(Staff Writer) /pol/ wants to know why I’m confident that Trump, and not Biden or Harris, will be the President of the United States for the next four years.
The Invisible Data War
(Norman F. Anderson) Until recently the biggest source of global conflict had to do with energy, oil, and gas resources, but today data is more valuable, and much more disruptive. The bits and bytes of the information revolution are, it turns out, are disruptive economically and geopolitically. In The Economist’s words highlighting this tectonic shift: “Data are to this century what oil was to the last one: a driver of growth and change.” That change is coming swiftly, and — in the coming years — violently.
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CIVIL WAR: The Way America Could End in 2020
CIVIL WAR: The Way America Could End in 2020
President Trump Declares War on Big Pharma to Save America From the Criminal Pharmaceutical Cartels
(Mike Adams) You may recall that a couple of months ago, after President Trump announced “Operation Warp Speed,” I became concerned that he was going all-in with Big Pharma on the coronavirus vaccine. After I voiced my concerns, I was contacted by a person very close to the president who assured me Trump was absolutely NOT jumping in bed with Big Pharma and that he would be, in fact, taking strategic steps very soon to protect Americans from Big Pharma’s predatory practices.
SUPERCUT: Watch the Liberal Media Claim That Trump Has Declared War on Everything (VIDEO)
(Mike LaChance) If there’s one thing the liberal media loves, it’s a narrative. Sometimes, they all start using the same words and phrases, yet they think no one notices.
The ‘Woke’ Left’s War on American History
(Civis Americanus) The 1971 movie Zeppelin, starting Michael York, is about an Imperial German plot to destroy irreplaceable British artifacts, paintings, and documents during the First World War. The premise was simple; destroy the nation’s history, and you destroy the nation. The outcome was a mixed result with the successful destruction of some of the irreplaceable documents, but also the loss of the German superweapon.
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Simon Esler | Psychospiritual Warfare & the Attack on Natural Law [Part 1/2] (Video)
Simon Esler | Psychospiritual Warfare & the Attack on Natural Law [Part 1/2] (Video)
“Almost Inconceivable” That Attacks In Iraq Will Mark End Of Iranian Retaliation, Experts Say
(Zero Hedge) Following a message from President Trump claiming “all is well”, and another comment from Iranian Foreign Minister Javid Zarif claiming that Iran had “concluded” its reprisals for the killing of General Suleimani, markets have latched on to the belief that perhaps Iran is finished with its retaliation, while Trump appears to have found the “off ramp” that he was looking for.
Iran Evaluating 13 Retaliation Scenarios To Inflict “Historic Nightmare” On US
(Zero Hedge) Breaking a 5-day silence over its response for the US killing of General Qassem Soleimani, on Tuesday Iran said it was assessing 13 scenarios to inflict a “historic nightmare” on the US. “Even if the weakest of these scenarios gain a consensus, its implementation can be a historic nightmare for the Americans,” Ali Shamkhani, the head of Iran’s national security council, was cited by Fars news agency, adding that, “For now, for intelligence reasons, we cannot provide more information to the media.”
The True Motives Behind the Soleimani Assassination? What You’re Not Being Told
(Whitney Webb) The recent assassination of Iran’s most popular and well-known general, Qassem Soleimani, has stoked fears that a new war pitting the U.S. and its allies against Iran could soon become a devastating and deadly reality. The airstrike that killed Soleimani, conducted by the U.S. in Baghdad, was conducted without the authorization or even prior notification of the U.S. Congress and without the approval of Iraq’s government or military, making the attack flagrantly illegal on multiple levels. The attack also killed Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, who was an advisor to Soleimani.
The So-Called War on Terror Has Killed Over 801,000 People and Cost $6.4 Trillion
(Jessica Corbett) The so-called War on Terror launched by the United States government in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks has cost at least 801,000 lives and $6.4 trillion according to a pair of reports published Wednesday by the Costs of War Project at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs.
Gnostics, Yahweh, and Cosmic Mid East War (Part I)
(Scott Manndelker) Having read widely among Gnostic texts in translation and modern New Age sources, I’ve come across an interesting linkage that may shed light on a few esoteric dynamics of Earth life. For specialists, it may also clarify some the origins of the Gnostic view and the debacle of the Middle East in human history.
New Study Documents Depleted Uranium Impacts on Children in Iraq
(David Swanson) In the years following 2003, the U.S. military dotted Iraq with over 500 military bases, many of them close to Iraqi cities.
Henry Kissinger’s Genocidal Legacy: Vietnam, Cambodia and the Birth of American Militarism
(Greg Grandin) In April 2014, ESPN published a photograph of an unlikely duo: Samantha Power, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and former national security adviser and secretary of state Henry Kissinger at the Yankees-Red Sox season opener.
Most Voters Agree With Trump’s Withdrawal From ‘Endless Wars’
(Zero Hedge) A majority of voters polled by Rasmussen agree with President Trump’s statement that “It is time for us to get out of these ridiculous endless wars, many of them tribal, and bring our soldiers home. We will fight where it is to our benefit, and only fight to win.”