(Ben Wetmore) WashPost makes vaccine resistance out to be advancing the evil agenda of the violent militias that blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City
FACT CHECK: DC Mayor Lies to Congress, so then Associated Press and WashPost Work Hard to Cover for Her
(Ben Wetmore) This article is cross-posted from the Gateway Pundit’s Fact-Checking Bureau: TGPFactCheck.com
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WashPost lies about Sidney Powell, her Voter Fraud Court Claims
(Ben Wetmore) Washington Post’s Aaron Blake completely misrepresents Sidney Powell’s court filings, turning them into a false confession that she never believed her claims of voter fraud.
Full List of TRAITOR Media Outlets That Accepted “Sponsored Trips” From Communist China to Oppress the Truth in America: These Are the ENEMIES of the People
(Mike Adams) A stunning list of media outlets that have accepted “sponsored trips” from communist China to suppress the truth (and terrorize their own audiences with fake news lies) has now been published by The National Pulse.