(Brian Shilhavy) U.S. Senator Ron Johnson has consistently been the only member of the federal government who has dared to expose the crimes being committed by Big Pharma through the government COVID response.
Washington D.C
Washington Protesters Rally at Cuban Embassy Against the Dictatorship, Say Biden Supports Communism
(Nicholas Sherman) The rally comes weeks after Cubans took to the streets in Cuba to protest the communist dictatorship.
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U.S. House Will Vote On Washington D.C. Statehood Next Week
(Anthony T) We might have an extra star on our American flag soon.
THEY’RE TERRIFIED: Washington D.C. to Be Militarized ’24/7/365′ According to Leaked Report
(Kyle Becker) U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, a partisan hand-picked by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to lead a review of the Capitol riots security failures, has provided a first glimpse into his security enhancement recommendations in the aftermath of the January 6th uprising.
Bizarre Glass Portrait of Kamala Harris Installed on the National Mall in DC
(Cassandra Fairbanks) The portrait, funded by the National Women’s History Museum and other groups, is made from shattered glass to represent the “glass ceiling” she supposedly burst through.
WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF: Biden Regime Demands National Guard Troops Occupy DC Through Fall of 2021
(Andrew White) The Biden White House plans to keep military forces in DC long after the March 12 deadline.
INSURRECTION: BLM Mob Swarms D.C. Streets, Chants ‘If We Don’t Get It, Burn It Down’, February 6th 2021
(Gabriel Keane) Black Lives Matter supporters and Antifa agitators shout violent insurrectionist slogans, are ignored by law enforcement and corporate media.
Insurrection! Violent Antifa-Black Lives Matter Goons Storm Bellingham, WA City Hall – Mayor Forced to Be Evacuated
(Jim Hoft) Violent Antifa-Black Lives Matter goons stormed the city hall in Bellingham, Washington on Saturday.
BREAKING: President Donald J. Trump Approves District of Columbia Emergency Declaration
(Whitehouse) Today, President Donald J. Trump declared that an emergency exists in the District of Columbia and ordered Federal assistance to supplement the District’s response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from the 59th Presidential Inauguration from January 11 to January 24, 2021.
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Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 1.10.21 — BIG MOVES Around DC (Video)
Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 1.10.21 — BIG MOVES Around DC (Video)
6,200 National Guard Members Will Be Mobilized In D.C. The Next 30 Days
(Anthony T) D.C will look different the next 30 days.
General Michael Flynn Speaks in Washington D.C. at the Jericho Rally – “We the People Decide” Who Will Be President
(Joe Hoft) General Flynn had something special to share today.