bat soup at a Wuhan seafood and animal market as a fabricated farce.