(George Handlery) As global wealth grows, the wealth of productive societies expands at lightning speed. Thereby, the material luxury of modernized countries grows at a rate that would have been deemed to be science fiction a few decades ago.
wealth distribution
Debunking 5 Inequality Myths — The Truth About Poverty the Communist Deep State Doesn’t Want You to Know
Debunking 5 Inequality Myths — The Truth About Poverity the Communist Deep State Doesn’t Want You to Know
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World’s Millionaires and Billionaires Now Control Half the World’s Personal Wealth
(Jessica Corbett) Millionaires and billionaires own nearly half of all the world’s personal wealth, which reached $201.9 trillion last year, according to a new report from Boston Consulting Group.
Where Does Wealth Really Come From? The Keys to Abundance
Rumors and claims regarding NESARA, GESARA, and various other “prosperity programs” have been circulating the internet for decades. After research, there appears to be some truth to NESARA, which is the notion that a set of hidden accounts are being held in trust for some future age of economic prosperity, originally incorporated by the infamous Saint Germain. According to the story, when NESARA goes live, disbursements from these trust accounts will take place. However, what the idea or belief in NESARA also tends to do is stymy efforts by awakening populations to restore social trust in the human family, which if done, would see an incredible rise of prosperity and abundance before NESARA disbursements. In short, we don’t need to wait for NESARA to begin creating the metaphysical structures that empower us to be abundant and restore the planet.
Rothschild Family Wealth is Five Times that of World’s Top 8 Billionaires Combined
(Isaac Davis) A recent report by Oxfam International highlights the dramatic rise in income inequality by noting that the combined wealth of the world’s top 8 individual billionaires is more than the lower half of the world’s population, some 3.6 billion people. The intention of the report was to bring awareness to the unfairness and […]
Wealth Consciousness & The Joy Of Creating Affluence — Affirmations For Prosperity
(Ulonda Faye) We are all deserving of abundance in all ways in our lives. When it comes to creating wealth and affluence, what stands in our way from the level of consciousness where wealth is our birthright? Also, what is wealth consciousness to begin with, and how do we step into it? Related Abundance is Inevitable–The Paradox […]
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SGT: The Hidden Secrets of Money and the 7 Stages of Empire
I am presently putting together a post about Gold, Silver and Currency backed by real things. There is a huge push at the moment for precious metal backed currencies, but there is more to this story… The Powers that were have been using currency crisis’s to guide world events for centuries, and our present time of RV’s, […]