(Sophie Mann) The 21-year-old soldier shot a 62-year-old man in the head toward the beginning of the war.
war crimes
International Community Demanding Probe of Russia for “War Crimes” But Not U.S. For Funding Multiple Bioweapons Labs Around the World
(JD Heyes) As Russian forces continue to stream into neighboring Ukraine, they have begun using heavier weapons and ramping up bombing and missile attacks, but in doing so, Vladimir Putin’s troops may have violated international law governing warfare.
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Iraq War Veteran Confronts Bush at Beverly Hills Event: ‘My Friends Are Dead Because You Lied!’
(Jack Hadfield) “You lied about weapons of mass destruction, you lied about connections to 9/11!”
Exposing War Crimes Should Always Be Legal; Committing And Hiding Them Should Not
(Caitlin Johnstone) The Kafkaesque extradition trial of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange continues, with each frustrating day making it clearer than the day before that what we are watching is nothing other than a staged performance by the US and UK governments to explain why it’s okay for powerful governments to jail journalists who expose inconvenient truths about them.
US Navy SEALs Were Warned by Commanders Not to Report War Crimes
(Jason Ditz) US war crimes in Iraq in general are a well-substantiated fact. Navy SEALs say they saw some “shocking” things, which other SEAL’s kill children with sniper rifles, spraying civilian neighborhoods with machine gun fire, etc.